The Wolves


The wolves that are extinct from 200 years , still exist taking a human form living among humans. But one day suho showed up and mentioned about paradise which caught the others wolves attention and they followed him

Suho the white wolf

Searching for paradise on his own.

Yixing the grey wolf

He never trust anyone but leads a gang who steals money ,food and so on to live.

Jongin a light brown wolf 

No one know where he came from, meets suho on his journey for paradise.

Kyungsoo a brown wolf

He was a pet and grown among humans a dog. His owner was an old lady who dies leaving kyungsoo to wander around as a stray.


They say there’s no such thing as paradise, even if you search to the ends of the earth there’s nothing there. No matter how far you walk it’s always the same road just goes on and on but inspite of that why am I so driven to find that. A voice calls to me and says ‘search for paradise’.



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