What? I Don't Believe It.

저주인형 (Cursed Doll)

"Who the hell are you guys and where did my dolls go!?"


The six men seated in my living room flinched at my outburst. (Well, all except for one.) All of their eyes looked about them nervously, finally landing on a single person who I think is the leader. I saw his eyes waver with nervousness until he started speaking.


"We're your dolls, you," he said, the others nodding. I just look at him with an "are you serious" face. There's no way they can be my dolls--they're human for crying out loud! I dismiss that thought when I realize that he also knew my name.


I bite my lip. "No, you aren't. You're..." I look over them one by one, again. They seem vaguely familiar.


"We're what?" asked the one with a deep voice. "Just humans?"


I nodded, looking into his eyes. Something flashes in his eyes and I feel a chill. I shiver and fall back onto my bottom. I hold back a scream and scramble away from the living room. Thankfully, none of them go after me.


you, don't run.


My eyes widen as I try to move, but I can't. It's as if I lost control of my body. I couldn't scream as my body suddenly was lifted into the air and floated back to the living room.


"You're wrong," says the youngest of the six and I whip my head to face him.


"W-what are you then!?" I stutter, feeling uncomfortable.


The one sitting next to him pulls down the collar on his shirt and says, "Does this look familiar?" The youngest lifts his head so that I could see it more clearly. I gasp.


A tattoo.



It resembled a lighting bolt of sorts, similar to the one on one of my dolls. I had to rub my eyes to check if I'm not hallucinating. But I wasn't.


The youngest spoke up. "The tattoo tells you what powers I have," he explained. "I control weather, mostly rain and thunderstorms and I can ride on the wind." He pointed to the guy next to him. "Hyung's power is like Jekyll and Hyde. But he gets to control it." He lowered the collar down for me to see.



It was a wing with pointed feathers, like the one on my doll. But... how does this match with Jekyll and Hyde?


"What he forgot to tell you is that I also get wings when I transform." The guy with the wing tattoo smiles, showing off his dimples. It almost makes me want to faint by just looking at him. "I also have a little bit of healing powers."


Then I remember that they're also kind of holding me against my will.


"W-WAIT! What do you want from me!?" I shriek, struggling to move.


I look at the deep voiced guy and scream louder.



There's a mark shaped like an eye on his forehead now that kind of looks like the one on a doll that I had. The irises were blank and where the white part of an eye should be was replaced by a heavy black.


"It's his tattoo, you." The guy with a big nose speaks up. "It's special because his is the only one that is on the forehead and can fade away. Ours can't."


The leader adds, "And it only appears when he's really focused on his psychic powers." Psychic? I don't understand what it is, like, what his powers actually are.


I can control other peoples' minds and bodies by hypnosis, levitate, and kind of use telepathy. Actually, all of us can use telepathy.


I look towards the big nosed guy. He raises and eyebrow. "What?" he asks. "Is my nose big or something?" I reply with a "no". "What do you want, then, you?"


"Why are you in my house, who are you, what are you, and why the hell are you HOLDING ME STILL!?" I try not to cry because first of all, what if these people are sadists? They might enjoy people suffering. Secondly, they might be some douches who like to take advantage of people and crying is like a sign of weakness. And lastly, they're strangers for heaven's sake.


The big nosed guy's eyes soften. There's an aura of gentleness that fills the room.


"Are you okay?"


The other men in the room suddenly have their eyes on me, all similarly looking concerned, even just a little bit.


That was when I calmed my nerves a little and answered, "No, I am not okay." The men relaxed and the tension in the air--which I didn't notice at all--lifted, making me feel at ease.


"I just want to know why you're here, who you are, and what do you want with me!?" I hold my breath, releasing it after a few seconds. My blood was still poundng and my heart was still racing with nervousness. I just needed to calm down.


"We already answered the first two questions; we're your dolls," said the leader. "We're here because you put us here while we were in our doll form." I nodded, understanding what he means. "And since you are the owner of the dolls, or us, I think we should tell you that..."


"You're our Master, you."



Mianhae for the late update!! I don't really have a laptop of my own... I use my mom's but she's hella busy with it. I have my phone but I don't like writing on it. So, until I get a laptop for myself, you'll have to deal with a long wait in between chapters. >.< Sorry...


Anyhoo, so we've been introduced to the members a little more! XD I realized halfway through writing this that I introduced just the younger three's powers all in order from youngest to oldest~


If you don't know who has what power it's:


Hyuk with Weather Powers, mostly rain and thunderstorms.

Hongbin with Beast Powers and sprouts wings like in the Hyde MV, as well as have a little bit of healing powers.

Ravi has Psychic Powers: hypnosis and levitation. He also has another power but it'll be revealed later in the story.


You'll get to guess on the rest of the members! And as Ravi stated, all of the members have the ability to use telepathy. ^^


EDIT:: I didn't use the symbols from VOODOO DOLL simply because they did not represent powers, but instead meant something different.


Some Ken~




Thankuuuu for reading this chapter~ you jjang!!

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ahhhh >_< I'm still figuring out which powers to give to the rest of the group and how they'll use it, so I'm sorry for not updatinggg


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Omg I'm in the story thank you~ <3
Heavensnite #2
Chapter 2: I'm really curious, can't wait for more.
Chapter 1: Oohh I'm already starting to like this story please update soon!!! :)