I don't wanna let you go

Forbidden Love

He knew there’s something that only he could do, but he was so scared to search for answers, the second day was too much for him to handle that he gathered all his courage and went to his teacher’s house, the place that no one else beside him knows about. He knocked the door several times without an answer, and the moment he gave up and turned to walk away, Jin opened the door.

Jungkook was shocked to see him, he didn’t look anything like his teacher, he smelled alcohol, his hair was a mess, his outfit too, putting aside the dead look in his eyes, the dark circles, holding a glass of beer in his hand. Jungkook was scared.

“What brings you here..” Jin could hardly push the words to be heard, Jungkook bit his lips, followed Jin inside the house, he sat on the couch playing with the drink he was holding, Jungkook unconsciously found himself holding the glass and threw it to the wall, “Stop….” Tears started falling from his eyes uncontrollably “I’m begging you stop” he couldn’t handle the scene, Jin tried so hard to get back to his senses, but he was way too drunk to be able to focus, Jungkook sat on the floor in front of Jin, he rested his head on his teacher’s knees and cried, Jin slowly started grabbing a hold of what’s going on, “Jungkook-chii..” he said as he went down to face him, he placed his hands on the younger’s shoulders “hey.. look at me” but Jungkook was crying so hard he couldn’t even look at him “I’m sorry..” Jin pulled him closer into a hug, a very tight hug, and let him cry as he caressed his hair till he had no more tears left to shed.

After he calmed down, the eldest was fully awake, he washed his face several times with iced water to wake up. He prepared a warm drink for Jungkook who was emotionally drained, then sat beside him on the couch, elbowing him, letting him feel his warmth, trying to express how sorry he was, but Jungkook wouldn’t even look at him. “You’re still mad?” Jin asked, as he put his hands on the other’s shoulders, looking right through his eyes. Jungkook let go of his teacher’s hold, and looked away. “You won’t talk to me?” he asked, but he wouldn’t reply. Jin knows that he has no reason to explain for one of his students what happened with him, that wasn’t actually the case, he wanted to tell him, so he did. “and that’s what this all is about.. I’m sorry to worry you.. I really am” Jungkook finally looked at him, Jin felt his tummy squeezing just by the younger’s look, yet he can’t allow himself to show it, he kept his expressionless face as it is, “your ex..” Jungkook whispered in Jin’s ear, as he leaned closer to him, Jin wasn’t able to move, he just stayed still, “I really hate her so bad..” he rested his head on the elder’s shoulder, feeling useless since he has nothing in his hands to make his teacher feel better, Jin didn’t push him away, nor did he say anything, instead, he pulled him closer to him “I know what goes in your mind Jungkook-chii.. you don’t need to do anything, I’m okay, I really am” after hearing his words, Jungkook raised his head, looked angrily at his teacher “What do you think it is that you know.. if you know.. if you know..” Jin didn’t let him complete his line, but interrupted his words with his lips sealed on his.

Jungkook was more than just startled, and so was Jin who didn’t know how he allowed himself to do that, to his student. Yet none of them pushed the other away, they knew it was wrong but they both gave in to whatever it is that happened, “I’m sorry..” Jin whispered to his ear, after seeing the tears falling down from his eyes.

It was already after midnight, Jin wouldn’t let Jungkook go home at such a time, “stay here for tonight.. it’s late” Jungkook can’t refuse his teacher’s request, and Jin knew it very well, “I’ll sleep on the couch, so sleep on the bed Jungkook-chii” Jungkook didn’t move an inch, he just kept staring at Jin endlessly, “what?” he asked him, wondering what’s wrong, “you are a music teacher, right..” he asked, Jin wasn’t sure if he was waiting for an answer to that, but he nodded anyway, “then.. can you.. sing for me?” he asked looking down the floor, scared to see his teacher’s expressions. Jin didn’t know exactly if he was happy to hear that request or not but he couldn’t refuse. Jungkook lied down the bed, Jin was sitting beside him, caressing his hair, then sang for him, the first lullaby Jungkook has ever heard, the one that none of his parents could sing to him, and for the first time in his life, he slept, feeling that he was loved, and for the first time, he had a sweet dream.

Jungkook’s tiny hand was strongly holding Jin’s, and he knew if he moved he’d wake him up, he stayed still till he gave up to sleep, right by his side. Jin didn’t know how, or why, but this kid managed to take all his pain away, he somehow managed to fell his heart with something he never felt before, he didn’t want to lose him, he didn’t want to let go of him, and most importantly, he wanted to protect him. But he can’t be his teacher any longer, they both know it very well.

The next morning was like that when Jungkook first came to this place, except that for now, their hearts have changed. They prepared breakfast together, Jungkook was way too obvious that he was afraid to lose him, he knew it, that this might be the last time for them together, and he didn’t want to let go, he didn’t want to stay away not even for a second. They hardly had their breakfast, which Jungkook couldn’t complete, he stood up and ran around the table to reach Jin, he hugged him for way too long, none of them wanted to let go, it was like a goodbye that they both didn’t want to have. “Jungkook-chii..” he called his name, but the younger wouldn’t reply, “Jungkook chii you’re going to be late.. you need to dress up too remember..” he just kept shaking his head refusing to let go, with his hands holding the other’s shirt firmly. He let him stay, caressed his hair for a while, before placing a kiss on his forehead, he wiped away his tears “and stop crying.. okay?” Jungkook nodded, and it was finally their goodbye, with a last hug, they said their farewell.

Jungkook went to school with a pale face, it was the first day for him to go to school being calm, he didn’t even bully anyone nor started a single fight, his classmates were scared even more from the sudden change, and as he expected, Jin didn’t come to school, instead, they had a new music teacher, a female in her mid-twenties, still young, pretty, and skilled at the same time, but he didn’t find himself able to care, he accepted everything as it is, and let go of all his feelings, that he never had before towards anyone, and he didn’t know why it had to be him, Jin, his music teacher.


------------------------------------------ Two Years Later-------------------------------------------

He returned back to his original career as a producer, it wasn’t long till his name shined again, he has always been talented, and lots of people wanted no one to work with but him. He kept his relationship with everyone very formal, that girls got tired of hitting on him without a response, yet couldn’t hate him when he’d smile at them beautifully as he always does. It’s been two years since he left that school, knowing that he left a part of him hanging with the heart of that kid, Jeon Jungkook.

Unlike any other day, the company was way more than just lively today, Jin was a couple of hours late so he didn’t get to know what was going on that he had to ask his secretary who had her eyes shaped as hearts already. “The new rookie who joined the company today, he’s stealing the lights like no kidding! Such a flirt..!” she said with her cheeks burning from being shy. She received a call that she picked up right away, “yes he’s here.. yes.. yes he has nothing now,, okay okay sure!” she said happily “he wants to meet you personally you should be proud”

Jin didn’t expect anything more than a spoiled brat who flirts with everyone on earth bragging about being talented that he got accepted between few hundreds applicants who were rejected. He smiled at the thought slightly, before hearing his secretary laughs shyly, he opened the door to see the new rookie flirting with her, telling her how beautiful her eyes were, and she was melting just because he is looking at her. Jin felt his heart squeezes inside his chest as his eyes met his, that kid from school, Jeon Jungkook, is the rookie that everyone is talking about. He smiled at him and waved his hand “Good morning Mr.Jin, my name is Jungkook and from today, I’m under your full care, please take a good care of me” he said cheerfully and bowed to his new master, he followed Jin who was still under the shock to his office, closed the door behind them, Jin turned to face him, “you grew up..” he said as he walked closer to Jungkook who had his back to the door that he just closed, “and you became more charismatic than you already were..” Jungkook replied with a smirk, “you flirt… I need to punish you for flirting with everyone you know that right?” he hugged him, and Jungkook hugged him even tighter, letting all the time they spent away from each other melt with the heat of their hug, and they know it now, that they’ll never let go of each other now, two years passed with both of them waiting for the other, till they finally got back together, till they can finally promise each other that they’ll never let go “I know it very well, Mr.Jin”.


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Seoulqueenka #1
Chapter 3: I’m glad Kookie and Jin reunited!!
Sugasweetie #2
Chapter 3: It's so good
Even though it's a little short, I really love it
Chapter 3: I like it!
Chapter 2: Omg Kookie T.T
i love this story so much !!
Chapter 3: Omg this is so cute! I'm getting diabetes because it's toooo sweeet to handle! Love it~<3
Chapter 3: love it <3 <3 <3 please take my upvote ^_^
Chapter 3: This is so cute and sweet omg. <3 <3 <3
Chapter 3: Awww so cute and adorable love the story and the ending.:) i enjoy it^^.