I Don't Need Coffee

L.Joe's Bride

Break from all the drama. :) 


“So, what are you going to do now?”

I’m in Minji’s place and I told her everything that happened to me and L.Joe. Although, I still feel awkward telling her all these stuffs because she used to be L.Joe’s girl.

I sighed hard. “I don’t know.” I replied as I laid my head on the couch. “I don’t know!” I exasperated.

Minji looked at me and sighed. “You still love Woo Jiho?” She asked me.

I shut my eyes. “I don’t know.” These are the only words that would come from my mouth.

My solo time with L.Joe ended with Mr. Lee knocking on the door and calling me for another meeting. Jiho was nowhere to be found.

And I thought he would wait for me.

L.Joe, however, went back to work on his Resort Project and I went to the meeting with Mr. Song.

Then now, I am with Minji.

She gave me a look. “Hana, it’s impossible for you to not know what you feel for those two.” She told me. “You know it. You just can’t admit it.” She shook her head then went back to fiddling with her phone again.

She has been constantly looking at the screen since she sat down.

I raised my brow. “Are you waiting for a call?” I asked her.

She looked at me and shook her head. “No.” She replied but she was blushing. I rolled my eyes on her. She’s really bad at lying.

“Who’s that? Spill, please.” I told her.

She scowled at me then looked at her phone smiling again.

“Just…someone.” She replied then her phone beeped and I can see her eyes turn to heart shapes. Really.

I shook my head at her and went on the TV again.

It was Fated to Love You.

I honestly am not thinking clearly. I can’t even understand what they are talking about. I feel like I am hearing the words but they don’t reach my brain.

I feel like I’m blocking the words from getting to my brain. Or was my brain so full of thoughts that these words don’t have space in my brain anymore?

“Do you by chance know someone named Lee Jonghyun?” Minji suddenly spoke to me. So my brain selects the words that would enter, huh?

I narrowed my eyes on her. Lee Jonghyun? Isn’t that… “Mr. Lee?” I asked her.

Her eyes widened. “Mr. Lee? You mean the Uptight Man – slash – Asst. CEO?” She asked in disbelief.

I nodded. “Yeah. Why? You know him?” I asked her. Why is she showing me shocked expressions?

She nodded then she handed me her phone.

I narrowed my eyes on the application. “Ok Cupid?” I asked her in disbelief. “You have a dating app on your phone?” I asked again.

She smiled sheepishly.

I scoffed at her and opened the thread under Harem Magnet. The hell? Harem Magnet? What kind of username is that?!

Harem Magnet: I actually work in KMS Marketing Company. What about you?

As I read on, I cringed at their conversation.

I gave Minji a warning look. Why is she flirting with this Harem Magnet guy? Why is she flirting with Lee Jonghyun?

“I doubt this is Mr. Lee though.” I told her. “Mr. Lee is uptight. This Harem man is just not Mr. Lee – like.” I added.

She sighed.

I looked at her. “And what are you doing having this dating app on your phone anyway?!” I asked her.

She smiled shyly. “My manager was using that app too. I just downloaded it because she told me it was good. She’s actually dating the guy for real.” She beamed.

“And you think you can have your own love story with this application?” I raised my brow at her.

She smiled. “There’s no harm in trying, Hana. Maybe you know. This is my kind of love story.” She beamed.

I scoffed at her. “Minji, you are a model. Many people like you. Many people look up to you. I’m sure you don’t need a dating app for your real man.” I replied.

She smiled. “But still, this man is great.” She insisted on this Harem Magnet man. Aish! “I have been chatting with him for a while.” She added.

I narrowed my eyes at her. “So… what are you trying to tell me then?” I asked her.

She grinned. “Maybe I should give him a shot.”


“Hana, maybe I should start loving again. It’s been a while. And Ahn Jaehyo is not freaking looking at me. His eyes are all on Son Naeun. I hate it!” She wrinkled her nose.

I chuckled at her. “So, I think you’re trying to divert yourself from Jaehyo to this Harem man.” I told her.

She nodded. “Exactly!” She beamed. “So please, let me have my happy ever after with Harem Magnet while you go chase your Lee Byunghun because I am getting tired of all your drama.” She told me as she yanked her phone back to her from my hand.

I stopped with her words. “Lee Byunghun?” I asked her.

She looked at me. “Yes. Hana, it’s too obvious. You’re confused because you don’t know if you would pursue your feelings for him. Not because Woo Jiho is here.” She said. “We both know that even though Woo Jiho is not in picture, you would still feel the way you are feeling right now.” Then she turned to her Mr. Harem Magnet again.

I shut my eyes at her words.

Was she right?

Am I really… Ugh. I don’t know.


The next day, I walked to the KMS MC building.

From: Woo Jiho

Don’t forget to trust your feelings, Hana.

I narrowed my eyes on Jiho’s message. Why is he acting weird this morning? Or does he think like what Minji is thinking too?

I shook my head and headed straight to the company café for a cup of coffee. I needed something to stimulate my mind. Caffeine.

I was walking to the counter when my eyes got a grip of Mr. Lee on the corner-most table, concentrating on his phone.

I narrowed my eyes at him. He looked like he is waiting for something.

Are there clients this early in the morning?

“What are you looking at?”

Suddenly, I heard L.Joe’s voice.

I was taken aback and I almost fell. It was a good thing his hands were fast enough to save me from falling flat on the floor.

He looked down at me as I am still in his arms. “Good morning, Kim Hana.” He told me.

I immediately went out of his grip and fixed myself.

Geez. I don’t think coffee is a good idea when L.Joe is around. I will die of palpitations.

“What are you doing here?” I asked him. I just wished my voice didn’t sound trembling or what.

He raised his brow and fixed my hair. I straightened up when he fixed my bangs to the side. “I’m working here too.” He told me.

I narrowed my eyes on him. “You have your own company to work at. Why are you coming here?” I asked him.

It’s true he has the whole Lee Group building on his own, why is he here? He should be working there, not here! This is my building!

And geez! I need a break from this L.Joe and Jiho drama.

“I’m collaborating with the engineers and architects in your company, Kim Hana. That’s why I am here.” He told me. “And I am in the café to buy coffee, if that’s what you’re wondering.” Then he looked at the menu.

I balled my fist and let out a soundless scream behind his back before calming down. I shut my eyes and sighed hard. I need to keep my cool.

“What’s your order, Sir Lee?” This coffee cashier girl is smiling really widely. She’s never smiled at me like that when I ordered in the past. Psh. I rolled my eyes on her.

“One grande caramel frappuccino.” He replied curtly.

Aish! Why did he order first? Now he would think I copied him! Why did he order the same drink with the one I am thinking?

“Okay, Sir. One grande caramel frappuccino coming up.” She beamed with the brightest smile I’ve ever seen the whole morning. Sheesh! My eyes are going blind!

I scoffed from behind.

L.Joe glanced at me. “What?” He asked me.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. “Nothing.” I replied and looked away.

I heard him smirk. Psh.

“Here’s your order, Sir.” The cashier girl beamed as she gave L.Joe the drink. She made it sure that she would touch L.Joe’s fingers as she handed him the drink.

L.Joe took it without even realizing the cashier girl intentions.

Psh. Holding on to the tiniest bit of hope my .

You’re such a possessive girl, Hana!

I shut my eyes and collected my cool as I walked to the front of the counter. However, L.Joe faced me.

“Here.” He told me as he reached his drink out to me.

I narrowed my eyes on him. “What’s that?” I asked him.

He smiled at me. “Coffee for my girl.” He told me as he took my hand and placed the drink on it. I gripped on the drink of course.

I suddenly felt the blood rushing to my face as he smiled at me.

“I know that’s what you always order here.” He told me.

I narrowed my eyes on him. “How-“

He grinned. “Of course, I’m always watching you.” He told me. Then he took the folders I am holding.

“Hey!” I whined at him.

“I’ll walk you to your office. Please?” He asked me as he secured the folders in his arm.

I sighed and got no choice but to agree. I mean, he offered for it.

Just say you’re happy that your day started with L.Joe.

Oh, shut it, conscience!

Then we walked to the office. I looked at him. “Why didn’t you order something to drink?” I asked him as we entered the elevator.

It’s just the two of us. Somehow, I am scared of what he would do to me. I mean, what if he has his inner Christian Grey inside him and just pin me to the elevator wall and kiss me. No.

He looked at me and smiled. “My heart is beating fast enough because of your presence. I don’t need coffee.” He uttered and I was flabbergasted once again.

Don’t forget to trust your feelings, Hana.




#RIPRise :(((((

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memoria_99 #1
Chapter 29: chappie 29: such a sweet ending............
memoria_99 #2
Chapter 28: chappie 28: yahooOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
memoria_99 #3
Chapter 21: chappie 21: poor namjoo......
but,, jeohan fighting!!!!!!!!!!!
memoria_99 #4
Chapter 11: chappie 11: i really wanna ship for joehan....
but, l.joe's attitude now just make me mad........
memoria_99 #5
Chapter 9: chappie 9: i'm really in a big curiousity now.....
did l.joe still love hana or not ????
memoria_99 #6
Chapter 3: chappie 3: WHAT?????!!!!!!
l.joe already has a girlfriend???!!!!
Chocoholic_Exo-L #7
Chapter 10: I am 99.99% sure L.Joe will win. No I'm sure. But I'm just going to pretend that ZiNa will happen.
blahzeloo #8
Chapter 28: really good story!!!
omgmyung #9
Chapter 29: I love your story :"))