The First Inteview

Him and Her
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Sorry for the long wait.. too busy with work and had some things to deal with..

Don't own anything at all...


The First Interview


A few days later, Katara and Lay had their first interview as a married couple, although PD-nim insisted that Katara be interviewed first. WGM staff lead Katara to small quiet cafe in Hongdae to start the interview.

Seeing that Katara arrived as scheduled, the WGM staff quickly ushered her in the cafe and quickly attached a mic to her to begin the interview.

WGM-PD: (Okay, Katara, just sit there, points to a chair. We're getting started people, in 3, 2, 1! Claps the slate) Hello! Please introduce yourself.

Katara: Hello everyone! (Bows 90 degrees) My name is Katara Yang Lee Alessi, 19 years old, already finished with my studies in Seoul National University, and is currently working for Papa YG.

WGM-PD: So how was your first meeting with your husband?

Katara: I actually wasn't expecting him at all. He surprised me. Um.. He looks really cute like a kitten... I just want to pinch his cheeks and smother him with hugs.. (Blushes a little)

WGM-PD: Anything else?

Katara: I like that he is not a picky eater and has a good appetite. (Referring to the time they first ate together) And I like that he has no reservations in showing simple affection towards me. Although he is a still a bit clumsy with his Korean, I have no problems with that since I can speak in Mandarin as well.

WGM-PD: Is he different from what you have imagined as your ideal type ?

Katara: (A bit hesistant) I think a bit of yes and no.

WGM-PD: May I ask why?

Katara: I kind of expected a man who is a bit more manly, I guess? But hey, it's okay, we're just getting to know each other and maybe in time we will discover more about each other.

WGM-PD: I saw that in the game you both have similar tastes. how do you think your marriage will fare from now on?

Katara: As I said before, I hope that we can be a couple who will support and care for each and be there for each other through the good and bad times. I want to become a supportive friend and wife to him.

WGM-PD: Any last words to your husband?

Katara: Husband-ssi, I hope that our marriage is full of fun and laughter. Remember to rest and eat well. When you need help, just tell me! Jia you! (Doing the fighting sign with her hands)

WGM-PD: (Hehehe, so cute. And cut! That's a wrap people!) Thank you Katara-ssi, for the interview. Also I would like to inform you that the house that you requested is already prepared. I wasn't able to find one with a pool but it has a garden and I also took the liberty of putting a baby grand piano there, is that alright, Katara-ssi?

Katara: Oh wow! Thank you so much! But please help me hide the piano as a surprise for him.  (Bows 90 degrees to the PD) PD-nim, please wait for me, I need something to give to you. ( Rans back to her car and came back carrying several cake boxes) Here, PD-nim, these are my gifts to the staff. (Handing out several cake boxes)

WGM-PD: (peers at the boxes curiously) What are these, Katara-ssi?

Katara: Oh these are our (Her and Lay's) gift to the WGM staff. These are specialty pies of my cafe. Please enjoy.

WGM-PD: Oh, thank you, Katara-ssi. It is a nice gesture from the both of you.

Katara: We hope that PD-nim and the rest

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yunjae23 #1
Chapter 11: Update please
Chapter 11: I'm loving the story authornim. Please update again.
DeerLuhan2233 #3
Chapter 11: Update soon !HWAITING
DeerLuhan2233 #4
cheekykpop #5
To Kayheartsnsd from authornim, I apologize for the abrupt ending of the chapter, the Internet suddenly broke down when I was typing the rest of the story.... huhuhuhu... I will update now... Thanks for reading. Fighting!
Chapter 9: Authornim i guess there's something wrong with my phone because this chappie ended with 'katara parked the car and they went up the' is it my phone or is the update really like that? Please help me authornim ~_~ i really want to read your updates T_T
Shishichan #7
Chapter 8: I love this story so far! Im looking forward to the next update!^^
Chapter 8: love it already
hope for the fast update
thank you