Deeper Into You

Amongst The Crowd, I Saw You

Fair Warning: There might be quite a few flashbacks in the chapter.

Chapter 6: Deeper Into You

After the go ahead from JiYong, she seemed to have more courage in asking her questions. At first, they were a bit hesitant on answering them – after all, the stuff she could ask and the answers they could give could very well jeopardize their entire career if it ever got into the wrong hands. The fact that she knows many – currently unknown to them – celebrities doesn’t matter; it could still be very risky. In fact, it could actually double the risk considering some of those celebrities could be shady and want to put them on a dangerous situation if they could get the chance – though it didn’t really seem like her type to make friends with such people.

But…her questions…they weren’t exactly the type a regular person with ulterior motives would ask. Stuff like her first question – ‘who snores? – they could easily answer without fear – except to the one that does snore the most, but the only fear there is embarrassment.

The rest of her questions…well…some were embarrassing. Some, they weren’t at all willing to answer. But not because the question was something they shouldn’t answer, but because they were too shy to answer.

There were no questions of ‘when do you think the next comeback will happen?’ or ‘is there going to be another group debuting soon?’ or anything else of the matter like that. Instead, they got ‘Who snores the loudest?’, ‘Is SeungRi really…SeungRi behind the camera?’ – that one got the others laughing hard at their quickly reddening maknae. They even got ‘what would you put on your bucket list?’ when the subject was brought up again.

Her type of questions are easy to answer – reasons because it didn’t interfere with their professional life, and because, if she decides to ever post their answers online, it could be easily brushed off as one of those ‘fact sheet’ fans sometimes writes up even though they’re not true at all.

Most of all, however, her questions made them feel as if she wanted to get to know them. Not G-Dragon, TaeYang, TOP, SeungRi, or D-Lite. But just as Kwon JiYong, Dong YoungBae, Choi SeungHyun, Lee SeungHyun, and Kang DaeSung. She had the most adorably curious look in her eyes whenever she thought up another question as well, and when their answer wasn’t quite what she expected, an even more adorable shocked look will appear on her face that, really, they kinda wanted to lie a bit sometimes just to see it more often – they never did though.

At the end, she did have to leave around 8:45, her uncle coming back in to finally remind her of her…friends – seriously, the way he said it kinda made YoungBae wondering just what kind of friends they are.


“Baby Girl?” Her uncle Richard knocked on the door – the look on the boys’ face kinda wanted to make Azalea giggle; they really couldn’t get used to her Uncle or God Father using a soft tone with her, saying a nickname such as ‘Baby Girl’.

“Yes Uncle?” She replied politely, turning around towards the closed door. “You can come on in.” She added.

The door opened just a bit, enough for Richard to poke his head through somewhat, an apologetic look on his face appearing the moment he laid eyes on her expectant, and disappointed, eyes.

“It’s nearing 8:45.” He reminded her in a soft voice. “It’s time to leave. Your mother just called me. She said your” he looked at YoungBae with a hesitant face, as if watching his reaction before continuing “friends have called and that they were on their way – they said they have gifts for you from…” head scratch here as he tried to remember the odd country’s name “from wherever it is they landed for this tour again.” He sighed gravely.

Tour? – YB

Probably idols or actors then, huh? – TY

Actors? – YB

Well…it could be Kim Soo Hyun. Or Lee Jong Suk. Or god forbid, Lee Min Ho. Their fan tours land all over the place. – TY

…that does not reassure me. - YB

Azalea giggled at this expression – making the others smile through their disappointment at her leaving.

“Already forgot, uncle?” She asked, a teasing edge, evident in her voice – in evidence at just how comfortable she got with them considering she usually would’ve just ducked her head and giggled.

“Oh, hush you.” Was her uncle’s slight reprimand. “You know I’m bad with those kinds of stuff – it’s not my fault those friends of yours go all over anyways.”

“Alright…” Azalea sighed, slightly disappointed, still slightly amused. “We have to go now, right?”

“I’m afraid so.” He answered.

“But…” YoungBae couldn’t help but interrupt here. “You’ll come back, right?”

“Huh?” Was her shocked reply – she didn’t expect him to make sure she’ll be back.

“Our next schedule is probably another fan meeting.” He was quick to explain, letting go of the first fact that they probably shouldn’t have revealed – he ignored the other’s warning glance toward him at that. “You’ll be there, right?”

“Oh…” She looked at him, wide eyed at his obviously expectant face – he really didn’t want to go another few WEEKS before he could see her again.

It took a while for her to get out of her shocked state, but she finally snapped out of it and nodded. “Yes, I know.” She smiled. “I’ll be there.”

“Really?” DaeSung was quite expectant as well.

“Promise?” SeungRi added just for the fun of it.

She giggled again before nodding. “I promise I’ll be there.”

And at that, she stood up, turned around, and let her uncle guide her outside – leaving the Big Bang members looking after her quickly disappearing silhouette as she took step after step.

They all had to admit…it was quite disappointing to see her go. But at least they know they wouldn’t have to wait as long this time to see her again.

Flashback end

The next few weeks was spent in bliss. For YoungBae, he got to see her each time they had a schedule – she wasn’t kidding when she said she was going to be ‘there’. She was there…at every single schedule. For the others, they spent the next few weeks in bliss TEASING YoungBae. It was quite fun to do – they didn’t get him being angry or yelling at them for teasing him, they got him all flustered and redder than a tomato when they did.

YoungBae…to be honest, he couldn’t care less that they were teasing him. After her promise was kept the first time around, he wasn’t hesitant at all in asking her to come backstage again after the meeting – and was promptly delighted when she didn’t hesitate for even a second to accept his request. He didn’t even care that both her uncle and god father was there that time, he was too excited.

Well…OK, he did care that her scary twin towers were back, but his excitement kinda drowned his fear more than anything.

They were able to get to know each other. The first time they were backstage again, the members – of course – were there as well. The on-going fan meeting between them continued, and they kept asking and answering questions of their own.

They found out more about Jae Hyun – so much more. YoungBae – being YoungBae – couldn’t help but ask about him at one point or another to finally get his curiosity stated.

At first…he was quite jealous. His inner debate with himself afterwards was long enough that both him and TaeYang were almost in agreement that he should probably get checked for MPD at this point – they decided not to, by the way.

It was at her third visit backstage that he rode another rollercoaster of emotions – from jealousy, to amusement, to amazement, to deep relief. Then confusion as to why he was so relieved – until s told him just why he was, anyways.


Her visit this time was a bit…different. Instead of after the show, he was able to catch her BEFORE it started. They quickly explained to the staff that she was a friend and that there was no need to worry about her.

They all knew that YG staff were probably the best of the best when it came to keeping secrets – no secret that they didn’t want coming out will ever leave the YG building; it’s a near iron clad rule they had.

Didn’t stop her god father from staying behind while her uncle made rounds outside.

By this point, they were so comfortable around each other that she was actually able to laugh and joke around with them somewhat – a clear contrast to how…conscious she was about proper customs the first time they met.

They’ve come to the point where both sides considered each other friends, but was just a bit too shy to confirm it. But at least, they could now ask each other questions that they probably never would’ve been able to ask, had they wanted to, the first time around.

YoungBae was quite keen on taking advantage of that fact.

“Who was that guy that was with you when you came back?” He asked, trying – and failing…miserably – to be nonchalant about the whole thing. Her god father – he noticed – actually had to bite back a laugh at his disgruntled look.

He didn’t know how to respond to that.

This was their third schedule since she came back, and she’s been in every single one of them so far – not much, but certainly made YoungBae’s day. Even more so considering the group split up today because of solo schedules and she chose the one where he was to attend instead of anyone else’s.

“That guy?” Azalea echoed, a bit confused before a look of understanding crept up her face. “Ah! Baby Jae?” She asked, a huge smile on her face at the mere mention of ‘the boy’.

You have got to stop acting like his name is a curse word, Dong YoungBae. – TY

… “BABY JAE”?! – YB

…I’ll shut up now, I’m sorry. – TY

Thank You. – YB

“Baby Jae?” YoungBae repeated, a rather desperate attempt to keep his voice from trembling evident in his face.

“Ah,” she shook her head, a fond smile on her face. “I meant JaeHyunie? My friend that I…kinda…sent to one of your guys’ fan meetings that I couldn’t attend?”

So she DID send him – YB

Wasn’t that kinda established a long time ago? – TY

He had to force himself to ignore the way JiYong – who he shared a schedule with – was laughing where he sat to get his make-up done.

“Yeah…” was his reluctant agreement.

“He’s my personal…” she looked a bit hesitant at what to call him at this “maid? ...I guess. It certainly fits him…” she giggled at her own inside joke – what it was, TaeYang was kinda desperate to know because YoungBae was being difficult…again.

“Maid?” JiYong parroted from where he was from. “Why do you have a boy, looking like he could be just a bit older than you, as your personal…’maid’?”

“His mother has been with the family since she was young.” She explained. “When she got pregnant with Jae Hyun, my parents offered her and her son rooms in the house in exchange for her services. When I was born, my parents told her and Jae Hyun that they’ll pay for his schooling if he was to take care of me the moment my mom had to go back to the company.”

“Take care of you?” YoungBae asked, worried again.

Why does everything she say hint towards her having some kind of illness? I’m getting worried here! – YB

Why don’t you just ask her about it? – TY

Yeah, what a great idea! “Hey, I know we haven’t really known each other for a while, but would you mind telling me – just to ease my mind – whether or not you’re currently dying off some un-curable disease?’ NOT! – YB

…maybe we should’ve thought harder on whether or not we need medical help. – TY

“I…” hesitant look towards her god father here. She took a deep breath before continuing. “I was a bit sickly as a child.” Was the careful answer. “Plus, I’m the youngest of the three of us. My unnie herself is 3 years older than me, and has already started private lessons when I was just born – never mind when I could actually start socializing with her. My oppa is even older than me, being born a year older than unnie. JaeHyun’s only a year older, plus he didn’t have as much responsibilities as my siblings did. My parents decided that, maybe, he could act as a playmate as well as take care of me.” She never looked at them in the eye when explaining this.

“So…” JiYong started. “He’s been with you ever since you were born?” he was hesitant in saying that, casting a wary look at the clearly jealous YoungBae when he did.

She didn’t notice and just nodded her head, still looking down.

“Have you guys ever thought that you had feelings for each other?” JiYong asked brashly, wanting to get it over with – if she answers this, it could make or break his best friend, and he decided it better to rip the bandage now rather than leave it only to hurt even more later on.

“Huh?” His question clearly shocked her – to near laughter it seems too. “Feelings for each other? Why would you think that?” She giggled.

“Well…” JiYong looked at YoungBae, silently sighing in relief when he noticed that YoungBae already calmed down enough when he heard her laugh as if the question was one she never usually got simply because it was absurd. He pressed on nonetheless. “You guys have known each other practically your whole life. It’s not really that far-fetched to think that you guys could’ve developed feelings for each other along the way.” He explained, feeling as if he shouldn’t have even asked when she looked at him with utter amusement at the question.

“I guess…” she giggled. “That could’ve happened…” she sighed and looked to the side. “Too bad the boy’s bent like a circle.” She outright laughed at this point, actually leaning a bit on her god father at just how loud she was at it too.

…bent? – YB

…*sarcastic*…look at that…you were jealous of someone that was probably interested in you rather than her! – TY

“…bent?” JiYong voiced his rumpled thoughts. “As in…gay?” OK…he was a bit amused as well.

“Yeah!” Azalea managed to gasp out in between her laughter. “He’s actually trying to convince me to move back in the states soon too – said that there are so many temptations here, but all of them just aren’t ‘interested in his plumbing system’.” She quoted with her fingers before busting in giggles again.

The two best friends just looked at her grasp at her god father in her laughter before JiYong stood up – finally done with his make-up – and went over to his best friend to give him a pat on the back.

“Look at that, Bae.” He said, his voice already gaining its teasing quality. “You were jealous of someone more interested in you than her.”

“Shut up…” grumbled YoungBae – he couldn’t keep the smile off his face when he realized he didn’t have competition in ‘the boy’ though.

End Flashback

It was much later on that he started cursing ‘the boy’ again when he remembered that ‘the boy’ was trying to convince her to come back to the states. The others about being jealous of someone he shouldn’t even consider a rival – more than likely, ‘Baby Jae’ would be an admirer rather than a rival. The teasing got to the point where nearly everyone in YG would join in on the teasing – some of the braver trainees included.

Right now, however, the group has another schedule with fans, and since it’s practically routine now, the members have already kicked him out of their dressing room to look for her – they’re all used to her coming backstage now that they’d sometimes complain about it being a bit too odd if it took him a bit longer than usual to invite her backstage.

“Azalea?” YoungBae called for her when he saw her – which didn’t take too long since it seems even she takes the trips backstage as a routine now and waits for him in a place no fans can see near the doors backstage.

“Oh?” She smiled, turning around with a small bow – they may have been comfortable with each other, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t use formal language and doesn’t bow anymore. “YoungBae-ssi, hello. You’re here?” She greeted, the smile on her face never fading – causing for a smile to start crawling its way up on his face as well.

“I’m here…” He answered, just a bit dreamily – he missed the amused coughing the two behind her gave at the look on his face. “You ready to come back?” He asked, opening the door behind them.

“Of course!” She agreed, not needing her uncle and god father’s permission any longer – her visits backstage has kinda gotten to the point where YoungBae now actually feels somewhat comfortable around them.

He gave them a proper bow in greeting before leading the way, walking close by her side.

“So, what have you been doing?” YoungBae asked after a moment of silence – it’s been about 5 days since their last schedule with an audience, so he hasn’t gotten to see her. He was kinda contemplating asking for her number these days, but he doesn’t really know how to approach the subject.

“Me?” She mused, looking up as if to think. “A few of papa’s clients came over the house to re-sign their contracts – which is good, considering I’ve gotten quite close with them. My friends came over as well and told me some news about their careers that got me kinda excited. I finished a painting, made some new sketches…” she trailed off in thought.

“Is that it?” YoungBae asked, just a bit amused – he’s noticed in the past that it’s a habit of hers to get lost in thought when talking sometimes, and he loved seeing it.

“No…” she shook her head, still lost in though. Suddenly, her face brightened. “I need to tell SeungRi I watched Angel Eyes – both of them of course. I also watched a musical. That’s it!” She announced, actually looking proud that she remembered them all.

“SeungRi will be glad you watched his new drama.” YoungBae was still amused. “What musical did you watch?” He asked – thinking whoever’s in it could be one of those ‘friends’ that she has. He’s already trying to gather all current musicals that are being performed right now.

“Hehehe…” She just giggled before shaking her head. “Sorry~ can’t say that part. One of the actors there is a client of ours, so I can’t really say.”

Damn it… ~YB

Disappointed she could practically read into your plans? ~TY

They arrived at that point, so he didn’t really get to answer – other members *cough*maknae*cough* were too loud in greeting her. They missed her, apparently.

“Azalea!” DaeSung smiled, rushing up to open the door fully for them. “Hi!”

“Hello~” She smiled, bowing just a bit – that’s probably the most comfortable she’ll be with them.

“How’ve you been?” JiYong asked, shaking his wet hair dry just a bit – they all just finished changing to more comfortable clothing.

“I’ve been good.” She smiled back. “It’s only been 5 days, so there’s not really much to be missed.” She nearly teased – it got to even her that the boys seem to miss her just a bit whenever they have a schedule where she can’t participate in.

“She watched your show SeungRi-yah.” Announced YoungBae as he closed the door after her god father moved out to do rounds – they had a schedule, apparently, on who stays with her and who goes around looking for potential trouble.

“Oh?” said maknae smiled widely. “Did you like it?”

She just smiled widely back with a nod. “You were the best!” She announced, both thumbs jotting up to show her appreciation.

“You know you don’t have to watch his acting, right?” SeungHyun said in a teasing voice towards the too-proud maknae. “Probably not that great anyways.”

“Hyung~” there’s the whine…

“What else did you do?’ DaeSung asked, curious.

“I watched a musical.” She repeated. “I haven’t seen it before, and my friend has kinda been bugging me to see it for a while now, so I was glad to finally see it.” She smiled before looking at the others. “What about you guys? What have you been doing?” She suddenly asked, making them smile at how comfortable she’s gotten – they don’t have to prompt her anymore into asking what’s new with them, they were glad.

“Just the usual.” SeungRi shrugged. “Photoshoots, meetings, getting yelled at by the leader, getting scolded by YG…”

“And for those that doesn’t always get in trouble?” She asked the others, a teasing edge on her voice for the maknae.

“Hey~!” that was said maknae’s scandalized exclaim.

“The same thing, except the scolding and the yelling.” SeungHyun smiled at her. “YoungBae had some news he liked – you might like it too.” He nodded towards said member.

“YoungBae-ssi?” She turned towards him, eyes curious.

“Ah…” YoungBae scratched his head. “Hehe…I can’t say for sure just yet, and the details are supposed to be kept secret, but I’ve been able to do some recordings lately and…well…” He answered without answering – he was trying to just hint it at her without outright saying it.

“Ah~” she smiled, clapping and bouncing slightly in her seat once she caught on. “Yay! Really?”

YoungBae just nodded, a satisfied smile on his face.

The rest of their meeting was spent with catching up and more of getting to know each other – except this time, the feeling wasn’t quite as rushed as the members finally slowed down, knowing that she’ll be back next time and that this wasn’t the last time they were going to see her.

Of course…that doesn’t mean YoungBae sometimes doesn’t want more.

The rest of their time together kinda went too fast – really, she stayed there for about 3 hours – and before they knew it, her uncle was announcing that they needed to go home.

It was at that time that the subject burning at the back of YoungBae’s mind has finally made its way to the front.

“Before you go…” He started, standing up as well – ignoring how the other members kinda stopped a while to listen in; the tone in his voice already giving them a clue as to what he wanted to say.

“Yes?” She turned around, eyes wide.

“Can I have your number?” He blurted out, hoping – later, he’ll be told that it was a useless wish – that he didn’t sound too desperate.

The expected reaction of her eyes widening and slightly opening happened before she shook her head.

“U-um…” She was really flustered as she scrambled for a pen and paper. “Sure…where should I” she didn’t get to continue as YoungBae already handed her his phone.

“Just plug it in.” He smiled.

She looked at him, still a little shocked, before doing as asked and quickly handing him his phone back.

He very nearly jumped in place when he got it in his hand and saw an unfamiliar number he’s already starting to memorize.

“This way we can keep up with each other even if our schedule doesn’t allow meeting face to face.” He smiled, quickly saving her number with a special ringtone.

“Y-yeah…” she smiled, a dusting of pink on her cheeks. “I-I’ll go now…” she turned around.

“Wait!” YoungBae had his phone ready.

She turned around, a curios look in her eyes before she was blinded by a flash and a click.

“There you go.” YoungBae smiled again. “Got a picture for your number.” He explained.

She blushed at his actions before quickly rushing out.

“Wow…” SeungRi whistled.

“Nice.” JiYong acknowledged with a nod.

“Was it a good picture?” DaeSung asked, looking at the phone.

YoungBae covered the photo before he could see it, a teasing frown on his face.

“No~” He looked at their second youngest.


That got the others laughing till night.


Siblings is a bit too tired to say anything right now, so I’ll be signing us off. I’m sorry that this chapter took longer than the last four. We recently just moved to where we’ll be going to college, and it’s a rather tropical place compared to the much colder area we used to live in. With the weather change, Siblings’ body kinda went into shock and she got sick. Really sick. To the point where she had a really high fever, and her tonsils enlarged to the point where she was puking blood out – honestly, that had me nearly having a heart attack too.

She’s all better now – no more blood puking, thank goodness – but she’s still a bit weak, and she still has a bit of a fever.

The next chapter won’t take as long as this one though, we promise. The odd updates every 2 weeks is back on.

We’re so sorry for the delay again. Please understand where we’re at right now, and we promise to do better in the future.


P.S. Siblings says ‘hi’ and to review. Should we have ‘Baby Jae’ flirting with YoungBae just to agitate him?

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Thank you!
Siblings-Curse in the hospital right now. Next chapter might take just a bit longer than usual. Sorry. -Curse


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Laterria2011 #1
Chapter 8: Omg good job. I have fallen in love with your stories. Please update it's so good. I don't come on and read a lot from here but your story is amazing!! ❤️❤️❤️
lovis89 #2
Chapter 8: wonder what BOM & JAE HYUN were talking ...
hmmmm curious curious
Smiley1279 #3
Chapter 8: What does lea's father do? So curious. Hopefully there is no tragic stuff
Chapter 8: ASDFDGWIUHIFBAIGWI god ing damn it where did you learn to be so cut, Dong Youngbae?! I swear he is killing me right nowwww :< I wanna know what Azalea's secret is though :((
Chapter 7: yasss I need more Jae Hyun XD like omg I can't he's just too much like me and my best friend :D can't wait for the next update! ^^
Chapter 5: Great chapter loving it!
jessicalm145 #7
Chapter 4: Poor youngbae. Dont worry you'll see her again.
Vampires2Rocks #8
Chapter 1: Good Job Siblings! You did well on this chapter. I liked the added scenes you did.

Chapter 1: Interesting i must say
sakurachan14 #10
update soon^^