




違法にコピーされた日本のアニメや漫画をインターネットのサイトで無料公開する、いわゆる海賊版の被害が後を絶たないことから国が、アニメ制作会社や出版社などと協力し、来月から大規模な駆除作戦に乗り出すことになりました。 アニメや漫画を巡っては世界中にファンが広がり、国も作品を海外発信する際には補助するなど日本の文化と位置づけて、輸出に力を入れています。 その一方で、中国を中心に違法にコピーされたいわゆる海賊版をインターネットで無料公開するサイトが後を絶たず、文化庁の推計ではこの1年間で、著作権の侵害による被害の総額は中国の違法サイトによるものだけでも少なくとも5600億円に上るということです。 こうした事態を受けて、国は国内のアニメ制作会社や出版社など15社と連携して、新たに海賊版サイトの大規模な駆除作戦に乗り出すことになりました。 具体的には、来月1日以降、国が把握している海外のおよそ580の海賊版サイトの運営者に一斉に削除要請するとともに、数百円程度支払えば、新作を含むおよそ250の作品が見られる正規版のサイトに誘導するサイトを新たに公開し、ファンを増やすということです。 経済産業省商務情報政策局の中井健太さんは「海外のファンの方々に日本の作品を、合法的に安心して見てもらう一方で、アニメ制作会社や出版社などに利益がきちんと還元される仕組みを作っていきたい」と話しています。




In cooperation with 15 major anime production companies and manga publishers, the Japanese government will next month start a huge extermination operation against 580 foreign sites which have illegally uploaded anime and manga contents on the web without the copyright holders' permission, NHK reported on July 28th. While the government has started supporting the genre as one of their important cultural exports, there appears to be no end of illegal uploading of anime and manga via pirate sites, mainly operated by Chinese. The Cultural Affairs Agency estimates the loss caused by the Chinese pirate sites last year was amounted to at least 560 billion yen (about US$ 5.5 billion).

Source: NHK News


01. Yoooooooooo. It sounds like they are focusing mainly on Chinese sites.. but dang.. I'm going to miss my typeset if this does go through.
02. No thanks, I'm not paying until a specific anime is offered (and it won't happen and it will just be for that anime only if it did). Also, it also won't really stop piracy, they are far too late. Another thing, I can see the site getting a region lock (there's a zero mention of a region lock, but this is Japan we are dealing with, region lock is something that's shouldn't be ruled out).
03. Yeah, good luck with that, Japan. I'm sure China will give lots and lots of s. Seriously though- I can see where our Asian friends are coming from. And looking at some of the sites on the net (mangapanda for example) I'd gladly see them get their asses handed to them. But there's also hundreds of manga and anime out there that will never, NEVER be localized, making it virtually impossible for non-Japanese readers to get a hold of them. Anyway, like I said, this will go nowhere. Or maybe be temporarily successful, only to be deemed a futile attempt some time later.
04. They'd be cutting their own flesh if they did somehow manage to stop illegal distribution of manga and anime. Why do they think "one of their important cultural exports" has become so immensely popular? The Internet served as the best possible promotion those two mediums could ever get.
05. Old anime is better than new anime anyway.
06. It'll be like taking 1 down, 5 more pops up in its place. Good freaking luck.
07. Brb gonna download my whole plan to watch list.. Or not. I doubt this will affect my anime watching in any way.
08. I can just always fly to Japan to grab some merchandise. The only fall back is the travel cost. If they would just localize a decent number of series here in my country or at least in NA (so I can ask my cousin to buy for me), I'll be satisfied. That's wishful thinking though.. But to be honest, I think this move will prove futile after a few months (if they shot down at least 5 sites).
09. Looks like they're mainly focusing on Chinese sites, so I doubt this will affect me very much, if at all. But of course I watch all my anime legally.. Yeah..
10. The only possible way they could really fight piracy is threatening to arrest people for piracy, which they technically could, since pirates provide illegal copies of content and that's finable (The 250,000 dollar fine) They'd need to really enforce that to fight piracy.
11. So will the legitimate site have English sub in it?


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Chapter 3: LOL I'm back after so long. So what I want to add is that 90% of the English translated manga are done by Chinese & Taiwanese websites. LOL so if it gets taken down, good luck with reading online manga ;)
Chapter 3: Yeah, as it said, it targets mainly chinese sites, but I'm sure it'll be impossible for them to take out every single one right :)
Chapter 2: I saw this anime a while ago because I was looking up recommendations for Kamisama Hajimemaa, it was cute, but the ending tho!!! Ahhh I wish Inari didn't have to forget... *sighhh (sorry am I annoying?)
Chapter 1: Guilty crown... i have the whole anime downloaded but I never finished it tho... it just failed to hold my interest... did you have that feeling too? Like... I don't know, it wasn't very addicting...
Requested!! I swear you are going to love that anime so much!! I did!

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Chapter 1: omfg u have got the best review ever!!!
support for life c: ♡♡♡