
Two Halves Make A Whole


      "We are going to play a game."

      We arrived at the cafe quite a while ago. Though, after ordering our drinks and some snacks, neither of us has spoken a word. Just sitting, staring at our drinks, we make awkward eye contact when we both choose to glance toward the other but we laugh it off making the whole situation worse.

     This was supposed to be for us to fess up about our problems, but I had no clue where to start. It was obvious he didn't either and I asked myself ,"What could he possibly be hiding?"

   He was all around perfect. Even his family seemed to be amazing. I didn't want to assume, but could there really be anything about Han that he needed to hide? 

      So now, after mulling over my own thoughts, Han pulled me back to reality.

      "Truth or dare. We will take turns. No backing down and if you cop out an answer, its the others turn to ask you again. And if it's a truth, you have to explain. Deal?" He raised his coffee cup slightly as if to announce the start and after a moments hesitation, I raised my own.

      "Good." He smiled. "Okay, truth or dare Minnie?"

      "Dare." This was me taking the easy way out. I was really afraid of the truth. Yet, dare still made me cringe. I awaited his order slightly terrifyed.

      "Put half of that piece piece of cake in your mouth." His face was completely serious and I could feel myself gaping.

      "The whole half? Han-"

      "Are you coping out?" He smirked evily at me. I groaned inernally and moved to the cake in front of me. After trying to cut a bit less and Han correcting me, I finally shoved the whole thing in my mouth. I sat with it moistening in my mouth, I really didn't want to-

      "Swallow it or I get to go again, Minseok." He started pulling at my cheeks to get me to chew. I swatted his hands away and began the dreadful process. Who knew chewing could be so exhausting. I finally got it all down and washed it down with some some coffee. I kicked his leg under the table playfully. "Jerk."

      "Okay! My turn! Truth." He said nursing his shin. I laughed at him but I was rather surprised at his bold choice. Of course I had a ton of questions. Why does he live with his Aunt? Where are his parents? Why is he friends with someone like me? Could I hold hope that he could possibly like me? All of these were floating questions but I didn't want to upset him or weird him out. I decided in a brief moment to ask something that was a little weird, but not weird enough to scare him off and it's still something I would like to know.

      "Are you gay?" 

      "Indefinitely. Truth or dare?" He didn't even stutter! I was beyond happy but also stunned. It took me a minute to realize it was my turn to pick.

      "A-ah truth." It just came out on it's own really and I panicked. Before he could ask his question, I remember ,"Ah! Wait, you have to e-explain!" I shouted. It drew some attention to us and I shrunk in my seat a bit. Han only laughed from the other side of the table. And pulled me back up in my chair.

      "Dork, what's there to explain? I've know since forever and my aunt knows and so does Sehun." His shoulders moved in a its-whatever kind of way. "Truth or dare?"


       " Why did you want to know?" Now I was trapped, and he knew it. Han gave me the slyest smile I've ever seen in my life. I only mocked his it's-whatever move from before and he surprisingly accepted it.


       "Why do you live with your Aunt?"

      He didn't answer right away like he had previously and I wondered if I asked too personal of a question. Just when I was ready to take it back he finally spoke up, a little quieter than before.

       " My parents...died when I was younger. First my Father, then my mother. I was really messed up after that and the only one that would take me was Boa." He said finally. " I could have moved out wih the trust fund I was left, but somethings happened and honestly I feel to indebited to her to leave her now." 

       " Truth or dare?" He asked after some silence. I was looking down, I felt so guilty for making him tell me that.

        Who wouldn't want Han? I can just imagine a tiny little Han with big doe eyes. I giggle imagining how clingy he would have been then based on how he is now and the thought of a toddler Han clinging to me made me smile to myself.

         I was all the way into his first day of kindergarden when Han squeezed my hand, reminding me we were having a conversation of sorts. I caught his eyes and absent mindedly stayed that way for a bit longer than I should.

      " Han, I'll answer anything you want, as long as you promise me something."


       " I want to see baby pictures."



Everything always had been simpler with Luhan.


      Post him promising to let me see an baby album or two, I dug up all the skeletons in my closet. I explained to him that my nightmare was actually a memory from my last school. How I tried to do what I thought everyone wanted but I ended up failing, not to mention being stuck in a hspital fo a month and a half. "The smell has never really left my nose".

       I was right to suspect that he would have caught my eating habits by now, and he admited that's what his previous dare fueled, the bastard. I made sure and punched him in the arm hard for that one. I didn't forget to touch on the fact that I lived on my own because my parents and I didn't get along, but I didn't tell him about the things living on your own made easier. I'm sure he could guess.

         Luhan wasn't left off the hook though. After I finished sharing the better part of my baggage, he began sharing his too. Of which I never would have guessed. He explained to me about the sitaution they were in and why they moved here. A relocation program to get them away from the monster that had stalked them for so many years, also known as Sehun's Father. The things that man tried to do to him and the things he got away with were terrible. I could feel tears welling up the entire time, though I was sure I was almost dry from explaining my own situation. Luhan didn't cry though. His face was very serious and he laughed at me and rubbed my back when I was upset. I knew Luhan was hurt too, now. Ironic how fate had brought us together.

       Before we knew it, the crowd in the coffee shop was made up of completely different people, and Luhan had forced me to eat three other kinds of cake. We had since moved from the Cafe and were now in the park, laying in the grass, staring up at the sky. I had since let all my insecurities about the earlier events fly up into the clouds. But others now took their place. I could feel Luhan's hand next to me on the grass, slightly touching mine. It made my heart beat faster than it should and I didn't dare act upon it. I tried to convince myself that I just felt flustered because he means so much to me, especially now that he knows everything, basically. But I also started to think about how strong he was and how attractive he was. I turned my head to face him, as for now he had his eyes closed. I took in his angelic features and the glow he seemed to have about him.

      I didn't think about how much time had passed though and/or the expression that was left on my face, because Luhan opened his eyes, and I felt dumb. I didn't even realize I hadn't looked away.

       "Minseok, if you keep staring like that, my head my explode from all the heat rushing to it." He spoke, face in fact red. 





If you still read this story from time to time, I love you.

I've gone back through and fixed the grammar!♡














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I should be posting the new chapter tomorrow xxx


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Chapter 10: I had almost forgotten about this story, but I re-read it and I remembered why I started it ^^ I'll wait patiently for the next update, it doesn't matter how much it takes.
Chapter 10: Oh why this chapter too short .. I'll be waiting for your updates. Love your story
Chapter 9: I try to wait patiently for an update, because I love your story!!!! Good luck for your exams- and don't forget us, dear author! :-)))))
ToastedMint #4
Chapter 9: YESSSS! Moar please! But good luck with all of the tests/exams/etc! Don't feel too stressed out!
Chapter 9: Update plz
Chapter 9: Your story is sweet...
nacia90-16 #7
Chapter 7: It was soooo~cute chapter!!! and it's getting more interesting with each chapter :) can't wait for the next one :)
Chapter 6: awww so adorable! i love minseok and sehun's interactions <3
Xoxflyxox #9
Chapter 6: This is so cute~ please update again soon!!