Chapter One

Silence is just a kiss away

The silence is making Chanyeol very uncomfortable, he can almost hear his heart beat bouncing on his yoda ears. ‘So this is what Baekhyun looks up close. Damn he’s fine’. What am I thinking? WTF Park Chanyeol.’ He shook his head while hitting it with his right hands to kick the thoughts away earning him a look from Baekhyun. His curious glance makes Chanyeol really uneasy. He just gave Baekhyun an assuring smile, a very awkward one that makes his left eye twitch. Baekhyun returned it with a shy smile.

“What are you reading? It looks interesting” Not wasting any time he tried to open a topic to at least break the ice. But every time he asks questions Baekhyun answered him with the short replies.

“Song of the century”

“Oh, what’s it all about?”

“It’s hard to explain, I’ll give it to you once I finish reading it.”

“Okay.. Uhmm how old are you?”


“Are you always alone like this?”


“Where do you live?”


“Ahh. Okay I understand. Am I crossing the line? Just tell me it’s all good.” Chanyeol threw his hands in the air.

“No it’s okay”

“Soooo why did you choose to sit here in the end of the library? Isn’t it too lonely? It’s too silent it’s getting creepy” It was more of an interview than a normal conversation.

Baekhyun is getting a bit irritated to Chanyeol’s endless questions but he just kept his cool. ‘Breath Baekhyun, breath.’

“Cause I find this place the most SILENT part of the library, like you know a very nice sanctuary” He was no longer stuttering, maybe it’s because he practiced that dialogue a few times in his mind in case he will ask why he is here. And there you go. He even emphasized the word ‘Silent’. He saw Chanyeol lowered his head. ‘Am I being too harsh on him?’

“I am sorry….” Chanyeol muttered. Still looking down and fiddling with his fingers, his ADHD is kicking. He wanted to shout, move everywhere, dance (even though pffft.), and grab a chair and hit his own head. No, it’s not because of his ADHD it’s because he just annoyed Baekhyun. He can feel his left eye twitch again. ‘, Chanyeol calm down.’ He heap down air, making his chest rise up and down. He look up to see Baekhyun busy reading, hah! Good thing he can’t see him in this state right now.

“Sorry if I annoyed you, I am going now.” He quickly stood up, Baekhyun nods at him. He can’t believe how insensitive Baekhyun can be. ‘Please tell me to stay T^T’ he wanted to say that to Baekhyun’s face. And he heard his thought say something in his mind, ‘Holy , you just met him and probably you are just an annoying stranger to. You are even not close to being a little close. Pffft’s is his conscious really making fun of him right now? ‘Omo you shut up stupid conscious.’ Am I seriously talking to myself? He quickly walked away leaving a puzzled Baekhyun.



Sorry if it's too short T^T 

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