An innocent beginning

Forbidden Love

Being a teacher has never been something Jin wanted, but he has learned during his life that everything happens for a reason, and so he accepted this job. It has been a while since he started now, everything seems to be alright, the students are cooperating well, they’re good, they learn fast, and it makes him feel good about himself in a way.

“How foolish of me..” Jin whispered to himself, when he couldn’t find his keys in his pockets when he was heading home, remembering he left them on his desk in the music room. “At least I didn’t drop it on the way” he said as an attempt to make himself feel a bit better. He headed back to school, it was around 6 pm, the sun is about to set, and there was almost no one in the streets, like who’d go to school at such time. He went up to the floor where the classroom was, surprisingly the door was opened, even though the lights were off, he could tell someone was inside. “Probably the music club members are practicing or so..” he said, as he walked slowly, trying not to disturb the peaceful rhythm that could be heard from the end of the corridor leading to the door. As he walked closer he heard him singing, the voice he can never confuse with someone else’s, Jungkook’s voice. He was startled, the guitar was played professionally, flawlessly, and the singing was captivating, a voice of sorrow mixed with all sorts of emotions, Jin couldn’t help but standing behind the door, giving up all his senses to the beautiful music radiating from the music room. He stayed there for a couple of hours without noticing, as Jungkook shifted from a song to another, songs that Jin never heard of, songs that had powerful lyrics, powerful words, powerful voice, even the high notes were reached effortlessly, leaving it impossible for the music teacher not to fall for his songs. It lasted for quite too long, till the voice faded away, and silence covered up the place. Jin entered the room quietly, Jungkook was holding the guitar, facing the window that was viewing the full moon very charmingly, with its light reflected on Jungkook’s sleeping face, the sparkling lines from the corners of his eyes till his jaws couldn’t be mistaken, he was crying.

Jin found himself standing not being able to move, his heart ached when he saw him, and he couldn’t tell why. He took off his jacket and put him around Jungkook’s shoulders, wondering what he can do for him. Forgetting what he actually came for, he went straight to the teachers’ room to check the students records, he opened Jungkook’s records to search for a number to call, as surprised he was, Jin closed the records calmly, went to the music room not believing what he just read, the most spoiled kid in school, Jungkook had no family recorded, with “deceased” written in his parents’ information box.

Going up again to the room, Jungkook was sleeping like a kid, looking at his face now, for the first time, Jin saw the innocent look on the troublemaker’s face. He felt his inside burning with confusion, he felt he needs to do something for him, and as he was lost in his thoughts, Jungkook called out for his mum, with a tear escaping the corner of his closed eye. Jin hugged him after he put the guitar aside, Jungkook took a deep breath and calmed down, with a helpless smile drawn on his face. Jin waited for a while before he decided to take him home, he can’t leave him in school since it will cause him some issues in the next day, and since his house was really close, and since Jungkook was skinny, he felt it’s okay to let him rest in his house for the night. Luckily right before leaving the room, Jin remembered that he came to take his keys, so he did, and went back home, carrying Jungkook on his back.

He hardly managed to open the door, slowly, he put Jungkook on his bed, the young boy was still sleeping soundly, Jin kept looking at him for a while, wondering what kind of life this kid is really living, the loneliness he felt, faking being strong all day long, for god only knows how many years, just to make it this far. Jin put on his glasses, lit up a candle to allow him to read a random book that he picked on the coach next to the bed, and he fell asleep while reading the first few pages. 

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Seoulqueenka #1
Chapter 3: I’m glad Kookie and Jin reunited!!
Sugasweetie #2
Chapter 3: It's so good
Even though it's a little short, I really love it
Chapter 3: I like it!
Chapter 2: Omg Kookie T.T
i love this story so much !!
Chapter 3: Omg this is so cute! I'm getting diabetes because it's toooo sweeet to handle! Love it~<3
Chapter 3: love it <3 <3 <3 please take my upvote ^_^
Chapter 3: This is so cute and sweet omg. <3 <3 <3
Chapter 3: Awww so cute and adorable love the story and the ending.:) i enjoy it^^.