
Park Chanyeol Thinks I'm a Saesang Fan
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After hours of practise, Chanyeol finally decided to take a break as was having certain health issues. He informed the others and step out of the building. He wore a cap and covered his mouth with a scarf to disguise himself as he was heading towards the shopping mall to get few accessories. He feels somehow suffocated around many people who were all busy shopping but he was careful enough not to blow his cover. Something caught his eye so he made his way to the toy section. "Excuse me" he said to a woman who was near the door, and squeeze himself to get inside so that he could see the stuffed toys which reminded him of Xiumin, Tao and Luhan.. He look at a deer and smile as he could see Luhan. *Maybe I should get this for him* he thought and pick it.. He paid the saleslady who was giving him a weird look.. "I'm having Flu" he pointed out, she just shook her head and hand her the bag. "Thanks" he murmured and came out. "Clothings are in the 5th floor" he looked around, suddenly a schoolgirl walk past him and dropped her handphone near his feet. He bent down to pick it, "Here" he smiled but the young girl stared back at him with a wide eye, unable to speak. At first he got scared, "Are you allright?" He asked concernly. "P..P..ark Chanyeol!" She finally spoke, he went pale when he realize that the scarf had slipped off.. "OMG, Its Park Chanyeol!" she screamed earning the attention of others. "PARK CHANYEOL" "Chanyeol Oppa" many screams could be heard. Within a seconds, many ladies crowded around him, asking him questions and taking his pictures.. He grew helpless as there seems to be no way of escaping. "There's Kai and Luhan" he finally shouted. "Where?" as the girls looked around unaware that he was lying, he took it as a chance and escaped.. He quickly hide himself behind the clothes which were hanged. "Where is he?" "Where could he be?" he heard some girls asking amon
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C3cilia #1
Chapter 3: Ah!! So cute. Cant wait to read more!!! >~<
C3cilia #2
Chapter 1: Omo~ this sounds interesting cant wait to read more.
update soon
kaiforprez #4
Update soon!