Just Friends!


Park Jimin and Lee Hosook WERE JUST FRIENDS.

There was nothing romantic or lovey-dovey about their relationship. No hidden feelings, no one sided-love, nothing. Nada. Zero chance. Ever.


Park Jimin, Age 17

Best friends with Hosook since kindegarten. Also best friends with J-hope and Jungkook; they met from dancing classes. They are now all in seinor year of high school.

Lee Hosook, Age 18

Has been best friends with Jimin for many years. She is his noona, but only by 9 months. She is pretty good friends with J-hope and Jungkook too. She is very friendly and outgoing, so she has a big group of friends in school. However, she is not as close with the other girls as she is with Jimin. 

Ever since she was 11, she had a big crush on kingka Oh Sehun. Very few know about her secret, and she will do anything to keep it quiet, since she knows he has a steady girlfriend of 4 years, Daeun*. She tries to shut down her feelings about him, but she can't. 

Oh Sehun, Age 18

Oh Sehun, the most popular guy in his high school. Has been dating Daeun for 4 years. He's a singer.

He knows Hosook from his classes, but doesn't think much of her. 

Daeun, Age 18

Sehun's girlfriend. She is nice and friendly to people. Sometimes she is insecure because everyone says she's not good enough for Sehun. She tries her best to hold up her head high, despite the hate she gets.

J-hope and Jungkook, Ages 18 and 16

Best friends with Jimin. J-hope is a seinor like everybody else, while Jungkook is a junior. They both dance.

***--- About Daeun, I honestly didn't know she was best friends with Sehun, and when I found out I was like "Perfect! She can be his girlfriend!"

It seems like she gets a bit of hate on her just because she's best friends with Sehun and I find that sad. But that's also perfect because I can include some elements of that in her personality-- whew! This makes writing her character a whole lot easier!!!


Beware, this fic is just basically terrible fluff!!!


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