Chapter Four

A Hundred and One

Kim Jinwoo – New York – Day 15

Their breaths were visible in the cold winter air. Their hands were protected from the harsh winter wind with warm wool mittens. And their eyes sparkled brighter than the stars in the thin black sky. It seemed like a perfect night for a stroll in Central Park, so he asked her out to a simple date in the night. And she ran out of her shabby little apartment and to his side.

“What were you doing before you came out?” he knew well enough what she was doing but he wanted to hear her soft voice. “I was studying for a test. This anatomy class is going to kill me.” Her sigh formed into a thin cloud and disappeared when she walked through it. Jinwoo tucked her hair behind her ear, “Don’t overdo it. I don’t want you to get sick.” His smile melted her stress away and she felt like she was going to float away as her heart grew.

Sangyoon spotted a grassy hill and pulled him along to the stiff mound of grass. “Did you know that when I was little, I hated being around people?” Jinwoo looked at her with surprise. Why was she suddenly confessing a secret? “I hated it because they would get me sick. When I was little, my parents kept me in quarantine. I was one of those people who had the worst immune system ever. Contact with any people meant coming in contact with germs and bacteria.” Sangyoon stared out into the dark and empty park. “Are you better now?” Jinwoo stared at her side profile in concern. “Yeah, as I grew older, my immune system improved and got stronger but I was still cautious. I saw that day in the café, laughing at me. And when I saw you fully, I forgot all about being careful. When you began talking to me, I felt like I missed out on everything in the world and got to make it up with you.” She turned her head and looked up at him with a bright smile. “It’s like I got to meet a hundred and one people through you. I got to try new things and it felt like I was confined in this germ-free bubble anymore.” Jinwoo smiled and touched her jawline.

He smiled down at her and he her cheek with his thumb. “I’m glad that I was the one who could take you on all of those adventures. I promise to take you on a billion more adventures from now on.” Sangyoon softened at his heartwarming promise and nodded in consent. “You know, I thought that coming to New York was a bad idea. I thought that I would struggle and have a horrible time here but I’m glad I stuck around. I’m glad I was there when they called out your order and I’m glad that I decided to look up. I’m glad that you sat next to me that day.” Jinwoo’s voice grew softer and his eyes searched hers.

Under the moonlight, he leaned in and so did she. Their lips grew warm with love and passion. Their hearts felt as though they would burst with happiness. Their stomachs felt uneasy as butterflies fluttered in them. And their eyes closed as the moonlight shined on them.

Lee Seunghoon – New York – Day 15

With their legs stretched out in front of them, they leaned back on the sturdy shelves filled with old records. They sat in a manner where they were facing one another, sitting between two shelves. They were smiling ear to ear as they stared at each other. The headphones covered their bored ears and music spilled into them. Katie made a faces according to the lyrics of the song she was listening to and Seunghoon laughed as she expressed each phrase.

As he watched her facial expressions change, he became lost again. His eyes traveled to her eyes, then her nose, then her lips. He could feel that there was a smile on his face but it was as though he had no control over his body. He couldn’t move and he couldn’t hear the music blasting into his ears. He was just sitting there, staring at her and getting lost in every little movement of hers. He noticed a little scar on her left eyelid. He saw how her eyes shined under almost any kind of light. He noticed how her nose crinkled a little when she laughed. He saw that her lips were glossy.

“Why are you staring at me like that? Am I that pretty, today?” Seunghoon didn’t think things through and blurted, “You look pretty every single day. I can’t help that you distract me from the world.” Katie froze, her eyes looking into his. She could feel the heat creeping up onto her cheeks. And she bit down on her lower lip to refrain from smiling too widely. “Did you learn that from a song?” She couldn’t hear the song playing anymore. All she could hear was the sound of her own heartbeat. “It’s just that every time I try to focus on anything that isn’t you, I can’t. If you’re there, my eyes just drift over to you and I get lost in every little detail that makes Katie Hong. And if you’re not there, I can’t help but get distracted by the thought of you. I wonder what you’re doing and if you’re happy.” Seunghoon sincerely looked into her eyes and said something that made her heart beat slower and faster at the same time. Her mind grew blank and she felt as though she were dreaming. “I think I’m in love with you, Katie.”

Seunghoon’s eyes traveled down to her lips again and then back into her soulful eyes. As if a magnet were between their metallic hearts, they began to close the space between them. And when the gap was closed, their lips met and it was as though they were writing their own love song. And their love song was better than any of the others out there.

Song Mino – New York – Day 15

He held her close. His arms were wrapped around her tightly as if letting her go meant that she would disappear forever. He silently cried as she sobbed into his broad chest. The small razor clattered onto the tiled floor. The bathwater was still warm and little drops of blood swirled with the clear liquid. He didn’t understand why she had taken ten steps back when it seemed like she had taken one step forward the day before.

Mino cupped the back of her head and whispered words of comfort to her. “It’s okay. You’re okay. I’ve got you. It’ll all be okay.” It seemed like he was trying to convince himself rather than Minyoung. He pulled her closer to his body if that was even possible. He tried to tell her that she was safe, that he was there and he wasn’t going anywhere.

“Minyoung. Minyoung, look at me. Look at me.” Mino cupped her face gently and searched her eyes. He saw the pain and suffering. It was apparent that something had set her off because the pain was fresh. “It’ll be okay. Look at me. I’m here. I’m right here. You’re not alone.” Minyoung gasped for air and she searched his face. She saw his tears. She saw how afraid he was. She saw what his raw emotions. She gripped his arms and her breaths slowly became even and calm.

“Mino,” her hands aimlessly found their way to the back of his head. Her fingers tangled with his hair and she brought their heads together. “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. Don’t hate me. Don’t leave. I’m sorry. I won’t do this again. Please. Mino.” His tears dropped onto the edge of the bathtub and they rolled down the side and into the water. His arms fell to his sides with relief. It was as though the sun had come up after a raging storm.

Minyoung brought him closer and she held him as if letting him go would cause him to float away. She pulled away slightly and she looked into his glistening eyes before she pressed her lips against his. He closed his eyes and let his heart slip onto his sleeve.

Kang Seungyoon – New York – Day 15

“Whoa, you can’t be serious. You did not just say that you came to New York just to learn about its history.” Jennie dropped her wooden chopsticks into the carton of Chinese noodles. Her eyes twinkled with mischief as she stared at Seungyoon. “But New York is filled with other wonders like cheap Chinese food and rude people.” Seungyoon laughed at her attempt to make New York sound more interesting.

He knew that there really was more to New York than just history. Jennie had shown him that life was more than just the past. He grew comfortable with just sitting around in her apartment and eating unhealthy food as they just talked or watched a cheesy movie. He was fine with sitting on her floral sofa, feet resting on the seat and facing her as she sat like him.

“At least I’m doing more than just reading now, right?” Seungyoon poked his own noodles with a smile. “What would you have done without me? Aren’t you glad that I’m here to show you the chill and awesome side of New York?” Jennie lightly kicked his feet. “I’m really glad that I met you, Jennie.” All of a sudden the mood became serious. Jennie looked into his serious eyes and she grew a little embarrassed. She looked down into her carton of Chinese food and tried to distract herself from his gaze but she couldn’t. She ended up looking back up at him.

Seungyoon realized what words had just come out of his mouth and grew embarrassed himself. He put his food on the coffee table and cleared his throat, “Wow, I’m sorry for making things awkward.” Jennie put her own food down and within a second, she was leaning in towards him, grabbing him by the collar and giving him a breathtaking kiss. Seungyoon was surprised but nonetheless, he closed his eyes and responded timidly. She pulled away, “Sorry if I taste like Chinese food.” Seungyoon opened his own eyes, “That’s okay, I taste like Chinese food, too.” And this time, he grabbed her by the back of her neck and pulled her in for another kiss.

Somehow, she was on lying on top of him and he was trapped underneath her. When they pulled away again, Jennie smiled down at him as he smiled up at her. “We should make this a regular thing.” Seungyoon nodded in agreement and leaned up for another kiss.

Nam Taehyun – NewYork – Day 15

Aena was now used to Taehyun’s home. Her sister had gone back to Korea within the last five days and left Aena no choice but to depend on Taehyun. He was more than willing to have Aena in his home until she could get her own place. He left her alone while the sun was up and once the sun was beginning to set, he came back home to be with Aena. It was exciting to both of them to have something to look forward to at the end of the day.

Taehyun walked in through the door and was welcomed by a mouthwatering scent. He threw his coat on a chair and left his forgotten mittens and scarf on the ground. He poked his head into the kitchen and found Aena cooking while listening to music. She was smiling and mouthing along to the song. A smile appeared on his face when he saw her enjoying life without fear. Sneakily, he stepped up behind her and pulled out an earphone before whispering a greeting into her ear.

She jumped in surprise before she smiled again, “You’re home a little early. I’m sorry for invading your kitchen. I thought that I would cook dinner tonight.” Taehyun leaned against the counter “You’re my guest, shouldn’t I be the one cooking for you?” he took the wooden spoon away from her and lightly pushed her aside.

“Hey, I was cooking.” Taehyun set the spoon down and faced her. Without saying a word, he grabbed her by the waist and lifted her up onto the counter. “Sit there and just relax. You’ve been making breakfast, lunch and dinner since you started living here.” Aena opened to protest but Taehyun held out a hand. She closed and just watched him cook food instead.

For a while, things were silent. “How was your day?” Aena leaned over and checked on the sauce while Taehyun wasn’t paying attention. “It was good. I painted a pretty picture of a flower. Do you think I should hang it up on the fridge?” Taehyun made himself sound like a young child and Aena laughed. “I think you should hang up all of your pieces because they’re brilliant.” Aena confessed sweetly. Taehyun looked at her with a grateful smile as he held out a small spoonful of sauce “What do you think? Too bitter? Too salty?” Aena tasted it and made a show of it before she smiled, “Perfect.”

Taehyun reached out his hand and gently wiped off some sauce on the corner of her lips but he couldn’t find himself to move his hand away. And he couldn’t stop staring at her. She became self-conscious and tried to hide her face with her hands but he stopped her. He was standing in front of her, holding her frail wrists and staring into her eyes. “Aena?” his voice was a whisper. She bit her lip in hopes that it would keep her sane. But when he placed his hand on her jawline, her heart raced wildly. When his hand slid to her back of her neck, she thought she had stopped breathing. And when he brought their lips together, it felt like she had gone to paradise. 

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Chapter 12: This was so sad!!!
leebona101 #2
Chapter 12: Authornim wae wae wae this is so sad ㅠㅠ
Chapter 11: This chapter makes me cry yet made my day TT i'm just curious about what will happen with jinwoo after sangyoon's death? Will he find another girl or what omg TT and poor aena, the last part was asdfghjkl like : the f--- is going on with you nam taehyun?! (update soon! Figthing senpai-nim! /flying kisses/)
cmhmk1 #6
chocolakay #7
Chapter 5: all the chapters has taking me to the cloud nine. this is great, gonna subscribe now
lorrainenightray #8
Chapter 4: I'm in love with this story. I just couldn't find any word to describe it, this is too beautiful. Good job author-nim! I would be looking forward to the next update.
Chapter 1: awwww this is very beutiful,. omg i love your write authornim,. your description so detail and perfect,. and you write everyone pov,. its so creative story yet beautiful,.
thanks for writing^^
bubbletwist #10
Chapter 1: Very nice! This is my first venture into the winner tag and I feel like I lucked out with your story. I usually enjoy dialogue-heavy stories but I like the silence of yours. It's like everyone is trapped in their own little bubble. Awesome!