2nd Version

Summer Back in Korea

Well... I decided to just post the other version here.... ^^ It's really similar to the one before but this is a bit longer ^^ I hope you  Enjoy reading it ^^

I finally get the chance to spend my summer vacation in korea. It’s been about three years I guess. Ahh I really missed Korea so much… actually what I really missed is my first love.. I wonder if he still visits the playground. I wasn’t able to say goodbye to him properly so he must have forgotten about me.


Ahh finally! Korea! Hmm… I wonder what I should do first? Shop? Eat? Haha Yay! Summer vacation enjoyment here I come!


After roaming around.. I stopped at a park and sat on a bench to get some rest after a while I spotted an ice cream store so I decided to go there. The Ice cream was really delicious every bite made me remember all the happy moments when I was still in Korea. After finishing the ice cream I decided to visit the play ground we used to go to.


When I arrived at the playground it was still the same after all these years except he wasn’t there we always sit at the swings together and talk about anything.. comfort each other and laugh at our jokes. The last time we met here was a day that he was really sad about his training being an idol. He was on the verge of giving up but I did my best to encourage him. Hey it would’ve been nice if your best friend was an idol right? I wonder if he became an idol now. I call him Min but I don’t exactly know his whole name. Well to put a long story short we don’t exactly know each other that well… we don’t go to the same school.. We don’t know where each other lives… This playground was our only connection…


I just sat on the swing as time passed by remembering the days when we were together. I never told him about my feelings. I was going to before I left Korea but I just didn’t have the chance – it was all so sudden.


It was getting dark so I decided to go back to the hotel. When I got up I bumped into a guy.. As I looked at him I wondered… could it be? My first love? As I stared at him to confirm my doubts…


“I’m sorry, I was day dreaming – I didn’t see you” he said

“ohh, no it’s ok…” I answered with a smile. I guess it wasn’t my first love. It was just Minwoo from Boyfriend. I’m a fan of Boyfriend but I never expected to meet one of their members so suddenly. “Well, then I better get going now. See you at your showcase. Minwoo-oppa Fighting!”

“Uhmm… Yeah! Sure… Thanks….” His tone was not so assuring it’s like he has some doubts about something.

“Is there something wrong?” I asked imposingly.

“Ohh no.. Uhmm… It’s just that… uhh…” I looked at him waiting for an answer.

“Do you perhaps remember me? Ahh.. well I mean… Aren’t you my bestfriend from 3 years ago?” my eyes widened as I heard him speak. Is Min really Minwoo-oppa? How could I not notice that? I actually like Minwoo-oppa because he is similar to my first love but I never would have guessed they were the same person!

“Min?” I said hesitantly

“Yes! Min! that’s what you call me! It really is you!” He said really happily.

“Where have you been? I thought I would never see you again… you just suddenly never showed up here anymore.”

“Well, we moved and I wasn’t able to say goodbye to you because it was all so sudden.”

“ohh.. I see” then he got closer to me and suddenly hugged me. “ahh.. I missed you so much! There are a lot of things I haven’t told you yet” I hugged him back really tightly and let go.

“I missed you too! Then tell me! Haha if it’s about you being in boyfriend and all those related things then I pretty much now it already haha I’m a fan you know?” I said while I smiled at him

“Hmm… you’re right… but hey! How come you didn’t recognize me!”

“Well, I honestly thought you just looked the same”

“Hey! Can another person look as handsome and cute as I am?”

I laughed and said “Wow, I can’t seem to reach your confidence level anymore. It looks like you gained a lot by debuting as an idol.”

“Of course I did! But I also lost something I’ve been dreaming of…” He said in a sad tone

“But I thought your dream was to be an idol? You’re already an idol you know. You’ll gain a lot more fans! The world will soon know your music. What do you mean you lost something?” I asked curiously.

“ Hmm… remember the last time we were here?”

“yup… You were about to give up on being an idol but I encouraged you to be strong and keep going. Hmm… is it the reason you were about to give up?”

“yeah” he looked away and scratched his head. “You see, we weren’t allowed to have a girlfriend if we debut”

I was shocked by his answer and my heart suddenly felt a prick, so Min already had a special girl in his heart. I wonder who the lucky girl is. I guess I was already defeated even before I left Korea. “ohh~ I didn’t know you already have someone you liked before”

He looked at me and said “She was very important to me but then she suddenly disappeared so I was able to debut without a problem”

“I see..”

“Actually I really missed her a lot. I still like her even now. I always go back to our meeting place whenever I had time. I really wanted to see her.”

I kept quiet I didn’t know what to say to him. My heart was shattering little by little by his words of admiration towards her. I just gently looked away from him.

He suddenly took my hands and said “It’s actually a Miracle! Well… Maybe it’s Destiny… I get to see her again!”

I looked at him again and his eyes were fixed on mine. Am I the girl he loves? I suddenly felt embarrassed and said “Wha.. What are you talking about? Who is she?” My heart was pounding loudly.

“Haha I knew you’d be like this! Uwahh… so cute!”

Then I hit him.” Hey! That’s not fair! Stop teasing me! Ughh! I knew something was up… I never would have guessed you could do something like that! Hmph!” I pouted at him and turned back.

“Hey, don’t be like that! I might kiss you for being too cute!”

“Uwaahh… Min! stop this nonsense. it’s so not you! Ahh… really when did you ever learn to be like that?”

“hahaha I just wanted to confirm something…”

“What were you trying to confirm?” I answered with an annoyed tone as I turned back to face him. I was a bit surprised because he suddenly got really close to me.

“I wanted to confirm if you really love me or not” He said with a smile

I felt my face being all red and my heart pounding really loudly. Am I really that obvious? “Wha… What are you… That’s not… I mean… I don’t…. uhmm… I love you of course! We’re best friends aren’t we?” I said averting my eyes with his.

“ohhh~ really?”

“Of course… what else could it be! You can’t have a girlfriend anyway right?”

“ohh~ really? I don’t think so.. If that’s the case how come you can’t look at me” I hesitantly looked at him. I felt my heart beat even louder.

“How come your face is all red?” I covered my cheeks and replied “No it isn’t! Your just imagining it”

He held my hands and removed them from my cheeks. “I’m not imagining it. You’re face is really red right now” I looked down to avoid his stare. “No it isn’t! well… maybe it is! But it’s just because you’re face is really close to mine! I think that can’t be helped..” I freed myself from his grip. “If that’s all you have to say.. I think I better get going to the hotel I’m staying at. It’s getting pretty late and I’m sure an idol like you needs to get going too.”

I started walking away.

But he stopped me by holding my hand and said “Hey, don’t try to escape… That’s not fair”

“What’s not fair? I really need to go and what am I escaping from exactly? Huh?”

“Tsk tsk tsk… you can’t run away right now I have something really important to tell you”


“Well you see….” He said looking a little bit worried

“What is it? Is there something wrong?” I became worried as well.

He got close to me and whispered in my ear “I love you”

My face turned all red again. I must have heard him wrong that was the only explanation in my mind “Wha… what.. di.. did.. you just.. say?” I asked as I looked in his eyes…

He laughed and smiled at me. Ahh.. He was just fooling around again, I was about to hit him again but he caught my hand and put his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him. He was staring at me and our faces were close to each other. My heart was beating really fast…

“You really changed… You’ve become way cuter than before It’s like I couldn’t help but tease you to see your adorable expressions” He said with a smug smile

I was actually pretty much losing it. We were so close, I can’t control my heart he might hear it. I need to break free from him.

“What are you talking about! And stop saying I’m cute! Ughh!..” I said while I’m trying to free my hand from him.

“I won’t.. because I love you!” He said and then suddenly kissed me. I thought time stopped at that moment and there were fireworks in my heart. He stopped and said “ I won’t ever let you go away from my side again”

I just stared at him. I didn’t know what to do. He let go of me. I covered my lips with my hands and looked at the ground.

“Aren’t you going to say something?”

I looked at him and tried to say something but no words came out.

He got really close to me again “If you don’t answer me I’m going to tease you”

I just looked at him. I still can’t seem to express myself in words.

“It looks like I need to kiss you again for you to give me an answer”

Before I could say something he just kissed me again but this time it was a little bit longer.

“Well? Are you going to give me a reply or not?”

What is he saying? Was he always like this?

“s.. Stop…” I said with a soft voice 

“Hmm? What? Did you say something? Say it clearly. If you continue being cute like that I won’t be able to restrain myself and kiss you until you say it clearly”

I couldn’t take it anymore. If he would kiss me again I’m sure I’ll melt… ughh! When was he ever like this? I really need to say it. I stared right in his eyes and said “s..stop it… I…I… L.. Love..” before I could finish he kissed me again. Why ohh why did he do that?!?!

After the kiss, I can feel my legs melting I was about to fall but He noticed right away and caught me with a hug.

“hahaha… Am I that good of a kisser?”

I didn’t waste any moment I looked at him before he could do something to me again.

“I Love you too~”

Now it was his turn. His face became really red and looked really shocked and embarssed at the same time.

“Uwahh… so cute! Hahaha” I said while pinching his cheek

“Hey! Don’t…” before he could finish I hugged him. “I really love you too~ even before I left Korea” I stopped hugging him and smiled “I wanted to say that to you. But we can’t be together. It’s in your contract right? Let’s just stay friends”

“Who said we can’t be together? You know, “Minwoo” can’t have a girlfriend but Min can” He smiled at me. “I told you I’m not letting you go again… So stop thinking so much and be mine” He tucked my hair behind my ear and was about to kiss me but I hugged him before he could do that “haha.. sure! I love you!”

“Hey!  How come you can easily say it now”

“Why? I thought you wanted me to keep saying it?”

“Hmm… I guess… But I think you shouldn’t say it too much”

I got confused “Why?” He gave me a kiss on my cheek

“Because I wouldn’t be able to tease you for a kiss anymore hahaha”

“ohh.. If that’s the case I’ll say it more often so you won’t be able to kiss me anymore hahaha! Blehh…”

“Why you!.... haha I love you!” he said while giving me a hug. “Come on I’ll you home” he held out his hand. I reached for it then gave him a kiss on his cheek. “Thank you”

He became all red again… “Uwahh… so cute! hahahaha” I said teasingly


We walked as the summer breeze kept blowing and the night sky shinning with stars.


-The End-


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Hello there! ^^ If you like this fanfic of mine I recommend you read my other fanfic as well! ^^ here's the link! ^^ http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/8137


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Thank you! ^^
parkjaera #2
Cute story i love it!!!