Am I Dreaming?

저주인형 (Cursed Doll)

I stare at the dolls for the longest time, waiting for any one of them to start moving. But nothing happened. I put away my stuff, sighing. Is there something wrong with me? Dolls can't talk. Dolls can't move. I toss my bag onto the side and into the passenger seat right next to me. It seems like a dream... Nevermind. I should be going to work. I look at the time.


8:30 a.m.


I almost pound my head onto the steering wheel. It's way past eight o' clock, when I was supposed to get to work. So I start the engine and zoom away to work. It isn't that my boss or employer or whatever is going to kill me, but it's because I work for this ahjumma who can't really operate her shop on her own. She's really nice and acts as a substitute grandmother for Kangdae and I (We call her "halmeoni" because of that) and if I were to ever not be there for her at the shop and she falls or something serious happens to her, I would be filled with guilt.


As I near the shop, I notice that isn't open yet. I sigh in relief until I realize that she must be waiting for me to come. I quickly park the car and start running into the building, bag in hand. Halmeoni is there with her granddaughter preparing the sweets in the shop and teaching her how to make them. Was she really waiting for me? I drop my bag on the side and walk over to them, catching their attention.


✄- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


I sigh, throwing my head back onto the car seat. I'm tired from rushing around the shop baking, taking orders, and helping Halmeoni's granddaughter put icing on the cakes and cookies and whatever pastries we baked. There's nothing else for me to do but for me to go home and relax. I don't bother picking up my brother from school because he usually likes to hang out with his friends and they drop him off at home after they're done.


When I get home, I just collapse onto my bed and fall asleep. At this point, I don't even care about changing. I guess it kind of makes me lazy for not even changing but it's too much effort if you're tired as hell. Whatever. I just pull the bankets over my head and go right to sleep.



✄- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



While you were sleeping, there was an eerie silence in the house accompanied by an uncomfortable aura. You were just blissfully unaware of your surroundings, smiling in your sleep about this dream about six handsome men who do whatever you say. You don't know it and you wouldn't really believe it if your dream actually came true, which was what was happening.


The dolls that you held dear to your heart became... alive. No, it's not like in Toy Story where all the toys seemingly come to life when no one is looking but a different kind of alive, as if they were turning back into what they really were--humans. It was just a puff of smoke that covered your dolls and, a split second later, they were replaced by six gorgeous men. To tell the truth, they didn't really know why they turned back all of a sudden. These six men were just as confused as you were when you found out about their appearance in your home.



✄- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



I woke to hear... voices talking. It was probably Kangdae and his friends but... it seemed a little off. I crawled out of bed and noticed a notification on my phone from Kangdae, saying that he was going to stay over at a friends house. My heartbeat quickened. Wait... if it wasn't Kangdae and his friends then, who is it? I pressed my ear against the door and listened.


"N-hyung, what are we going to do? Master's probably going to freak out as soon as she sees us!"


"Yah, stop putting all the pressure on me! You guys have to do something too, you know!"


"But still, what are we going to do if she freaks out about us?"


"What if she doesn't? She was dreaming about six dudes who looked like us so she'd just think this was part of her dream."


"Wait, hyung, how do you know that!?"


"My powers, duh."


"Oh, I forgot."


I heard male voices, like six of them. The same voices I heard in the car. And the same voices I heard in my dream. I shake my head. That's impossible. Why would  I hear these voices over and over again?


I must be going crazy.


The voices are still there, so I guess I'll go and investigate. I crack the door open just a little but what I see surprises me and I fall over, the door opening fully.


There were six handsome men sitting in my living room and all of their eyes were on me. Staring. It was silent, too. I laughed awkwardly and got up off the floor, waving at them hesitantly.


"Um, h-hi there, I g-guess?" I stutter, feeling their eyes on me. Is this a dream? I glance to the side, at the table where my dolls were at. Emphasis on "were". I look back at the six men and look back at where my dolls should be. There and back. There and back. Hahah... I guess I am dreaming. I pinch myself to confirm it. I just feel pain in my side as if it wasn't a dream.


I could feel pain in my dreams, right? Right? Right??


...Apparently not.


But back to my dolls, my lucky charms, my precious figures that I have pride in and have always had since forever. They're gone and there's no way they'll ever be replaced. I look at the men in my living room who have long gone silent since I did the stupid mistake of opening my door. Did they take them? Well, I'll never know unless I ask.


"Who the hell are you guys and where did my dolls go!?"



Now it's officially started. >.< I hope you like this chapter~ I'll update this as soon as I kind of set an updating schedule for myself. If there's any questions or comments, please tell me! I don't bite. :P


Also, please excuse the way I write the members because this is my first time writing about VIXX, so I need to take the time to create my own personal way to express the members like making N extra sassy or whatever. ^^;


Thank you for reading~

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ahhhh >_< I'm still figuring out which powers to give to the rest of the group and how they'll use it, so I'm sorry for not updatinggg


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Omg I'm in the story thank you~ <3
Heavensnite #2
Chapter 2: I'm really curious, can't wait for more.
Chapter 1: Oohh I'm already starting to like this story please update soon!!! :)