Chapter 19

Back then, right now

So, count on me, Jung.

Kris's voice kept echoing in Soojung's mind. What did he mean by counting on him? How was he going to help her? Although Soojung guessed the answer, she refused to believe in it. Kris couldn't possibly have feelings for her, right?

She sighed for the nth time as she plopped down on her bed. She looked up at the ceiling and a smile graced her lips. The ceiling was full of stars and planets that were glowing, it was dark in the room after all. Sooyeon had been interested in that kind of stuff, the idea of having stars in the room fascinated her. She begged Soojung for days to stick those stars on her room's ceiling and finally made the latter obey.

Truthfully, Soojung hated them. She disliked those stars and planets, because she believed they were immature and embarrassing. But, now, she couldn't have been more grateful. The stars glowed in the dark, comforting Soojung.

Unnie, are you watching me? 


* * * * *


"Hey! Jung!" Kris's familiar voice called for her.

Soojung managed to successfully get through the crowd and made her way towards the blonde guy. The school was very crowdy, since the paper with the exam results were put on display.

"How's your score?" He asked excitedly and failed to catch the gloomy expression on Soojung's face.

"Not good," a long sigh escaped , "very bad. I wasted the whole school year after all." She said bitterly and looked down at her toes.

"You didn't waste them. You just spent a year to make yourself a better person. Don't be so depressing." He cheerfully said and nudged her.

"It's creeping me out," Soojung whispered, "how everything you say reminds me of unnie. Your way of talking, the words you say - it's exactly the same." Soojung looked up at Kris with a soft expression and he smiled knowingly.

"Her positiveness rubbed off on me, I guess." He nonchalantly said and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Wait," Soojung knitted her brows, "you said you didn't know my sister personally."

Kris's head shot up as his gaze suspiciously escaped hers.

"I didn't, ugh, I mean, it-it just slipped out."

Soojung tilted her head as her eyes examined him. He was looked nervous, unlike minutes ago.

"What are you hiding?" Soojung stared into his eyes and saw how he wavered.

"Like I said, it just slipped out, really." He smiled nervously.

"I'll believe that for now."

"It's true, really. Jung, believe in me, will you?"

"Sure thing," she muttered and got ready to leave.

Soojung dodged his attempt to grab her wrist and skillfully made her way to classroom, leaving Kris.

What was Kris hiding? There was something that he didn't tell her. About him and Sooyeon. But, what exactly? Who was he to Sooyeon in the first place? Why did he even approach Soojung? Kris was like a puzzle, just when she thought she completed it, Soojung realized a piece was missing.

"You really do intrigue me, Kris Wu," Soojung grabbed a fistful of her hair and groaned as her head started hurting. Migraines loved her, it seemed.


* * * * *


Beep. Beep. Beep.

Soojung groaned and tried to find her phone, with her eyes still closed.

"Who the hell texts this early?"

After knocking down a lot of things on the shelf, she finally found her cellphone.

From : Walking puzzle 

Are u sleepin'? Got any plans for today? ^^

Soojung scoffed as she saw the emoticon. Who would've known Kris actually used this kind of cutesy things.

To : Walking puzzle

I was sleeping before your text woke me up and disturbed my beauty sleep. I'm gonna have eyebags tomorrow because of you. :P I'm free. What do you want?

She unknowingly smiled as she waited for the reply. Kris made her feel comfortable in a way.

From : Walking puzzle

Let's go and watch a movie. The movie is said to be very good. I'll treat you to dinner. ^^ Meet me in the coffee shop near the school around 2 pm.

To : Walking puzzle

Okay. I'll kill you if you're a second late...

Soojung rolled on her bed as she stared at the phone screen. Today was gonna be fun.

The weather was great and Soojung was glad about it. She got to wear the dress she received from her sister. It was an old dress her sister used to wear, Soojung liked it the most. Too bad it was winter and she had to cover it with numerous layers of clothes.

"Soojung, are you going somewhere?" Her mother asked as she put down the newspaper she was reading.

"Yeah," she put on her boots, "I'm meeting a friend."

"A guy?" Hana smiled slyly and Soojung shook her head.

"A guy, but not that kind of a guy. He's just a friend." She said and opened the door hurriedly. "I'll be late."

"Okay," Hana said softly, "be careful."

The bond that had been once broken was finally glued back. Hana returned to being the same old caring mom. Soojung didn't rebel as much. They finally let go of the past and embraced the present. Soojung was very happy. Hana was her mom and obviously moms could never hate their children. Her mom had a hard time and shut Soojung out for a period of time, but she soon realized what a horrible thing she did. Even now, Hana was feeling guilty and blamed herself. Maybe there would come a day when Soojung would tell her to not be too hard on herself. Someday.

Soojung panted hard as she opened the coffee shop door. She ran all the way here and as a consequence she felt like she was going to pass out.

"Jung!" The familiar voice called out and Soojung saw the blonde guy waving at her.

"I'm not late as you can see," he fixed his voice dramatically and Soojung laughed.

"What would you like, Jung?"

"A caramel macchiato."

"Same here," he smiled, showing off his pearly whites.

Today was going to be fun.




A/N : Hey, guyyzz. I actually managed to update! Yay for me! Haha. I'm doing fine and am getting better. Hope you enjoyed the chap! I think I'll be able to update in a week. Thank you as always. ^^




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Alizarachel #1
Chapter 21: I wish Krystal will choose kris..
Love them together.:).
EXOtoria12 #2
Chapter 21: Thank you for updating! Hope you'll continue doing so (^∇^)
fa_bu_lous_me #3
Chapter 21: eyy u came back :)) i really missed your story :( where have u been ? :D
Chapter 21: please let soojung have some closure abt sehun please:(
Chapter 21: Kris is the best candidate for krystal, he can make her move on and happy again... I hope he'll be there for her, but I'm still curious with sehun-krystal too, I like both of them...
Sehun x krystal x yifan? Wow it's rare.. It's interesting
EXOtoria12 #7
Chapter 20: Agh! I wish I can upvote this story! But I've not enough karma points. :( When I get enough, I'll definitely up vote this! :D
Chapter 20: Kris admitted his feeling towards her.. I'm still curious who is the one will soojung choose... hehe ~>_<~
Chapter 20: thanks for the update!
can you make a chapter where luhan-kris-soojung encounter sehun? :)
yoonhun07 #10
Chapter 20: SeStal!!!!!!