3 Chapter~Red Flag

Creatures of the night


picture Myungsoo


Myungsoo reached in time to see two guys about to attack the boy. Quickly he bites his hand drawing blood, making a whip appear in place of the blood. He attacks the first guy drawing blood on his cheeks. They both glare at him and hiss, myungsoo unfazed watch as they tried to attack him, He brushed one of them aside and hit him on the neck. The man fell on the floor and glares at myungsoo, his friend eyes turned completely black making his fangs grow longer and his body size. ~I see so he completely let go of his human side~ myungsoo thought before letting his blood absorb into his skin, "I really did not want to use this move." he says to himself before his eyes turn bloody red, making his hair grow all the way to his waist.


    He stares at the guy and spoke in a commanding tone “YOU WILL RETURN TO HOW YOU WERE AND THEN YOU WILL GO TO AN ALLEY AND KILL YOURSELF" he said calmly, the man or beast started shaking its head to get rid of the voice. He screams and yell for him to get out of his head but it didn’t work, his friend watching the whole thing got scared, quickly he scramble on his feet to leave but myungsoo appeared right in front of him and grab his neck, lifting him up. 


"You know, I wanted a peaceful moment to myself with out any trouble. I wanted to get drunk and die in my Missouri." he says while squeezing the guy’s neck some more. Sungyeol open his eyes to see the two guys that were attacking him being handled by a guy dressed in black. He watches as the other guy shrink back to his regular size and his friend being strangled. Scared and appalled, he quickly got up to run away, but frozen when he heard the guy speak in some strange language.


"But instead I’m here wasting my night fighting you two." he says angry, He continued to squeeze the guys neck, about to cut it off when he felt a soft hands on his shoulder. Sungyeol seeing the guy struggling hides how scared he was and quickly went to go help him.  He walk to the myungsoo and touch his shoulder, then he said “please, dont kill him" those words were all it took for myungsoo to let the man go. He looks at sungyeol innocent face and closes his eyes, when he reopened them they were brown again. ~his innocent face reminds me of Daiyu~ he thought, he was about to walk away when he saw


the other guy regaining his sense, He attack sungyeol scratching his arm then he tried doing it again, but this time myungsoo use his blood whip and cut his head off, making his blood splatter all over sungyeol face. 

   terrified and appalled he staid frozen , He could feel the blood on his face and hands, but he wasn’t worried about that, he was scared to see the guy with no head lying on the floor. Usually other people would have screamed when something like this happened but instead sungyeol drops down on the floor while still watching the body in front of him. Myungsoo seeing this sighs "today is just my luck, I came out of the jail just to end up in this mess." he says while walking towards sungyeol, "My old man would have been laughing at me by now." he says chuckling a little


He walk in front of sungyeol and hold his shoulder than he said in a calm voice " you will forget about everything you've seen, you will not remember any of this. when you get home you will throw away your shirt and go to sleep." he says before sungyeol faint on his shoulder, making Myungsoo heart thump, ~his blood, is calling for me to take~ he thought while looking at sungyeol bare neck, ~I shouldn’t.. But its not like I will see him again~ his other conscious says “no... I cant" he says before picking sungyeol up and take him to the hospital.


     When he reached there, people were looking at him funny. One of the nurses seeing sungyeol in that condition came up to him in panicky and asks him about his condition. “I don’t know this boy, but I saw him being beaten up by some gang. He past out two minutes ago." he says calmly, the nurse puts sungyeol on the bed and examine him, while doing that myungsoo decides to leave. just when he was about to walk out the door, the nurse stops him " Wait!" she says before bringing the paper forms and pen "I know your not related to him, but you still have to sign the paper work." she said while handing it to him. Myungsoo sighs and walk out.

While walking he heard the nurse addressing the boy as sungyeol. ~So she knows him...Huh~ he thought while sitting ~ this is good, I can leave afterwards~ he thought, He quickly sign the papers and leave not even looking back at sungyeol. Meanwhile, the nurse looks at sungyeol worriedly; she knew sungyeol had no one in his life ever since his parents died young. She still remember the day she found them in the house, fire was everywhere. That time she had came from work after hearing that her friend gave birth in the house. That day she called of early just to be there for her friend, when she reached the house she saw smoke inside. She had rushed inside worried when she saw her friend next to her husband burnt body. She looked up at her with her new born and cries saying her husbands’ name. 


   When she tried to get her out the house, she refuses “please, yun-mi come with me" 

"No minah, I wont leave young jae!" she says this time wrapping her body around him, minah watch as the roof starting to collapse  she didn’t know what to do, if she don’t find a way to get her friend and her new born out they will die. “yunmi, please you cant stay here, your baby needs you." she says making yunmi look at her baby with tears " His name is sungyeol " she says softly " young jae named him after his grand father." she says before looking up at min-ah with her mind made up. " the house is about to collapse in any minute now, please min-ah, please take sungyeol with you." she says with tears " I...I cant without you" she says


"Please yun-mi don’t do this" she pleaded

“I’m sorry min-ah, please take sungyeol" she says before giving sungyeol to her. She shook her head remembering what happened after words, "I’m sorry sungyeol because of me you had to live this life" she says with tears


Sungyeol on the other hand was having nightmares; he kept seeing blood and monsters that he knows don’t exist. They were chasing after him trying to eat him “no, go away! Leave me" he says while running, “help! Someone help me" he says falling on the ground


"No one can save you sungyeol, I've finally got you." the voice said, sungyeol turn around and was terrified.


To be continued.................................................

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haurareya #1
Chapter 3: Update pleaseee
ukissme1991 #2
Chapter 3: please update >.<
Chapter 3: ahhh this is nice im curious for the next part :>
XyeolsooX #4
Chapter 3: I like it keep going
Im curious
*Waiting for next updated *
Chapter 3: You know i like your story, keep update~ kekekeke~
Chapter 3: Who's that evil man ? My babyeol /weeps/
Infinite7forever #7
Chapter 2: Owh my god....what happen to yeol?
Update please..><
Chapter 2: Why so shortt?!
I need more vampire!myung u.u
Chapter 1: I am looking forward for this story. Update soon :)
Chapter 1: What a heartless father!!! That is sungyeol right the one who is bullied in an alley! I do like vampire stories and myungyeol too so definitely without a doubt Ill support this!