The Little Merman Story


One promise

One girl

  A merman 

  And love.



Luhan is promised one thing before he leaves his dwellings in the sea.

His very own pair of legs.

 But it comes with a price.

very big one.


"I want to be human" Luhan told the Sea Witch, longing for those legs; legs with which humans could run, jump and dance. 

The Sea Witch laughed coldly, sending a chill up Luhan's spine, "Are you sure about that?"

Luhan nodded. He couldn't back down now.

"I cant give it to you for free," she leaned in closer until her face was only inches from his face, "It comes with a price. A very big price."

"Please, I'll do anything. Just give me legs, make me human," Luhan said bravely, struggling to keep his voice stable despite noticing his legs beginning to wobble due to his nerves. 

"Very well," the Sea With drawled. In her hand she clutched a heart shaped bottle filled to the brim with blood red liquid, "Your wish will come true if you drink the liquid inside this bottle. Of course, there is a price. In exactly a month, at the strike of midnight you must kiss the girl you love most. It has to be a true love's kiss... that girl must love you back. If you fail to do this you will die."

"Give me the bottle"




This is a short extract from the fic. If it caught your interest make sure to subscribe :)

Usually fanfics based on The Little Mermaid has a female as the main character but I thought I would try something a little different and make our very own Luhan step into the shoes of Ariel. This fanfic wont completely follow the Little Mermaid storyline and I will make little changes as I write.

Hope you enjoy reading it :D

In this story: 

  • Exo-m are going to be Luhan's mermaid brothers.
  • Luhan is going to be the youngest out of his siblings.


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