Trip To The Zoo

Trip To The Zoo

                Chanyeol’s eyes were filled with curiosity as he gazed at the various exhibits. Today was a rare opportunity for EXO to take a break from their busy schedules. After almost an hour of debate, EXO decided to visit the local zoo. Once the group arrived, they instinctively split up in pairs and went their separate ways. Kris clears his throat as he stood awkwardly next to the other remaining person; Chanyeol. “Hyung, let’s go see the giraffes!” Chanyeol says as he grabs Kris’s wrist and pulls his along.

                At some point Kris realized that he had been staring at his dongsaeng, and so did the latter. “Kris-hyung, are you alright? You’ve been zoning out a lot,” Chanyeol looks worriedly at Kris. “Ah, it’s nothing. How about we get something to eat?” Kris suggest, embarrassed that he was caught. Chanyeol nods and skips to the nearest food stand, Kris following.  

                After finding a seat in front of the penguin exhibit, the pair happily munched on their over-priced food. “Ah~,” Chanyeol sighs, “I’m glad we got the day off. I was about to die from practice,” Chanyeol complains. Kris chuckles. “Same. Kai keeps critiquing me on my moves. That kid is worse than my mom.” Chanyeol’s eyes widen. “I thought you loved your mom! What is she doing that’s so bad?” Chanyeol asks while scarfing down a third of his sandwich. “She wants me to-“ Kris chokes on air as he realizes he almost embarrassed himself yet again.

                Kris’s mother has been bothering him to start dating for quite some time now. And just recently he revealed that he has been interested in one of his bandmates. That bandmate being the one and only Park Chanyeol. Ecstatic, his mother urged her son to confess. “Kris-hyung, are you alright? You seem to be tripping up a lot lately,” Chanyeol says, laughing at his silly hyung. “I’m…al...right,” Kris manages to choke out.

                After finishing their food, Chanyeol and Kris made their way through multiple exhibits. When the day was coming to an end, the pair made their way to the koala exhibit. Chanyeol made many remarks such as, “hyung what aren’t you in there?” or “don’t you miss your brethren”.

                Suddenly Kris received a call from their manager. They had to leave soon. Kris felt a sudden urge of confidence as he grabbed Chanyeol’s hand before he walked away. “Hyung?” Chanyeol asks, eyes moving from Kris to their intertwined hands. Kris could feel heat rising in his cheeks. “Chanyeol-ah, I…my…..” “Hyung, do you like me?” Chanyeol interrupted. Kris sputtered at the sudden question, but shyly nodded. Chanyeol smiled widely, bigger than Kris has ever seen as he pulled Kris into a hug. “Hyung that’s great! I like you too,” Chanyeol exclaims, jumping in excitement before pecking Kris’s lips.

                The pair took their time on their way to the exit. They weren’t in a rush. 

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Chapter 1: Ok. This is cute.
I want sequelllllll !!! Lol.
Chapter 1: so cute, chanyeol looks so easy and brave here, i like the idea that they're like to staring to each other (like they real life TT)
Chapter 1: No, this is too short, I need more fluffy KY haha...
So cute~ ^^
Chapter 1: Kris you need to (WO)man up /shot
e u e b
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