Chapter 14

Second Chance

Two months had passed so fast and yet Joon Myeon still hadn’t heard any news about Chan Yeol, they still manage to hang out with Jong In though, but she think that the teen had already notice she’s been acting strangely. She sometimes even cancels some of Xiumin and Luhan’s invitation to go out and make reasons that she can’t come. And ends sitting alone in her room looking at her engagement ring, few more months and it would be the end of her being Mrs. Park.


That Saturday, Jong In invited her for a date, she didn’t know but she decided to wear the necklace Chan Yeol had given to her. They were walking along the park silently shoulders almost brushing each other.

“Are you coming to my 18th birthday?” he asked so sudden but his eyes were far away. She wonders why there was a cold tone in his voice this time.

She smiles and squeezes the teen’s hand “of course I will”

“I just notice you weren’t enjoying our date today”

Joon Myeon laughs to remove the disappointment on the guy’s face “you were wrong! I did really enjoy it because we got to spend time with each other”

“I notice the necklace you’re wearing, it was the same as the necklace I saw in the jewelry store, did you bought it?” he asked with a strange look, she stop herself from walking and swallowed hard. Why on Earth did she even wear it? Does she really miss him that much?

She closed her eyes before planning to tell the truth “I don’t want to lie to—to you. It was actually a necklace Chan---Yeol had given to me…”



“You’ve got a visitor Chan Yeol” Yura had called her brother form his room. Since Chan Yeol found out that day that all of Joon Myeon’s things were gone, he then decided to stay on his sister’s apartment for a few weeks to help him from moving on since the guy had started to drink often already and even trying to learn to smoke too, which he said to relieve his stress.

He was lying on his bed and once he heard his sister’s voice, he got up immediately and opened the door.


“See for yourself”



“Kyung Soo??” he was surprised to see the girl, who was sitting on the couch.

“Hey” he called out with nervous smile “it’s nice to see you again.”

“I—I can’t believe it, how did you know I’m here?” he asked wide eyes, he was happy, for the first time someone had visited him after how many months of being alone “I mean why are you here? I was wrong I know you don’t need to—“

“Chan Yeol…” Kyung Soo stops him from talking “I came here to see if you were really okay. I somehow still treat you as my…brother”

“Kyung Soo…” he said in a hoarse voice “I—I don’t know what to say”

“It’s okay” she smiles with assurance and place a hand on his shoulder once the guy had seated beside her on the couch “I have forgiven you already”

Chan Yeol smiles and hugs her whom she gave back the hug tighter; she misses this interaction with her so called brother. They were close since she was a kid and she just can’t abandon him like this, maybe it’s time that she forgives him now since she had also made a mistake.

“Thank you so much….and I’m—I’m sorry”

Kyung Soo chuckles and rub the guy’s back gently “it’s okay, it’s Christmas anyway” she said teasing the guy to lessen the sadness of the atmosphere, the guy somehow look so doom, so sad.

“Kyung Soo…” Chan Yeol muttered so gently looking at the girl’s eyes.

Kyung Soo smiles “It’s okay Yeol…Its okay I understand you”

“I’m uhh..really sorry” he then look away “I didn’t expect how I really manage to fall in love with you but I understand now…It was all just a sisterly love, that I was concentrating on you always…always wanting to protect you and always wanted to see you smile that I had forgot to look for someone myself…I’m sorry for the things I had done these past few months…I’m sorry” and soon his tears form in his eyes.

The girl reward him a sweet smile “that’s what I’ve been telling you Yeol, that what you feel is just temporary, just infatuation”

Chan Yeol nodded.

“About what I had done to Joon Myeon and to our baby—“

“What had done was done, and all those things need to forget now, I know your baby had forgiven you already Yeol…you had done enough…”

“No—no” and his cry turn into sobs “it wasn’t enough—I deserve punishment”

“If you don’t start to forgive yourself Chan Yeol nothing would change so you—should accept everything and need to forgive yourself also”

Chan Yeol nodded while Kyung Soo helped him wiped his tears “I don’t know if I can do this on my own”

“We will help you, okay? Me, Baek and your sister. It’s okay to get hurt, it’s okay…”

He nodded “But I’m tired already”

“No you’re not. Don’t give up, please. Promise me?”



The party had somehow celebrated on the mansion of the Kim’s, it was really special, there were so many visitors from Jong In’s father’s company, so many prominent people attended to take a glimpse at the 18th Birthday party of the only son of Kim’s couple, Kim Kong In.

Joon Myeon went there wearing the dress Kyung Soo had picked for her, she was wearing a white dress while Kyung Soo was wearing black. (Suho's dress here. Kyung Soo's dress here.)They went there together, to see Luhan and Xiumin with Chen and Sehun happily chatting with some of Jong In’s visitors.

And as soon as Jong In had seen her, he went immediately on her side and gave her a hug. Kyung Soo and Baek Hyun were smiling sweetly at them.

“Happy birthday Jong In” she whispers on his ear happily while the teen hugs her tight

“Thank you that was the best gift ever” he muttered before breaking the hug.

“Aww sweet” Luhan coo at the two and took a quick shot on her phone.




Jong In had excused Baek Hyun on Kyung Soo’s side and left the girls from behind who were happily dancing and picking on the food they wanted to eat.

“Something’s bothering you Jong In?” Baek Hyun asked immediately after they step out of the mansion.

Jong In nodded slightly and leans on the wall, they were on the dark part and although Baek Hyun can’t see his expression he can feel that the guy was cheerless.

“It’s your birthday you should be happy” he had said instead and drank his wine.

And then with a few silent he heard a silent sniffles from the teen “I need an advice”

Baek Hyun was wide eyes looking at the teen, was he really crying? “Ah—what do you mean?”

“If the girl you love…can’t move on from her past would you still love her and wait till she loves you back?”

“That was too serious, why can’t you just think about them after your birthday? I mean you should be happy ce—“

“I need to let her go” he muttered instead, still leaning on the wall with his hands on his pocket “she can’t be happy with me, she doesn’t love me” and he tilted his head to look at the stars.

Baek Hyun swallowed and let out a chuckle “are you referring to Joon Myeon? She loves you, don’t be so dense”

“No, she wasn’t I can still feel it hyung she can’t let go of her past. She can’t, she’s always thinking of Chan Yeol whenever we’re together”

“Just give her time to move on” Baek Hyun suggested and patted the guy’s shoulder.

“I love her….and I won’t let her feel so sad and regret everything when we will be together…I have decided already” and his tears slid down this time.

“You really are matured now Jong In…you know what’s best for you and for her…somehow the decision still lies on you…” Baek Hyun drank his wine for the last time “wipe your tears now 5 minutes before your dance with your pretty lady”



“Joon Myeon?” Jong In asked through her ears, she look so stunning on her white dress and Jong In’s eyes can’t remove his eyes away from her. But this time there was a sudden sadness, although dancing with her on his 18th birthday was the best thing ever for him, he was afraid of his decision, his decision between their relationship.

“Yes?” he heard Joon Myeon asked with her soft gentle voice, she was looking at the other people who were also dancing since Jong In’s parents told them to dance on the center.

“Do you love me?” he hug the girl tightly, but still they continued on dancing, Joon Myeon was quite surprised but not at the hug but instead on Jong In’s question on her.

“What kind of question was that?” she laughs awkwardly and clutch the guy’s tux, she can almost smell the branded perfume of the teen.

“I just wanted to know”

She laughs although she felt that something’s wrong, she tilted her head to see him “Jong In is there a problem?”

Jong In meets her gaze and shakes his head “Nothing….So answer me Joon do you love me?”

Joon Myeon rolls her eyes jokingly “it’s your birthday you should be happy you look so sad you know”

Jong In halfly smiles and let the girl twirl twice before he put his hands on her waist again “Joon Myeon…I don’t want to do this”

Joon Myeon scrunched her face “What do you mean Jong In? I’m confused”

“I wanted this us to stop….now somehow”

Joon Myeon widens her eyes and gaze at Jong In, she can’t speak, and she can’t even blink her eyes in surprised.

“You were my best gift ever, you were the most special person that ever came in my life Joon Myeon…but…” he hugs the girl again.

“Jong In I don’t like what you’re thinking”

“I’m letting you go now…Let’s stop this already, you should go to where you belongs to, to where you were really happy at” and Jong In can’t help his tears from running down already, he doesn’t care if people keeps on murmuring on their side already. He doesn’t care if he’s crying on his birthday as long as he had done what he’s supposed to do.

 Joon Myeon wanted to break the hug to look at him but Jong In insisted “don’t look at me right now”

“You’re wrong Jong In, I love you” Joon Myeon answered this time in louder voice.

“I know”

“We’re gonna try, I’m gonna try my best to—“

“Joon Myeon…” he hold the girl’s shoulder “don’t lie to yourself…please...I know you did try your best, I know you are trying your best for us but I know---I know that deep inside your heart you still want him, you still love him. And I don’t have the right to let you stay away from your happiness cause it will just hurt me…more” although he really wanted to stop the tears that keeps on flowing on his cheeks but he can’t, his emotions were stronger.

She was surprised, so the teen’s been noticing it already, been noticing how she can’t get over the fact that she still treasure Chan Yeol, he noticed how she missed him, and he noticed how she’s been wanting to see him.

“Jong In…” she can’t also help herself from the mixed emotions she was feeling right now and a single tear slid down her cheek, she wipes it as fast as she could trying to restrain herself not to cry in front of him. And right from where she was, she holds the guy’s face lovingly and wipes his tears using her thumb.

The Jong In she was looking right now looks so docile, he was so happy awhile ago when she arrives there but right now, he’s so sad, so submissive, and she knows he is a perfect guy for a girl who’ve been looking for a true love. This Jong In she was looking at right now is the real Jong In.

“Shhhh…it’s okay” he assured trying to cover his sadness.

“I don’t—thank you….I’m really really sorry” and she hug him again—tightly.




Joon Myeon and her mom was done from decorating their house for the upcoming Christmas and she had just finish putting the star on the Christmas tree when Joon Myeon’s phone had beep.

She immediately opens to see Yura’s text to her.


Hey joon myeon it’s been long time, advance merry x-mas! J


She smiles widely to see the text before she replied back and put her phone on her pocket.

Mrs. Kim was busy putting on the little Santa Claus on their Christmas tree when Joon Myeon had called her out “Mom?”

“Yes honey?”

“Do you think…I…I don’t know mom it’s Christmas and—and it’s been a week that Jong In and I were not uh seeing each other…I kinda someha-how wanted to asked if Yeo—“

“Honey! The cookie I was baking! Oh no! Let’s talk about it later….I need to look for it” and she set aside the little Santa’s on the floor and walked towards the kitchen “ and hey, six days before Christmas why not go buy gifts so you won’t get bored here? Okay?”



Joon Myeon was busy stretching in front of their gate, it’s December and although it was really cold she still couldn’t help but have her exercise and stretching, and also she never fails to see Jin Hyun every morning whenever she have her jogging, the kid used to join him before but right now he looks so uninterested.

She smiles so sudden when he saw the kid went out from their house and then sat on their terrace as if waiting and when he got to see her, he smiles cheerfully and ran towards her.

“Hey cool guy how are you? Never got to join me in a month eh, are you tired jogging?” and she bent down to cup the kid’s cheek.

Jin Hyun shakes his head “No, I was waiting for daddy Yeol every morning, he said he’ll come and visit me when he got to call me”

“Oh” Joon Myeon was all that she can mutter and smiles wryly “I see when did he called you?”

“Last October!” somehow the kid manages to say it enthusiastically, his happy that Chan Yeol had called him but he’s just making the kid hope too much, since last October??? It’s already December! How could he let the kid hope too much like this! “It’s really cold right?” he asked and wipes his nose on the collar of his shirt.

And Joon Myeon saw something that had caught her attention on Jin Hyun’s hand “Jin Hyun…you’re wea—you’re bracelet was cute, wh--who gave that to you?” she asked out of her curiosity.

The kid look at her with curiosity also then turns his eyes on to the bracelet for him to see “Daddy! Daddy Yeol gave it to me”

Her curiosity was starting append, this is what the saleslady been saying, so--so does that mean Chan Yeol was one of the guy who had requested a bracelet? But what adds up her curiosity even more was that why did he gave the bracelet to Jin Hyun?

“Oh it looks so wonderful” she smiles sweetly.

“Umm…” the kid nodded “he said this bracelet was important to him”

Suddenly this makes her have an idea “Jin Hyun?” the kid tilted when she hears his name “wanna visit someone??”




“But before we visit him, I want you to meet someone first” Joon Myeon said while she holds the kid’s hand towards the cemetery.

The kid looked up at her innocently “Here? In the cemetery?”

Joon Myeon nodded, and soon as they arrive at where her son and Chan Yeol’s mom grave was, she immediately put the flower on the tomb but to her surprised she saw something.

A bunch of fresh flowers, does this mean….Chan Yeol had also visit their son today? She looks around nervously hoping to see him when the kid spoke up.

“Mommy Joon, we have the same name it’s Jin!” the kid point towards the grave jumping grumpily.

Joon Myeon smiles sweetly and ruffles the kid’s hair “Yeah his name is Jin Yeol....”

“It looks like it was my name and Daddy Yeol’s name” the kid blurts out cheerfully “he must be handsome”

“You’re right”

“But who is he?

“He is my…son”


After explaining hardly and repeatedly to the kid about his son which in the end who understood it but not exactly as she thinks, they decided to leave the cemetery to look for their mission, to see Chan Yeol.

They went immediately to their apartment which they used to live together before. She smiles, she’s ready now. Yes she knows she’s ready to forgive him, and she’s ready to face him.

She happily knock on the door of the apartment, it was really cold and she can’t help but tremble, luckily for the kid that he was not really sensitive to cold but she somehow asked the kid if he was okay.

The kid nodded, and look towards the door “this is where you and him live together?”

Joon Myeon nodded and look on the opposite door, Xiumin must not be there. The door seems lonely.

But after how many minutes of waiting with no answer she decided to give up from knocking. She sighs in disbelief “I think he was busy on his work Jin”

“Then let’s visit him mom, I wanted to see him and play with him”



“Sir you have a call from the Kim’s company” Chan Yeol’s secretary said peeking through his door. He motioned his secretary to come inside; he quickly took the phone while his other hand was busy sorting his papers on the table.

“Yes, Park here speaking”

“Park Chan Yeol…” he widens his eyes in surprised, that cold tone.

“Mr. Kim” he muttered instead and keeps his voice from not sounding so scared, he needs to keep his composure.

“I don’t have any more time to waste with you I just want emind you that you to keep what we had talked about; Joon Myeon was here…I think you know what you should do”

He swallowed hard but nodded anyway “Yes Mr. Kim I know…”



The two were in front of the building where a big PARK COMPANY INC. was clearly seen at the top of the building; the kid can’t help but get surprised at the place.

“Wow, this is where he works????”

Joon Myeon nodded and tugs the kid to go inside; she went inside immediately when the guard stopped them.

“Ma’am I’m sorry but you can’t go inside without any transaction or related to anyone but can I please look at your I.D? Cause I’m sure you weren’t an employee here?”

“I-uhh…I’m Chan Ye—“

“He is daddy Yeol’s wife why can’t you let her go inside????” the kid wails and looks at the guard with displeasing manner “let us in we are going to visit him and” the kid added tapping his foot on the ground which amused Joon Myeon “mom works here! I want to visit her too”

“I’m sorry but Mr. Park had said we can’t let anyone go inside except for those who are his business partners and employers”

Joon Myeon swallowed hard, now right, How can they enter now? The kid will get disappointed again; she just kept on glancing at the guard finding for good reasons so they could go inside.

But with a minute of silence the kid ran immediately inside, the guard saw him and chase after the kid.

“Jin Hyun!! Wait stop there!!” she called out and chase after the two also “oh no what are we doing now???” she muttered, she just can’t let the kid go away.

She did her best to run after them, but she thinks she had lost and instead she just walked around, and the employees kept on giving her glances. She was walking shyly towards the hallway when someone grabs her hand.

“Mom! Let’s go! I lost them!!!” the kid said still panting, Joon Myeon nodded with determination and carry the kid to ran inside the elevator.

“We can meet him now already?” the kid asked innocently, Joon Myeon just smiles and wipes the sweat on the kid’s forehead.

“Yeah, but don’t ever do that again, okay?”


The elevator made a sound saying they were already at the 22nd floor where Chan Yeol’s office can be found. They stormed out immediately on the elevator to look for his office.

And they end up in front of the office when just in time to see the guard running towards them, she swallows hard before opening the door.

“Chan Yeo---I”

The guy who were inside looks at her, and she was surprised to see the guy, the kid too who were looking up at him.

“Oh…Ms. Kim”



But before Joon Myeon could speak the guard who were chasing after them who were panting really hard together with the other guard beside him looks at the guy inside the office with uncertainty expression “I’m sorry sir, these two enter the company without any valid reason sorry for the interruption we’ll send them out n—“

“No! Let them, you could leave now” the guy sends the two guards out with a nod.

The kid stomped his foot in annoyance.

“Who are you?! Where is CHAN YEOL!!!!” now the kid was now already furious, he even called him Chan Yeol forgetting that he should respect the older, he got to lose his temper already Joon Myeon thinks.

“I uh…Sorry but I think we entered the wrong office right?” Joon Myeon asked and went beside the kid, and rubs his back to calm him down.

“No you weren’t, Miss Kim” the guy smiled “I’m Chan Yeol’s cousin and I am managing this company for a while until Chan Yeol hyung come back”

“Where did he go?”

“He is resting I think but I’m sorry I can’t answer where he was now, even I don’t know where he was”


--it's because I love you all so I'm updating as soon as I could although I'm getting busy on my studies now.
BTW HAPPY READING. :) I was actually thinking if I should end this with SuKai but my SuYeol feels says NO.

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Chapter 18: i loveeeee this story....
being a medical student is , i can't open this web for 9 months . when i opened it and see this story update with completed mark, happily ever after ;''')
such a good story
myunchael #2
Chapter 18: This was amazing ;A; and aww chanmyeon is so cute;; i loved this story so much! Thank you for completing this story ♥
Chapter 17: yay \(^o^)/ suyeol!!! Please make a brother or sister for jinyeol soon XD hehehe
myunchael #4
Chapter 17: Awww finally!!! I cant wait until they have their2nd baby lol
AmirahNorhairy #5
Chapter 16: omg this is getting better. suyeol for the win. yeay
Chapter 16: Can't wait until they meet, go chanyeol .fighting
myunchael #7
Chapter 16: Cant wait until they meet!
#8 update soon please? jebal *insert puppy eyes*...?
juntoki #9
Chapter 15: hmmmm...i wonder who it could be? ;)