chapter 8

Fell in love with you
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“ help ….ji woon….please save my baby…….” Shinhye said still hold her stomach and cry in pain.

Ji woon just frozen in her place, deep tought…confuse….until then she make decision

“ don’t move….wait here…..” ji woon said while turn around and walk somewhere

“ no....ahhh…., where are you going?” shinhye crying for cant do anything, she is so afraid something happen to her baby.

But after few second ji woon come with a man who looks like a nurse, so actually ji woon going for find someone who can carry shinhye to emergency room. A nurse then carrying shinhye until they arrive to emergency room and a doctor come to take care shinhye.

 Ji woon wait in waiting area that in front of emergency room. She look afraid after what happen earlier. She is so afraid shinhye will lose her baby, if that happen she will never forgive herself  because of what she do. She aware she is a doctor  who must save someone life but now what is she doing, even tought she is hate her but save someone life is important than that. If ji woon know shinhye is pregnant, she didnnt do so harsh to her.

After almost an hour a doctor who take care on shinhye then out and come to ji woon. She call her who came to face her.

“ ji woon ah”

“ oh, how is she doctor Kim?” she quickly respond and stand up.

“ thanks god, you bring her here quickly, and the blood is not much out so the baby can be save”

“ thanks god, thank you doctor~~ “ she then let out sigh.

“ by the way, is she is your friend or else?” the doctor suddenly curious.

“ we are just know each other” she said to her.

“ she must be careful because the baby still in early”

Ji woon heard the doctor suddenly  become silent until dr.Kim ask for excuse.

“ I still have work…. then … good job with your study” a doctor said then leave ji woon who is give her smile. Not long then shinhye phone that she take after accompany her for being carried earlier have a call and then she look who is calling. Ji woon become annoyed suddenly after see the name on her phone, but she still take the call.

“ Minho, its me ji woon”

“ Ji woon? How can shinhye phone with you?”

“ she is in emergency room now”

“ what?!”

Ji woon close his call suddenly because her annoyed, he is very caring to shinhye. In her mind say “ what am I to you now minho?, im your girlfriend! How can you ignore me now”


Ji woon come in to see shinhye, she still not lose her angry face to her because she still hate her. Ji woon seing shinhye so weak laying on the bed and aware she come and start talking.

“ even you are the one who make me almost lose my baby but thank you”

Ji woon still don’t respond to shinhye word, but she open question to her.

“ who is the father?” she said while folding her hand and looking sharp to shinhye .

Shinhye just silent and looking around for ignore her.

“ you don’t answer my question again….. you really make me more annoyed”

“ I don’t want to tell you” shinhye suddenly talk slowly.

“ why? Is minho know about your pregnant?”   

Shinhye being quiet again, she really doesn’t want to tell her, she is afraid after she tell her, she will hurt and angry more. Shinhye can understand for ji woon who become hate to her, but she don’t have a choice, its god who have make other plan to their live.

Suddenly minho come to shinhye bed with hurry and breathless.

“ shinhye, what happen to you oh? Is something happen to the baby?”

Ji woon become shocked seing minho know about the baby and he look so worry like if the baby is his.

“ the baby is fine, me too, don’t worry, I just suddenly slip on the floor” shinhye quickly answer minho worry.

“ thanks god~ please be careful for our baby ” minho said while take one her hand for hold them and then kiss her hand softly, he is so afraid.

Ji woon become more socked what she hear earlier. “ our baby???!! What is he saying?…its not true..!! until she cant hold her anger anymore and talk

“ can you explain to me what do you means your baby oh? The baby is yours? How dare you make her pregnant while actually im your girlfriend!! Tell me !!!” ji woon said while turn down her hand down and walking to get closer standing beside minho.

Minho turn aside to see face ji woon and suddenly stand up.

“ how can you know shinhye here?” minho ask her with confuse.

“ that’s not important, just answer my question! How can her baby is yours?!”

“ i….can we talk just two of us?” minho respond her suddenly.

Ji woon just let her face away while hold her anger and minho turn his head back to face shinhye and tell her “ rest well here, I will explain to her”

Shinhye just nodded, after that minho grab ji woon hand and lead her for ging out from room.


Until two of them finally arrive in front of hospital garden and start talking.

“ I cant hide this from you anymore, yes, like what you hear, her baby is mine, and I have plan on going to marry her for take my responsibility”

“ what? Are you kidding right?” ji woon become shocked cant believe what he said.

Minho just silent not respond her until she continue her angry

“since when you start have affair with her?! Isn’t when you guys trip on jeju?!!”

“ yes, so….”

“ how could you have affair behind me?!”

“ i…actually its just happen one night but however I must take the responsibilty”

“ are you must marry her oh?” ji woon said sincerely who start teary.

“ I cant leave her alone bear my child…..” before he can finish ji woon then fell on the floor and start crying more

“ now you want leave me…. marry her…then what about me? I only love you all this time minho….we are already build our relationship in more than 5 years and now she take you from me just after only 5 weeks, can you understand how I feel now?” still sit on the floor.

“ I never know what is love all this time…. I lose my parent’s love….  I promise to my self that if I have a child I will love him, take care like the father do so my child didn’t become like me. I know its hard for you ji woon, im so sorry, but I cant abandon my child”

“ I can take care her child, we take care the child together but please don’t leave me, don’t marry her, please!!”

“ if I do that, I will hurt the child for being separate with the mother”

“ so don’t tell your child, I can become a mother for your child”

“ no…I cant do that…..if I do that she must be hurt and will be hate by her family”

Ji woon start silent, in her mind “ so he care her than how I feel?” then minho continue his talk.

 “can you just hate me ji woon? I will accept that”

“ No!!! I never can accept you be with her!! I really love you, how can you choose her than me?” ji woon become more brokenly and hold minho legs for begging.

“ please ji woon don’t do this, I don’t want hurt you, please don’t love me anymore, I make bigger mistake to you, so hate me now !” minho said while try to pull her hand let go away from his leg until then minho can let her hand go and bring her for stand up and face him.

“ just hate me oh?” he said facing ji woon but she just crying more cant look his face but then she cant hold anymore.

“ you are so selfish!!” ji woon said then let her hand go away with harshly.  After that she walking leave minho while crying so hard close with her hand.

Minho just stood in his place while looking ji woon who walk leave him until he cant see her then he said “ im so sorry ji woon”.


“ why you still here? How about your father?” shinhye ask minho worriedly after he just coming to her room.

“ Mr.Jung is there, I already tell him that I will be with you for a while” minho said while come closer and sit in chair beside shinhye bed.

Two of them just silent for few second, until shinhye open conversation

“ are you not telling me about between you and ji woon earlier?”

Minho just let out sigh after hear that, but he must tell her something so she is not worry more.

“ she agree now for let us to be married”

“ what? I cant believe she just let us like that, what are you saying to her oh?” shinhye said who socked after hear ji woon let them married.

“ I said I want her to hate me now” he said with keep looking down.

“ she must be really hurt now, as a woman, to her im really bad person, she must be really hate me more now, I ruin you two lover. Im just stranger in your life minho, I cant accept this marriage, I really hurt her” shinhye said facing him. Minho become shocked for what she said, then he take and grab shinhye hand and hold them.

“ no…no…we must do this for the child, really to me this child is more important, you and the child is my family now, I don’t want lose my family again after what happen to my parents, please understand me. Its really not fair for ji woon but I promise to myself for being responsible and take care to my child”.

“ but you love her right? I cant broken you two” shinhye still feeling its her fault.

“ please don’t ask me about love, after what happen to my mom, I never can feel love or even know what is love, I just know what I like and what I must do, so please just thinking about our baby health and don’t think any other than that oh”.

Shinhye just silent, cant protest again, she looking around while thinking “ he is so much in pain about his parents, how can I resist him for being with me and take care his child who is still in me”.




“ halmonie!” shinhye call her after she come in with shinhye mother.

“ uri shinhye~~ what happen to you? Why you can be here? We really worry to you after not coming home yesterday” her grandmom said who is very worry to her.

“ mianhe halmonie for make you worry” shinhye said while hold her grandmom hand.

“ if you sick, you can just tell us, don’t make people worry” her mom talk suddenly. Even tought she hate her daughter but she will worry too if something happen to her, she is her daughter. Shinhye just let out smile and continue.

“ don’t worry, im fine now”

Not long after that minho come in too. He can see shinhye family already there and that’s his changes for tell them about shinhye and him. Minho bow to them politely.

“ annyonghaseo aunty and helmoni”

“ he is lee min ho, my office headmaster” shinhye let her family know him.

“ oh, kaere? Omo he is so handsome and young, thank you for taking care my grandchild” shinhye grandmom bow to minho and mother too.

“ oh, aniyo…”

“ his father in this hospital too, he is in intensive room now” shinhye continue tell her family about him.

“ oh really? Hope your father can be well soon, believe to god your father will be health”

Helmoni is really good person, minho can feel shinhye warm heart must be from her helmoni.

“ there is we want to tell helmoni, aunty” minho slowly ask permission

“ we?” grandmom ask feeling confuse suddenly.

“ ye, shinhye and I have something to tell about”

Shinhye just looking down cant face her family.

“ what is that?”

“ im pregnant now omma, helmoni” shinhye said suddenly after bravely raise her head for face her family.

“ what are you saying just now? Are you kidding right? How could you can be pregnant? You promise me for not making any trouble, and now you…..” shinhye mom cant finish her word and cut by minho

“ im the father of her child”

“ what? Since when you two in relationship? “ shinhye mom continue

“actually we know each other when we going tr

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Chapter 23: love this story ..missing minshin ......
wunderschonoda #2
Chapter 24: omo... I love it so much writer-nim
thank you for this beautiful story of yours ^^
wunderschonoda #3
Chapter 6: interesting.. I keep moving...
Nimi098 #4
Chapter 24: Aww.. It is such a lovely story author-nim. This is my first time reading your story and i really like it. I am fascinated to read more of your projects. Keep writing! ^_^
I've been read this, & I always love story contain child inside. Thanks to U for sharing this, author.
sarahsusanti #6
Chapter 24: Thank you for the whole good story about love and family...
cheekylittlechubba #7
Chapter 24: This is such a great story!!

Their love is so strong, and because of Shinhye's perseverance/ her strong personality, she was able to change so many people for the better^^ hence she was able to attain her own happily ever after~

I really enjoyed this story!!! Great job authornim
mongmong3 #8
thank you for this beautiful story :)
im waiting you update your another story
minshin214 #9
Chapter 24: Beautiful story really nice love it!!!
bains2095 #10
Chapter 24: Thank you so much for beautiful ending.. Love it. Thanks for writing this story :)