Was it a sin?

Forbidden Love

Jungkook woke up to the smell of omelet coming from the kitchen, Jin was already awake preparing a healthy breakfast for the kid. He slowly moved from bed trying to remember what brought him here but his memory failed him, all he could remember is going to the music room, and it stops there. The place was so unfamiliar to him, but he wasn’t scared nor confused, he walked towards the kitchen, searching for a clue that makes him know what this place is, Jin expected him to wake up with a terrible mood, to break a plate or two, to yell so hard or to even stab him for bringing him there since that’s the side he always shows to people, and he didn’t expect him to act otherwise. Reality shocked him when Jungkook entered the kitchen, he bowed to him, “Good morning Mr. Jin” he said politely, and didn’t say anything more than that. Jin who was surprised to no end, hardly managed to keep his face expressions under control, he smiled to the young kid as he asked him to sit, “The breakfast is almost ready, have a seat”. He obediently listened to what Jin asked him to do, he hesitated at first, but when Jin insisted on him eating well, Jungkook replied with a smile and ate till he was full.

“I forgot my keys in the music room last night..” Jin said when he and Jungkook were cleaning up the table. He told him about him going there, finding him asleep in the room, he didn’t mention the fact that he listened to him for two hours, but he did tell him about his record, “You live by your own?” he asked. The boy nodded as he brushed the back of his head with his tiny hand. “I’m sorry for the trouble” Jungkook said, his teacher couldn’t help not smiling, he patted his head and asked him not to worry about it, instead, he is free to come any time to his house. “Do you usually let students in your place? I never heard of this before” he asked, Jin laughed, explained that he wasn’t even a teacher but a music producer, and that it’s the first time for a student to come to his house, Jungkook smiled as if he was relieved because of something, but Jin could never tell what it was. “I need to drop by my place to change, thank you for taking care of me” he bowed and went out even before allowing the other to reply. Jin smiled helplessly, and got ready for work.

As he expected, Jungkook wouldn’t change how he acts in front of the kids, he still bullies them heartlessly, Jin kept observing him, for the first time since years, Jin finds something interesting aside from music, but he never thought that a high school kid can attract his attention, not to this extent at least.

In the school’s break, Jin was busy writing a new song, he was swinging his fingers freely on the piano, with a pencil in his other hand, recording the notes on a music sheet. The perfect scene to watch, the handsome music teacher wearing a white blouse with the top three buttons opened, the black-framed glasses showing the beauty of his eyes clearly, his hair is a bit messy yet very well styled, with the sunlight reflecting on his milky skin, busy writing a song. The door opened, Jungkook entered by himself, the kid who’s always surrounded by a gang was finally alone at school, he closed the door slowly behind him, Jin noticed him but decided to complete what he was doing. Jungkook didn’t disturb his teacher, instead, he was watching him silently from afar. “Come closer..” Jin said with a deep tone making it hard for the other boy to refuse, he went closer to the piano, Jin pulled a chair closer to him, and Jungkook sat politely. “Say.. what brings you here at your break time?” he asked him, with his eyes still fixed on the music sheet in front of him.

Jungkook remained silent for a while, and Jin didn’t mind it, they were just sitting there, Jin writing the song, and Jungkook watching him. “I.. really love music” he finally said. Jin took a deep breath then looked at him with a serious glare, “what type of music?” he asked, pretending not to know. Jungkook excused himself to get the guitar, the one he was playing with last night, Jin smiled warmly, fixed his posture to give his full attention to Jungkook who clearly was nervous, “Umm,, I can play a bit, I write music from time to time, I’m not a pro though but I thought maybe you’d want to listen….” His face was turning red already, Jin caressed his hair to assure him he wants to listen, Jungkook smiled, fixed the chords, took a deep breath, and started singing. His expression changed once he started singing, with his eyes closed, he got carried out with the song, Jin’s eyes teared up, he didn’t notice it himself till his vision became blurry. Jungkook opened his eyes when he finished, he was afraid to see the reaction of his teacher, not knowing whether what he sang was acceptable or not, when his teacher was already in a condition that doesn’t allow him to let his student to see him, but he did. Jungkook’s eyes widened, Jin laughed trying to shake the tears away, he pretended as if something was in his eyes, but he never was good in lying, yet Jungkook went along the act and smiled. “The song, did you write it?” He asked, “Yeah.. early this year…” Jin patted him “You’re good, you really are”. The bell rang, and the break was over, the warm time they had together came to its end, and before Jungkook left the room, he stood in front of his teacher, held the edge of his white-sleeve, leaving him wondering what was going on, he looked down, bit his lips, then looked up to meet his eyes, “Mm.. Is it okay if I did this..” he wrapped his arms around Jin’s waist, who was taken by the moment, not knowing how to react, “u- uh..” and he ran out of the room back to his class.

That night Jin had his head messed up, it isn’t because of the sudden hug, he knows it well, but because of the feeling that he had, not wanting to let Jungkook let go of him. He washed his face with cold water so many times, he couldn’t sleep and it was getting late, and that was when he received a call, from his ex-girlfriend. He was shocked to see her number on the screen of his phone, he picked it up after some negotiations between his heart and mind, “Yes?” he asked, turns out the phone call was to let him know that she’s getting married soon, and that just in case he still is waiting for her, that he should stop, she wished the best for him and ended the call. Jin didn’t know how long it was since she hanged up, but one thing he knows for sure, it’s been a really long time. That night, he kept drinking till he passed out, he felt as if his world is fading away, as if everything around him is collapsing, it isn’t that he didn’t see it coming, for her to move on, but this was way too soon for him to handle. He didn’t go to school for the next couple of days saying that he’s on a sick-leave, in these couple of days, Jungkook hated himself, thinking that he did something he wasn’t supposed to do, that made Jin, his beloved music teacher, disappear.

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Seoulqueenka #1
Chapter 3: I’m glad Kookie and Jin reunited!!
Sugasweetie #2
Chapter 3: It's so good
Even though it's a little short, I really love it
Chapter 3: I like it!
Chapter 2: Omg Kookie T.T
i love this story so much !!
Chapter 3: Omg this is so cute! I'm getting diabetes because it's toooo sweeet to handle! Love it~<3
Chapter 3: love it <3 <3 <3 please take my upvote ^_^
Chapter 3: This is so cute and sweet omg. <3 <3 <3
Chapter 3: Awww so cute and adorable love the story and the ending.:) i enjoy it^^.