Stuck together

Wonkyu song drabbles

A/N: Where scholar Kyu gets stuck with Jock Won in the library.....


"Siwon! Pass it to me." said a panicked Hyukjae. But that didnt register quite well with the star player of the high school soccer team as he was busy dribbling the ball to get past his opponent all while staring at a certain bespectacled cutie pie who was happily chatting with his friend a few metres away. Siwon was known as the cool dude, who wouldnt let anything faze him. Even the prettiest girl in the school had made a pass on him but he had his eyes firmly set on the attractive final year high school student.


"Pass it, you moron! Pass it to Hyukjae! He is wide open!" his coach yelled from the stands but still his attention was firmly plastered onto the beautiful boy. When he had made the slightest slip up, his opponent made use of the opportunity, took away the ball that was at his feet a moment ago and made a run for it to score a goal.


"Idiot!" his coach muttered angrily and made way towards Siwon to give him a piece of his mind.


"CHOI SIWON! TWENTY LAPS AROUND.." Just as his coach began, Siwon interrupted him in between saying "Not today coachie! Gotta jet....I'll make up for it tomorrow!"


Leaving his coach dumbfounded he dashed away towards the lockers to get changed. "Never seen him so distracted....Tch! Brat...I think I am being awefully soft on him!" his coach wondered.



His excitement was running amock as he picked up pace in the hallway searching for the familiar face. On the way, he asked some girls whether they had seen Cho Kyuhyun anywhere and got a firm nod as reply. Seeing his dishevelled hair, shabby uniform shirt that was half untucked and his loose tie, the girls squealed further at his charm. It was true that Siwon was the undisputed heart throb for many die hard fangirls in the school but it was also true that Cho Kyuhyun wasnt anywhere far behind in popularity. A genius with a quick wit and sharp tongue, pale milky white complexion, considerably tall and lanky, a cute sharp nose, soft kissable pouty lips, a pair of chocolate brown glittering orbs that seemed to behold a magnetising gaze and a mop of messy brown silky hair were some of the highlights. Hence he was considered the sweetheart of the campus. And this sweetheart currently held Siwon's heart captive with his innocent demeanour refusing to let go of it since the second year of high school, when they were assigned a joint project.


"Excuse me, have you seen Cho Kyuhyun anywhere?" Siwon asked a boy who had barely passed by.


"Final year, Class 3-B? Saw him going into the library!" the boy said and Siwon thanked him.




He was now standing in front of the library contemplating on whether to go in or not. The librarian was a scary burly man in his late fifties who had a thing for Siwon. And by "thing" it meant, a stiff dislike that probably mushroomed due to the fact that Siwon still refused to return an overdue book for months. Straightening his uniform, tying his tie and smoothing out his hair, he boldly went inside paying no heed to the glare from the old man that could have probably burned him down.


"Choi Siwon! Your Advanced Calculus is still overdue!" he heard the man call out from behind. "Ya ya, whatever! I'll return it this weekend with penalty!" he said nonchalantly and immediately went in search of his object of affection. His hawk eyes roved and scanned expectantly till he spotted the familiar mop of messy hair moving from one rack of books to another. Taking quick strides, he hid himself behind a shelf while the boy was busy searching for a book to read. When he knew that his target was near enough, he came out from his hiding effectively surprising the boy while dragging him away to the farthest, darkest corner of the library.


Because it was the library, Kyuhyun couldnt scream and had a deer caught in headlights look as he helplessly let himself be dragged by the jock. The sooner they rounded off a corner, Kyuhyun whispered " What're you doing Si....*gasp*" The air in his lungs was instantly rushed out as Siwon pulled him abruptly by his waist crashing the thin body onto his own muscular one.


Ghosting his thumb over the delectable lips, he inched near and said " Cant I have my moment with my boyfriend in peace?" Kyuhyun giggled and purred at his ministrations while Siwon prided at the fact that he was sending pleasurable sensations all over the lithe body of his beautiful lover.


"They'll close the library any minute now. You want us to get locked in here all night!?" As much as he knew that his boyfriend would probably throw a fit if that ever happened, the prospect of such a thing happening was enticing to Siwon. He felt his blood coursing through his body in excitement.


"Just shut up. Or I'll kiss you" Siwon's menacing tone sent shivers down his spine and the steely grip around his waist tightened as he squirmed to get away before things got out of hand.


"But Siwon...they're go...mffff" Siwon effectively silenced his lover by smashing their lips together in a heated kiss. Kyuhyun's eyes immediately fluttered close and his long and slender fingers threaded through the thick black hair in ecstacy. He completely forgot about the closing time and all that mattered now was how his star athlete was taking him through a wonderful journey with all the expert caressing. Siwon's hands roamed over the thin, fragile body as his heart hammered against his rib cage. Pulling away for a moment to breathe, Kyuhyun gasped while saying "Huh! You were gonna kiss me anyway!"


"Aww..You ...*peck* know me *peck* so well " Siwon said in between kisses. Kyuhyun moaned albeit lowly and felt his knees buckling and so Siwon had to support his body onto the wall and pin him against it.


"Si..Siwon...we..have to..."Kyuhyun stammered like no tomorrow as Siwon voluntarily loosened his tie and started peppering kisses all over the glorious pale column of his neck.


A good few minutes into their sneaky make out session, they were forcefully pulled out of their moment when suddenly the lights went out and there were no longer any sounds from anyone. The entire library appeared deserted in the blink of an eye. Kyuhyun froze in his spot. He broke into a sprint a few seconds later pushing away his boyfriend who was solely responsible for the current mess he was in.


The momentum of the sprint threw his body forward onto the glass panes of the exit door and he banged forcefully to alert if anyone was indeed in the proximity. He yelled and called out but all his attempts were in vain as he saw none coming for his rescue. His body slumped disappointedly as he made way towards a bench and heavily plopped down on it. Within seconds, Siwon came and sat down beside him bearing a sheepish smile rather than an apologetic look.


# No one can come in from outside

and no one inside can go out #


# Imagine, if something like that happened, what would it be like?

You and me, shut up in a room, and the key gets lost #


Clutching his head in frustration, Kyuhyun sighed for the umpteenth time saying "You do realise its all your fault, dont you?"


"Of course my honey bunny and I am not saying sorry! Now why dont we make the most of this romantic situation rather than sulk. I mean its not like I get to spend alone time with you with final exams approaching and all that." Siwon said honestly as he laid his head on Kyuhyun's shoulders for support. Pulling his shoulders away, Kyuhyun said "Listen buster! There is nothing romantic about getting locked in a library. And you should be worried about passing these exams this year and getting into University."


"But baby....we seriously cant do any reading in the dark. dont else...ouch!" Siwon's naughty alterego was given a firm "no no" from Kyuhyun as he pushed him away yet again.


"Stay where you are Choi Siwon!" Kyuhyun ordered.


# You and me, shut up in a room, and the key gets lost! #


" have the most amazing skill to kill my mood." saying that Siwon got up and dragged another bench adjacent to the one he had been sitting on giving them both enough space to sit comfortably facing each other.


"What are you doing?" Kyu asked skeptically and cocked his eyebrow.


"Creating a romantic ambience since my unromantic boyfriend is obviously pissed off at getting stuck in the library of all places!" Siwon said and started searching for something from the drawers.


"Aha!" Kyuhyun heard his boyfriend from afar. A while afterwards he saw him approaching with a couple of candles and a box of matchstick. Sitting opposite him on the lengthy bench, Siwon lit the candle and planted it between them both. Kyuhyun looked breathtaking, ethereal from the faint glow of the candle and Siwon's breath hitched in his throat. Kyuhyun removed his glasses, wiped them and was about to put it back on when Siwon's hands stopped him from doing so.


# Bobby would get lost in the maze of your eyes #


"Just let it be. You look beautiful without it!" Siwon's voice was in a husky whisper. Kyuhyun had no choice but to abide by his request placing it aside.


The moment seemed surreal and everlasting and Kyuhyun was astonished how his boyfriend had efficiently changed the ambience with a simple candlelight. Soon thunder cracked and lightning flashed outside. It was as if the elements were in Siwon's favour at changing the situation even more romantic. For a fact, he knew Kyuhyun disliked stormy weather and soon he heard helpless whines coming from his beautiful lover.


"I am hungry!" Siwon heard Kyuhyun complain. "I knew you would be. So I brought these!" Siwon held up two big granola bars and Kyuhyun's eyes glittered with joy. Kyuhyun grabbed a bite out of one of it and Siwon did the same. "You dont plan on passing away the entire night munching on a granola bar, do you?" Siwon asked.


"I can sense you have something on your mind. So spill it already!" Kyuhyun said.


"So here's what we'll do. We'll build up a story. I'll start first and you continue and we'll keep doing this in turns till we have completed it. What say?" Siwon asked excitedly.


"I dont have a choice, do I? Lets get this over with then!" Siwon was ecstatic as Kyuhyun agreed and quickly finished his bar. Very quickly, Siwon started off with a line and Kyuhyun was quick to follow. They kept doing this and completely forgot about the time and place. Suddenly the strong wind blew open the windows and blew out the candle and both stopped their story telling.


# A dense, deep darkness ahead of us...

I'm scared!

A bandit thief behind us...

Why are you frightening me?

Advancing would be difficult,

retreating would be too ...#


"Si...woonnn!!!" As if on cue, Siwon rummaged through the match box and realised it all too late that he had lit the very last match stick a few minutes ago. " gotta promise not to freak out if I say this but.....we are out of match sticks"


"Great! Just know I am scared of the dark!" Kyuhyun whined helplessly to which Siwon replied "Come here!"


Sensing no such movement from his lover, he insisted "Come quickly Kyu!" As another lightning flashed, Kyuhyun scurried into his boyfriend's warm embrace and settled in.


# You and me on our way somewhere, and we forget the way!

Bobby would dance in the swing of your arms, my love...#


" better not make any move on me!" Kyuhyun warned as his back derived warmth from Siwon's dependable chest. Siwon quickly wrapped his long arms around Kyu's waist possessively and sniffled at the heady scent. "Now why dont we continue."


"Oh...ok...where were we..? Oh yes!...And then..."Kyuhyun continued the story from where they left off as Siwon occasionally pecked at his hair, his temple and cheeks and played with his fingers hoping to pass by an intimate night with the love of his life.


# You and me....

Me and you..hmmmm..#

So here is chapter 2....And might I add how nerve-wracking it was to come up with possibly romantic instances! Whew!

Anyway...the song that I have used here is an old one from the 70's from the movie called "Bobby". The song is an innocent one albeit the lyrics are otherwise...kekeke...:P But its a beautiful song nonetheless and as usual my imagination got the better of me after listening to it after so long as Won and Kyu got placed in such a situation!!!

Could have updated it in the morning but was caught up with SJ's DVD...Finally watched them all! Yay!

Tell me what you all think of this one...Toodles...

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Chapter 1: Why did I get to read this right now? T^T I am at work and almost in tears... waaah! I miss Wonkyu... jinjja bogosipeo.
Chapter 3: so sweet and good. Let's to get married wonkyu XD
WonLGWonnie #3
Chapter 3: ^^ so sweeeeeeeet! And yes, they need to get married soon. Follow by the y time. Hehehe....
Chapter 3: I love all of the drabbles but my fav one was 'stuck together' I love school wonkyu as much as I love jealous won XD is there a possibility of a sequel?
Chapter 3: Get married soon!! XDDD
heartbabykyu #6
Chapter 3: how dare they steal the moment from the real bride n groom kkkkkkk
these 2 need to get married for real ^___^
Chapter 1: i thought that's song so really beautiful. And you draw problem so good. So romantic and emotional. I love it. Good job :))
WonLGWonnie #8
Chapter 2: Ohhhh so romantic~ But you and I and everyone including Kyu know, that Siwon can never NOT make any move on Kyu. So bless Kyu... *smirk*
Chapter 1: Beautiful song...
Chapter 2: can't help singing the song while reading this. hum tumm~~ haha