You're my life.

Wonkyu song drabbles

A/N: Where Siwon cant see Kyuhyun overwork himself and disregard his health.



"What do you suggest then? That I just flush everything down the drain and leave!?" Kyuhyun's voice started to peak. True enough that being the lead vocalist Kyuhyun's expertise in controlling the pitch and tone of his voice was clearly showing in the current spat with his boyfriend. The maknae had only been discharged from the hospital after receiving an IV drip for dehydration due to enteritis and Siwon just had to see him having his hands full with schedules again.


"There is no reason to raise your voice at me when I am simply concerned for you!" Siwon hit back with incredulity. He certainly didnt deserve such rude treatment when all he did was being prudent.


"Well I've told you a gazillion times that I was fine and that I can take care of myself, didnt I?" Kyuhyun felt his anger starting to get the better of him with Siwon's unrelenting retaliation. Usually the latter was more of the understanding type in this relationship and would immediately resign himself to a thoughtful and carefully considerate demeanour before jumping to a head-on war of words. But today it was almost as if he had an ego battle going on with Kyuhyun and he just refused to admit defeat.


"Oh, I've seen you taking care of yourself well!" Siwon spat back. Kyuhyun didnt think he would have this conversation late into the night like this when all he had wanted to do was to cuddle and forget about his day long worries and exhaustion. He just wanted to sleep away his tiredness but Siwon had to be a stubborn bull and give this conversation a nasty twist. It was true that they've had countless difference of opinions in the past but this one was turning out to be nerve-wrecking on a whole new level. And something told him that Siwon isnt willing for any negotiation as of now.


"Are we really having this conversation in the middle of the night Wonnie? Please just let this go. Whats happened has happened!" Kyuhyun desperately pleaded and tugged at his lover's arm in defeat.


"No! Why should I let go? Why should I be the one to approach for a compromise?" Siwon yelled yanking his arm away from Kyuhyun's grasp.


"Every single time, every single damn thing is always about you! If you dont feel like talking, I shouldnt talk. If you dont feel like going out for dinners, I have to settle with instant noodles! Why do I always get to have the shorter end of the stick in this relationship?" Siwon's voice started to quiver. He had been teetering about the edge of losing it and just a mild trigger would set him off like a timebomb.


"Understanding should be from both sides Kyu! Its always a "two way or a no way" thing" Siwon reasoned and somehow somewhere his words managed to seep in and tug at Kyu's heartstrings. But then he remembered the innumerable times when Siwon had been abroad busy with his schedules.


"Shorter end of the stick, you say? What about me? You've been globetrotting for the past few months and refused to take any calls from anyone! Have you ever thought how miserable I would feel not having to listen to your voice or see your face for days together? Still you never see me complaining!" Kyuhyun complained and Siwon felt a pang in his heart after realising how heartless he had been to his lover during his film shoot.


"Dont try to change the subject Kyu! You've only just managed to recover and you're not gonna be going anywhere till I say so. I am gonna talk to manager-hyung about this." Siwon snapped and immediately pulled his phone out to call Kyu's manager and reschedule his activities. Kyuhyun had had enough of this drama. Just when Siwon managed to get through, Kyuhyun immediately snatched his phone away and threw it on the bed after cancelling the call.


"Just what do you think you're doing? JUST DONT ING CONTROL MY LIFE! ITS SUFFOCATING ME!" he yelled as he clutched his hair, tears threatening to fall from the beautiful pair of brown orbs. Siwon was shell shocked at the turn of events. He had been rude towards him and had felt instantly miserable as soon as he saw a lone tear making its way down the pale cheek. Just why did things escalate so quickly and so disastrously drastic?


Clutching on to the last string of hope left, he neared a distressful Kyuhyun in hopes of redemption but got a firm push in return.


"Just dont come near me! I'm outta here!" he said and dashed out of the apartment house. Siwon was frozen stiff as he contemplated the outcome of this fight.


What if he hurt himself? What if he stops talking to me? Or worse......what if he breaks up?

I cant handle it....I wont be able to take it! NO!


#  I can't live without you now,
             What's my existence without you..#


#  If I get separated from you,
                I'll be separated from my own self..#


He fiercely pushed past his door in haste in hopes of catching up to Kyuhyun and be on his knees and apologise for being a jerk but failed. Within minutes Kyuhyun had disappeared from his sight without a trace. In sheer desperation he fished out his phone from his pocket and dialled Kyu's number. To his dismay, his phone remained unreachable. He then called Kyu's house thinking that the maknae probably went home to cry his heart out. He was disappointed when he heard Mrs. Cho's voice chiming from the other end.


"Siwonnie! What a surprise?" she said cheerfully.


"Mrs.Cho, is Kyu at home now?" he asked in a hurried manner.


"No. He is not home...yet...But I thought he was staying with you tonight!" she replied and Siwon's mouth went dry all of a sudden.


"Is anything the matter Siwon? Are you two okay? Has anything happened?" she asked out of concern and Siwon felt like a ton of brick had hit him realising how much of a failure he had been in taking care of her precious son.


"No. Ev..everything is f..fine! I have to hang up now. Bye" he hung up and thought of places that Kyu would go to when he was upset. The next in his list was the dorms. He thought of calling Wookie since after him Kyu had always willingly confided in with Wookie for moral support. Once his call got through to him, he asked "Is Kyu there with you guys?"


"Siwon-hyung. No. He is not here. Whats the matter? Did you two fight again?" he asked.


And so Siwon had no choice but to spill the beans. After listening to a long explanation, Wookie said "Oh dear! That is unfortunate! Have you tried with Changmin yet? There is this possibility that he would probably be with him now as we speak!"


"Ah! Didnt think of that! Thanks Wookie! I've to go now!" he hurriedly hung up and was about to call Changmin when he received an incoming call from Changmin himself.


Accepting the call, Siwon asked "Is Kyu....."


"He is with me hyung! No need to worry. is this...erm,....certain technicality.." he drawled and Siwon's patience weathered away as he asked for details instead of beating around the bush.


"He is drunk....and I dont think you can handle him right now. I'll come and drop him off at your place in half an hour." Changmin said and Siwon breathed a sigh of relief.


"Thank you so much Changmin. I'll be waiting" he said and hung up.


And as promised, Changmin brought him back home as Siwon was on his toes. With much difficulty, Changmin huffed and puffed as he dragged an inebriated Kyuhyun who was about to be knocked out cold. Siwon helped him lay the wayward body down onto the bed and thanked Changmin for being there for Kyuhyun at times when Siwon's rationality got clouded big time. As soon as he left, Siwon crouched down beside his drunk boyfriend as he battled for consciousness.


#  Because you alone are,
Now you only are,
life. You're my life.
My peace, and my pain,
you alone are my love.. #


"Won...Won I am sorry..." Kyuhyun mumbled as Siwon the feverish cheek and sobbed soundlessly.


"I sh..should...shouldnt have...yelled.." Kyuhyun slurred uncontrollably as he propped the weight of his upper body on his arms and tried sitting up straight on the bed only to slump back.


He shouldnt be drunk right now in this condition....Its all my fault!


" should be the one to apologise...I didnt..." Siwon started his rant when Kyu pulled him down by the collar and silenced him with a kiss. The moment their lips touched, Siwon's pent up frustrations and emotions broke free as he kissed his lover's lips and tasted the bitterness of the alcohol. Pulling away slightly but their distance narrowed down very much to a couple of inches, Siwon cupped Kyuhyun's face and thought about how pathetic his life would be if Kyuhyun ever were to walk away from his life. His sole existence, his reason to breathe had been Kyuhyun all along. That was what he had promised him when they officially became a couple.


#  How's this relationship of ours,
I don't like distance of even a moment
Every day, I live for you
All my time is for you..
There shouldn't be a moment of mine without you,
There is your name on every breath.. #


"I promise that I ....would listen to you...I will try hard to be an ....un..understanding and considerate boyfriend..." Kyuhyun confessed and Siwon felt overwhelmed.


#  For you, I lived
I have given myself (to you)
Your faith took care of me
Took all the sorrows away from (my) heart
With you my fate is attached,
Getting you, Nothing is incomplete (within me, I got completed)..#


"Just promise me one thing" Siwon pleaded as Kyuhyun hummed and closed his eyes.


"Never leave me. Please dont leave me and go away. You're my life. I am nothing without you." he hugged him and caressed the soft hair.


#  Because you alone are,
Now you only are,
life. You're my life.
My peace, and my pain,
you alone are my love. #


"I wont...I promise. Cho Kyuhyun is forever yours. Only yours!" Kyuhyun said as Siwon derived solace from those warm words.


Wae? Just why am I so hopeless....Oh well! It cant be helped!

Just wanted to get this off my chest ever since Kyu posted his selca with his big "drownable" eyes stating his sickness...though wanted it to be turned out a bit angsty...but nevertheless romantic no???

Do provide  me with feedbacks and if you people request for the original song, I would provide the link...So just tell me if you'd like me to post the links for the songs that I'd be using in future for these drabbles....See ya soon! *mwah*















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Chapter 1: Why did I get to read this right now? T^T I am at work and almost in tears... waaah! I miss Wonkyu... jinjja bogosipeo.
Chapter 3: so sweet and good. Let's to get married wonkyu XD
WonLGWonnie #3
Chapter 3: ^^ so sweeeeeeeet! And yes, they need to get married soon. Follow by the y time. Hehehe....
Chapter 3: I love all of the drabbles but my fav one was 'stuck together' I love school wonkyu as much as I love jealous won XD is there a possibility of a sequel?
Chapter 3: Get married soon!! XDDD
heartbabykyu #6
Chapter 3: how dare they steal the moment from the real bride n groom kkkkkkk
these 2 need to get married for real ^___^
Chapter 1: i thought that's song so really beautiful. And you draw problem so good. So romantic and emotional. I love it. Good job :))
WonLGWonnie #8
Chapter 2: Ohhhh so romantic~ But you and I and everyone including Kyu know, that Siwon can never NOT make any move on Kyu. So bless Kyu... *smirk*
Chapter 1: Beautiful song...
Chapter 2: can't help singing the song while reading this. hum tumm~~ haha