Chapter 3

Aura Seeker

 “Urghh…” Jongin groans.

Mornings are always dreadful Jongin thinks, because he really doesn’t want to leave his shack. He closes his eyes and bites his lips.

“Eh, I’ll just skip school today. It’s not like they’ll notice.”

He slowly gets out of bed and flings off the worn covers, stretching his limbs. He mopes around for a few seconds before getting up. The smell earth and fresh dew draw his attention, leading him outside.

Automatically he shields his eyes away from the sun, using his hands to block the incoming light rays. He runs towards the back of the shack for protection, reaching a large pit dug in the ground. Clean, shimmering fresh water is filled to the brim in the pit; a nice breeze washes over his half- asleep face.

The corners of his mouth curl up and he starts to strip off his clothes. He carefully enters the pool, enjoying the cool sensations running through his skin. After fully entering the water, he washes himself diligently, making sure to wash out the dried mud and dirt out of his hair from yesterday.

It was last year when the pit had appeared in his backyard, frightening the Denzos out of Jongin. Although he suspected the pit to be poisoned or cursed, it was instead filled with clean freshwater. Thanks to the pit, he didn’t have to go into the village and use the public washhouse anymore. It was designed for every villager to use, but lately only erts and the stray Leonas, cat like creatures, use it.

After washing himself and shaking off the water like a dog, he puts back on his clothes and decides to stroll through the village.

Let’s see what people are selling today.

While he walks towards the big red gates, something in his peripheral view catches his eye. He turns his head towards a patch of land just a little farther away from his shack and spots something lying on the ground.  As he walks closer and closer to the object, his eyes widen. His walk turns into a run when he identifies the purple and blue feathered wing nestled under a heap of similar feathers.

Suddenly the ground disappears beneath his feet and he lands on his back painfully. He clenches his jaw and tries to get up, but his face hits the ground instead. When he looks down at his hands, they’re bright red and thawing. The ground beneath him is frozen solid; the grass trapped underneath the thin layer of ice is black and rotting.

What happened?

Jongin rolls over and lands on healthy, full grass before standing up and reaching the object on the floor. An immobilized Barton is lying on its back, its wings spread out like it was flying before it turned into its current state. Too Jongin’s knowledge, Bartons only fly during the night and return to their homes before the sun comes up.

The beautiful creature’s feathers glimmer in the sun; its purple and blue wings reflecting the sun’s rays. It looks like the light is illuminating its figure. Jongin picks up the bird gently, lips frowning when a few feathers fall off. He’s about to head back to the shack when he spots another Barton lying just a few feet away from where he is standing. He soon discovers more and more birds lying in the same paralyzed state.

He takes them back to his shack, but his eyes widen in surprise when an invisible force repels him. A few birds fall to the floor. He tries to go through, but the force won’t budge. He screams when an urgent voice speaks to him.

Kim Jongin, leave the village. Flee to the forest and you will be protected. Flee now before they find you. Hurry!

Jongin panics and runs to the red gates, stuttering the chants and fumbling with the birds and his necklace.  

The Bartons’ pale, blank eyes follow his figure. A dreadful, low laugh resonates from within their throats. The vibrations send off a dark energy. The few left on the ground in front of the shack start to squirm, screeching silent screams as they shake violently and flap their wings. Their bodies are glittering everywhere, a mysterious force driving them insane.

After a minute their bodies dissolve and disappear. The fairy dust glows dully before settling down on the clay roof.

A horrific voice screeches;  a dusky, molten energy gravitates towards the shack.

Princess, you shall not protect the boy much longer. Your powers cannot stop me.

The dust stirs but doesn’t strike. It’s shining bright like a fire, so ablaze that the dark energy slows and disappears. A distant wail resonates from far away.

This boy I will protect.



Jongin is running through the village like a mad man, trying to find the village’s leader. The auras around him are fuming scarlet and laser yellow. People are furious and highly tentative.

He spots Bartons littered throughout the village, people gathered around them and murmuring. He can sense the Unifars’ auras, and they’re pitch black. They’re angered and vengeful. Taking care of creatures is their specialty.

Everyone is too immersed in the gruesome spectacle to notice Jongin. When he finally reaches the leader’s lavish home, he barges through the door to find the Pavolla leader sitting at his desk working on something. The man spots Jongin and looks frazzled. He hurriedly removes the papers and stuffs them in a drawer. Jongin eyes the black paper sticking out of the drawer.

That’s not normal paper.

The man follows Jongin’s eyes and grunts, immediately grabbing Jongin’s attention. He walks forward and sets the immobile Bartons on the leader’s desk.

“Kim Jongin, what are you do-.”

“I found these Bartons like this when I woke up. It seems like they all got paralyzed or something last night. When I tried to bring them into my shack, it wouldn’t let me go through.”

Jongin wipes the sweat off his forehead and steps back, breathing in deep breathes. He decided not to tell him about the voice in his head from earlier.

The Pavolla leader regards Jongin for a minute before laughing and shaking his head. He motions for Jongin to come closer to his desk with his hand.

“Jongin, there’s nothing to be worried about. I’m sure the Unifar will fix this problem. As for your shack, well, maybe you should fix it.”

Jongin’s lips turn into a frown.

“But the village’s aura is red. No one is pleased about this situation. The Unifar is angered by this. I don’t think this a problem to be handled very lightly.”

The leader looks at Jongin with pale, cold eyes. He sighs and reaches for Jongin’s hand, assuring the boy that he will handle it correctly. After Jongin hesitantly leaves the office, the leader falls back in his seat and runs his hand through his hair. One reason why he never allowed  the boy to live in the village was because the boy knew too much. Emotions can tell how a village thrives, and by Jongin’s observations the Unifar will not let this go. If only he can contain the boy for a few days while the spell sets in. That way he can get rid of the shack and the troublesome fairy dust.

He takes out the black papers and looks at the letters and smiles.

Although he cares for the village, a smart man knows what he wants.

His eyes land on the picture of a boy laughing, unsuspecting to the framing spell. The boy’s soft hair bounces as his eyes turn into slight crescents. His plump lips reveal a radiant smile.

Hosak doesn’t know what made the boy smile that day, but he is glad. For seventeen years he observed the boy going to and from school, getting bullied and alienated by the villagers. Although he knew the villagers feared the boy, he never did. He found the boy to be absolutely beautiful.

So when the dark spirits offered him a deal a few weeks ago, he took it without hesitation. They wanted the village, and in return he would get the boy.

Kim Jongin, just wait a bit. You’ll be in my arms soon enough.




A/N: Woohoo! Third chapter! I find writing fantasy to be a lot more enjoyable compared to other genres. Anyways, suscribe! Comments are always welcome.








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Jhtylee #1
Chapter 3: Are you going to continue this story
JiSongRyuu #2
Chapter 3: Will there be an update because I really like the story and cant wait for ChanKai!!!
xjlove011 #3
Can't wait to read the next chap.