chapter 6

Fell in love with you
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Since im not too busy, im going to update now.....

Minho just touch his ear hole for giving sign that hurt after hearing shinhye shout loud to him and then said
"Are you done?"
Shinhye just keep looking angry to him while taking breath faster after shout to him so loud.
"you always let out loud voice at me, dont you afraid that you maybe lost your voice?" while let out laugh.
" i hate your confident" protest shinhye seing he is so calm.
"arasso, come on, we are going to my office" said minho while grab her hand for lead her to his car.
"aisshhhh~~~~" shinhye just became fatefull let her hand get pull for going to his car. What can she do? he already find her.
Then she see the expensive new Marcedes Benz that not far parking from bus station that her stay before. The driver open the door for them.

In the car

Shinhye keep silent looking window on her side, that actually so many tought in her mind.
Shinhye tought in her mind " ottoke??, how can he find her??", then she remember what in jung said that LTE Group is the biggest company, they have many invest that under their company name. "oh right! even the telecomunication company that is under LTE Group, of course he can spying im really never can hide away from him.....oh god~~~ help me for not fall to him more~~~~".

Minho seing she just keep silent and looking other side for ignore him. 
"are you not want me being responsible to you?"said minho who just break the awkward atmosphere.
"its not like that, i just...(in her tought 'how can i say that you are already have girlfriend so ignore for being care to me, thats so hard for me, if i not get pregnant then you will just throw me like nothing happen)...i just not want you disturb my private life" answer her while hold her hand and looking front.

"what disturb? isnt you will be happy being work in big company like mine?" minho said with full confident.
"you are so proud of yourself, even you have big company i want take in just because my ability not because we are know each other" she still protest to him while pouting her lips.

See her expression that so cute when she become annoyed make him let out his laugh.
"what?" shinhye ask being confuse after heard his laugh.  
"what are you protest about? then show me what your ability, arent you confident with yourself?" he said while keep see her that sit beside him.

"o....o....of course" continue her just let her face away from his side and with thats mean she obey him, while minho just gigling feeling he is the winner for fight her stubborn. 


"waaa~~ your office really amazing~~~" said shinhye open cant hide her feeling while looking around.
"come on, first we are going to my room" while he walk in front of her. 
All way to their destinition, every employee who just pass by them being bow to minho. The employee being confuse because its first time seing himself personaly brought someone other than his girlfriend, his father, and his friends. They tought the women that looks like she is not one of his employee, seems new face, and just look ordinary. Shinhye just feel amazed, that minho she know this time is the head of this big company and has so many employee. Shinhye then tought "grandmom and mom will happy if they know im working in so big company, but im feel guilty for lie to them about what happen actually between me and minho".


"hmmmm....seems like you are the smartest from your class, you got best point for every studies in your class" minho said after seing her studies grade file.

" you forgot? being best design interior is my dream, so of course i will get best point" said her proud.

"okay, so we doesnt have problem with your point, now i will wait your real ability for being like what you dream"

"of course, i will show you" her said with sincere eyes.
Minho just smirk after seing her so confident, then he push telephone button that on his table.
"Mr.Jung come in to my room" he said calmly.
Not long then Mr.Jung come in and come to his right table side and bow to him.
"this is Mrs.Park, she is my friend, she will work here and join design departement" bow little to her and shinhye bow too. 
"Mrs.Park, this is Mr.Jung , he is my personal secretary, he already work here for 10 years" 
Then continue said "lead her to her office room" 
"yes headmaster"`he bow again to minho. 
"Mrs.Park follow him to see your office room"
Shinhye just nodded after that and follow Mr.Jung leave minho in his room and seing her with smile until she get out.

"This is Mrs.Park Shin Hye, she is headmaster friend, so treat her well, she will be part of this department" said Mr.Jung while look his face. Shinhye bow to him and he bow too.

"Mrs.Park, this is the head of this department, Mr.Kang Haneul, she will teach and tell you what you need"
"Yes! aneyonghaseo, Park shin hye imnida" said shinhye with spirit voice then bow again
"aigoo~~ you are so spirit, i like people who has spirit like you, please going along well"
"yes, of course, khamsahamnida" continue shinhye.
"then i will continue with my work" excuse Mr.Jung for leave them.
"ye, khamsahamnida" said shinhye while face him then bow.

"so how do you can be friends with headmaster?" start kang haneul feel anxious after Mr.Jung leave them in the room.
"excuse me, why you want to know sir? shinhye feel confuse he suddenly ask that.
"im just anxious, because people like headmaster dont random choose who become his friend, you must be know what i mean"said him to shinhye while look at her clothes and bag who look just ordinary not amazed people like he think.

"what are you looking at sir? im just ordinary people not rich like his other friend, i know him from collage" said shinhye angry.

"you even know his other friends? Like Mr.ill woo, bum, and......"
"woo bin?" suddenly shinhye said for continue his word.
"yeah, thats what i tought, omo you really know they all?" said he become amazed to shinhye.
"im so sorry, cant we stop talk about them sir? can you just show my room now sir?" said her ignore his question.
"oh, come on follow me" continue him after that aware she feel annoyed.
But before show her room kang haneul announce her to other employee that in same department. Shinhye make all amazed for become in same university to their headmaster's Lee Min Ho thats the best university in their country, if not you are the smartest or family influence you cannot come in just like that.


Shinhye feel so tired after well done for cleaned her room and make there become neat, but then she shocked and wake up forget her tired after seing who is lean on edge the door and just knock her room door earlier.

"you?! what are you doing in here"?
"are you not bow to me? im your headmaster, so do like other employee do to me" said minho with smirked.
"bwo?!" said shinhye suddenly get feel annoyed.
"ssstt!! low your voice, you know this apartment always giving false issue, what will they say if you shout to your headmaster, dont you think they will hate you?" he said with low voice while place his finger on his lips.

Then she close suddenly with both of her hands.
See what just she do make him giggling, but that make her start become annoyed to him and then she let her hands away from  now while look anger to him.

"you, its all because of you, if you dont want they talk something about us why you come here, you can just call me"
" i do, but your phone not active, so come here by myself, and by the way dont worry i see they all already going to lunch".
"oh, really?" then she check her phone, and she aware that her phone out of battery "aisshh~~ how can i forgot to charge my phone" said shinhye in her mind actually she forget because so busy thinking of accept come here or not.

"can we go now?" ask minho suddenly feel being ignore by her
"what?! where?" her said quickly respond after hear his question and being confuse.
" its lunch time, i want you to accompany me" said minho full confident.
"ye?!! why me? i want to get rest now, dont you see i just clean my room?" ask her looks like not accept his decision.
"you are a employee who must obey what the headmaster said" he said look .
"yeeeeeeeeeee???!!!!" her said slowly and still shocked cant believe he push her for obey him but her want or not want she must obey him if not he will still insist her untill agree, and disturb her always.

In all way to get to his car that in front of his office , she cover her face with her bag, but many employee that already going out for lunch, only few that still there but seems like not from her department. She doesnt want got issue being with him. But why he so calm?, aisssh~~~ he really annoyed person. She said mumbling to herself.

Minho just shake his head seing she cover her face with her bag and then he smirk.


"what do you want to eat?"
that voice make her aware that she being questioned. 
"oh?" still not complately hear what he said.
"what do you want to eat?" ask minho slowly.
"oh, whatever, i will follow what you choose"
"then...... i pick these 2 set" said minho to waiter beside him while look

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Chapter 23: love this story ..missing minshin ......
wunderschonoda #2
Chapter 24: omo... I love it so much writer-nim
thank you for this beautiful story of yours ^^
wunderschonoda #3
Chapter 6: interesting.. I keep moving...
Nimi098 #4
Chapter 24: Aww.. It is such a lovely story author-nim. This is my first time reading your story and i really like it. I am fascinated to read more of your projects. Keep writing! ^_^
I've been read this, & I always love story contain child inside. Thanks to U for sharing this, author.
sarahsusanti #6
Chapter 24: Thank you for the whole good story about love and family...
cheekylittlechubba #7
Chapter 24: This is such a great story!!

Their love is so strong, and because of Shinhye's perseverance/ her strong personality, she was able to change so many people for the better^^ hence she was able to attain her own happily ever after~

I really enjoyed this story!!! Great job authornim
mongmong3 #8
thank you for this beautiful story :)
im waiting you update your another story
minshin214 #9
Chapter 24: Beautiful story really nice love it!!!
bains2095 #10
Chapter 24: Thank you so much for beautiful ending.. Love it. Thanks for writing this story :)