I've tasted love

Wonkyu song drabbles

A/N: Where Kyu and Siwon talk with just their eyes.......(written in Siwon's P.O.V)


I see him slowly walking towards me taking the most careful and calculated steps as if there's an eternity waiting for us. My eyes refuse to leave his form thats approaching the altar to join me. And even as a few feet still remains for him to be by my side, I notice him locking eyes with me and blowing my mind away with the most magnificent smile.


# The heart is flying.

It has got wings and is attached to you..#


So breathtaking.....So ethereal! Even if I am not the one getting married, I can feel an excitement thats fiercely coursing through my body. With a gait of a celestial being, he saunters next to me taking his rightful place.


# The heart is flying

My feet are moving forward and walking towards you..#


As part of tradition, we were among the select few invited for a small and private wedding ceremony of one of our kins and we both were forcefully made the groomsmen. I chuckle at the memory of him failing to tie his ascot tie earlier this morning whining like a child and telling me that he wouldnt be able to make it to the ceremony in time and that led me to spring into action to save my "damsel in distress". He looks at me menacingly ordering me to behave myself in a dignified way in front of the gathered crowd. As his dutiful companion for life, I obey and lock my fingers with his.


The bride and the groom stand before the revered pastor as they await their well orchestrated union with bated breath. Friends and relatives alike bear witness to this event. And as the pastor reads out verses from the Holy Bible, I flash a look at my beloved hinting to him that both of us would be standing on the same podium in the near future and he shyly smiles at the thought and slaps my hand.


Soon after the wedding rings are blessed and exchanged between the couple, the pastor reads out the wedding vows as the couple repeats. And as the pastor gives his consent for the couple to kiss after the wedding vows are exchanged, I my eyebrows and give him a not-so-innocent look. And he reciprocates mine with a NOT-HERE-CHOI-SIWON look that possibly rings loud.


The crowd disperses and helps itself to wine and food after the ceremony and I engage myself in chit chat mostly trash talking about the bashful groom. I thoughtfully let my eyes roam around and spot my angel keeping the rest of the guests company whilst holding a glass of red wine. He is a certified connoiseur of wine without a doubt.


He senses me looking at him and passes a questioning look. I narrow my eyes and convey my utter desire to be near him now of all times. He rolls his eyes in response and ignores my plea as he goes back to talking. This of course, didnt go down well with me. How dare he side step my claim and walk off casually. He surely doesnt expect me to contain my urges when he has presented himself in the most deliciously gorgeous avatar, does he? I was determined to show him whom he was meddling with!


After what seemed like forever, he steps away from the old couple who had kept him busy for a while and reaches for another glass of the red liquid. As I hide behind the tapestry watching his every move, I think of doing something adventurous. And the thought of such a scandalous act exhilarates me. Just as he is about to pick up the glass, my right hand shoots from my hiding place and grabs a hold of his. It's no doubt that he is shocked beyond his imagination as I forcefully pull his lithe figure toward me and let his body crash onto mine with a muffled "oof".


I let go of my hold on him and await his reaction. I can see that he is annoyed but is understanding my difficulty to tame my naughty alterego. Soft instrumentals start playing in the background and adds to elevate the mood a bit. But what he does next is totally unexpected. He whisks me closer towards him by my tie until there's a couple of centimetres between us.


And then.....


# I am moving leaving the world #


And then very gently, brushes his lips over mine in a sweeping kiss. It was a mere peck, just a touch of lips, but the spark it created was beyond any worldly experience. I felt instantly high. Why? Because of the wine or because my drop dead gorgeous boyfriend just kissed me? As I am left to ponder over it, my angel steps back a bit and winks at me suggestively before joining the crowd.


# I have tasted blood (love)

It was asleep in the veins, but now its awake

By touching of the lips

from the corner of dreams #


Shortly my friends come in search of me and I join them so as not to give any unwanted suspicion. I then see some of the people from the crowd egging him on to sing a song. He shies away reluctantly and passes a fleeting glance at me. I respond to him with a reassuring look and urge him to go ahead. He takes that as a yes and proceeds towards the podium to sing.


Soon his voice resonates within the chapel and fills me with exuberance. If his personality resembles that of an angel, his voice certainly cements my theories further. The faint lighting from the altar throws light at his figure in the most heavenly way. I am entranced at the sight as I forget about the world and look at him and only him as if there's only the two of us in existence.


# This crazy one is wandering here and there

and has its breath stuck with only him

It used to flow freely and filled to the brim.#


As my body refuses to break free of his spell, I almost take no notice of the fact that the song has ended and that he is standing before me smiling. He asks me if his performance was at par with his previous ones and I find myself nodding in agreement. We both bid farewell to the happy couple and make our way to our humble abode. With hands intertwined sharing each other's warmth, we board our car in waiting. He lovingly locks eyes with me again and kisses me gently on my lips for the second time this evening as I deepen it further. With nothing but gazes exchanged the entire evening, I marvel over the power of love that is still burning alive between us. I pray to my dearest of lords to shower their blessings upon us and to keep the feeling of oneness alive.


# Don't know when it took my life

Lips touched lips, touched blood...


He rests his head on my shoulders and I secure it in place with mine. Hoping to share many such tender and blissful moments in future!


# I tasted blood (love)

It was asleep in my veins and now its awake

By the touching of lips

I tasted blood (love) #

I know I promised a few that I would write a but thought that its just too early....Hence this delusional supposed "marriage" setting. No dialogues used. I want to know what you all thought of this one. The original song is very vibrant, very colourful with a hint of naughtiness taken during the festival of Holi ( the festival of colours celebrated in North India) It gets all messy with people throwing coloured powder and water at you guys! But I decided to go ahead with this quiet wedding theme for an extra romantic feel.

So keep the comments coming and I would think of a possible in the next update. /winks/

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Chapter 1: Why did I get to read this right now? T^T I am at work and almost in tears... waaah! I miss Wonkyu... jinjja bogosipeo.
Chapter 3: so sweet and good. Let's to get married wonkyu XD
WonLGWonnie #3
Chapter 3: ^^ so sweeeeeeeet! And yes, they need to get married soon. Follow by the y time. Hehehe....
Chapter 3: I love all of the drabbles but my fav one was 'stuck together' I love school wonkyu as much as I love jealous won XD is there a possibility of a sequel?
Chapter 3: Get married soon!! XDDD
heartbabykyu #6
Chapter 3: how dare they steal the moment from the real bride n groom kkkkkkk
these 2 need to get married for real ^___^
Chapter 1: i thought that's song so really beautiful. And you draw problem so good. So romantic and emotional. I love it. Good job :))
WonLGWonnie #8
Chapter 2: Ohhhh so romantic~ But you and I and everyone including Kyu know, that Siwon can never NOT make any move on Kyu. So bless Kyu... *smirk*
Chapter 1: Beautiful song...
Chapter 2: can't help singing the song while reading this. hum tumm~~ haha