

A few weeks had passed since Bambam had last talked with Jackson on the bus. Yugyeom did in fact get Jackson’s number from JB, but Bambam didn’t do anything with it, letting it sit in his phone contacts, collecting dust. He wasn’t sure what was going on with him lately or why he just didn’t send a message to the guy, but lately he had been regretting getting a crush on Jackson and he solely blamed in on insecurity, amongst other things. Yugyeom, being the good friend he was, couldn’t help but notice his best friend’s downer attitude lately and tried his best to lift his mood with good food, stupid scary movies and all around basic hanging out like they usually did. Sadly, Bambam still seemed to be in a slump and it made the maknae a little worried. He had a hinting suspicion of what was going on and he knew he’d annoy Bambam if he pressed too hard about what was going on, so he kept his mouth shut, instead figuring on ways to make his friend happy again and he knew it might have to involve seeing Jackson again.

It was Thursday evening and the boys had no class the next day due since all their classes sat on Monday through Thursday. The two were sitting in the living room, mindlessly watching some competition cooking show that Yugyeom had a strange addiction to while Bambam stared at the screen blankly, seemingly caught up in his thoughts. “So,” the taller started, fiddling with his loose socks. His eyes roamed over to his friend, who was curled into up at the edge of the couch, a blanket around his shoulders.
“you..want to do anything? Gym maybe?” Yugyeom asked hopefully. They had gone Monday and Tuesday, but had skipped Wednesday in favor of studying all day due to their up and coming finals. Bambam gave a weak shrug. “nah, not in the mood.” Biting his lip, the maknae pondered before taking his phone off the coffee table and flicking through the lock screen.  The noise from the tv droned on while he typed out a message and hit send before setting his phone back down, getting comfortable once again.  Moments later, the familiar sound of a text message rang and he hastily picked up his phone, reading his message. A slow grin formed on his face before he quickly typed out a reply and moments later, a new text was received.  So far, so good.

Yugyeom nonchalantly stretched in his seat, groaning and his joints cracked as he moved from sitting in the same position for a long time.  He rolled over so his back was on the arm rest and his legs were on Bambam’s lap who looked at his friend with a  ‘wtf’ look.  
“dude,” He complained, trying to shove the long limbs off his own legs, but failed miserably and gave up. “Dude,”  Yugyeom repeated back, the grin still on his face. Bambam raised an eyebrow at him. “you’re up to something. What are you up to?” The tall maknae shrugged, getting comfortable in his position. “Just hungry. Say, wanna go get something to eat? There’s nothing in the fridge unless you want to eat pasta for the 3rd time in a row.”

the smaller blond nonchalantly shrugged, turning his attention back to the tv show. “meh,” he said simply. Slightly annoyed, Yugyeom gave his friend a soft kick in the side, which caused the blond to flinch and smack his friend’s leg. “hey! That hurt’s you know! I’m soft!” Bambam complained loudly, crossing his arms. “Well, get up then! No excuses! We’re going out to eat! I got invited by some friends and they want us both to go so we’re going, no buts! I’m tired of your moping lately, you need to get out and I don’t mean just go to class, gym and home. You’re such a bum!” Yugyeom finished by throwing a cushion at bambam who expertly blocked it and threw it back in his friend’s face. “I haven’t been bumming around! I’ve just been really tired is all,” he sniffed, turning away. “and im broke right now, too.” Yugyeom rolled his eyes. “I’ll pay for you, dummy, I just want you to get out and do something with me, aren’t you experiencing like..cabin fever yet?” The maknae stood up, stomping over in front of Bambam and dragged him to his feet, the shorter of the two groaning loudly. “Fine,” he said, exasperated. He was getting tired of eating pasta…

“Go shower,” Yugyeom said, pushing his friend into the bathroom and slamming the door shut. He could hear complaints on the other side. Wiping the small sheen of sweat on his brow, the newly pink haired maknae whipped out his phone again and sent another message to Jb.



Bambam stared out the bus window, his chin resting on his hand. He was a little tired despite not doing much the whole day, but he was kind of secretly glad  to get out of the apartment, if only for a bit. He knew he was being a litle too mopey lately and he didn't like it, considering how bubbly he usually was so maybe being all depressed  and what not was tiring him out? If he was lucky, he'd get over his random slump  soon because he didn't like feeling insecure. 

The bus was quiet, save for a few people coughing in the back seats and the gentle hum of the engine. Yugyeom was drumming his fingers on his knee, occassionally checking his phone for messages. after a few moments, the short blond piped up. "So where are we going?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at his friend. The other shrugged nonchalantly. " just meeting a few friends for dinner, i said. didn't i tell you this earlier? where do you think we're going?" Bambam gave him a pointed look. "You're being very vague...I mean, what food place are we going to? I hope its not that taco place you like, i got sick the last time we went there, remember?" Yugyeom laughed. "no! it's not that place. It's pizza, you'll like it. i could have sworn we've eaten in there in the past before..."

Soon after, they reached their stop and they stood up along with a few other people ready to get off. It was nearing 8:00pm and it was dark outside so their pair stuck close together for obvious reasons. Stepping off the bus, the two made their way down the side walk, occassionally passing a few people, their eyes glancing at the open lit stores and the bright lights of a car driving by them. Within minutes, they reached their destination, yet it seemed as though the others hadn't arrived yet. "It's a little early still," Yugyeom said, motioning for Bambam to join him on the bench outside the restuarant. It was a little chilly, the wind making it seem colder than it was, but bambam shivered anyway, shifting closer to his friend. "Where are they?" He asked, sighing quietly as he watched people walk by them, his eyes stuck on a little girl crying after her parents about icecream. The tall maknae hummed, taking out his phone to type out a text. A few moments later, he received one back. "JB says they're running a few minutes late, they got off on the wrong stop and are just gonna' walk the rest of the way." the pair chuckled at the comment, shaking their heads about it. Hopefully they weren't too far off, Bambam was starving and a hot pizza sounded great about now.


The two looked up, watching JB and his friends trail after him. "sorry we're late, man I don't know how, but we missed the stop. It's been too long since we've been this way, i guess," JB huffed, stuffing his hands in his pockets. Behind him were Youngjae, Mark, and Jackson, as well as someone Bambam hadn't met before. "Hey, you haven't met Jr, have you?" Yugyeom asked Bambam. The blond shook his head. " I'm sure you remember everyone else, but this is Jr, JB's boyfriend. Jr, this is Bambam! not his real name of course know, saves you from saying a tongue twister." The group laughed, and Bambam couldn't help but chuckle as well. It was pretty hard for people to say his real name, so he wasn't bothered the least when people preferred not to say it. 
"Hey, nice to meet you, " Jr smiled. Bambam smiled back, saying hi as well. Clapping his hands, Youngjae pushed his way through the crowd. "So, we goin' in or what? I'm starving." They all laughed in agreement and one by one they went inside. Bambam was 2nd to last, looking up at the person who was holding the door open for them all. Jackson. 
"it's been a while, huh?" Jackson smiled his gorgeous smile and the blond almost stuttered in his step. "Yeah. A few weeks, actually," Bambam replied, heading inside. . 




uh oh another cliff hanger wow i love writing those. as always, unedited, unbetad. 
This update came pretty quick, considering the last few took like what...3 months? Go me! still unsure of how long i want it to be but im just bullting my way through. Here's to hoping ill end it in maybe 3-5 more chapters.

Also, please comment, subscribe, upvote, whatever. they really keep me going, especially the comments. Because really, no one wants to write for silent readers, right ? And im one of those authors who will legit stop writing for lack of comments ^_^


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Chapter 7: Can you please update?? This story is fluffness and perfection and Jackbam and Jackbam is what I seek right now xD
Please gurl~
ying9202 #2
Chapter 7: please.
i'll be waiting here.
i'll be watching here.
i'll be here until the day u update.
Snalornah #3
Chapter 7: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas
MonstaXAnna #4
Chapter 7: When Jackson said, "You're so scrawny" To Bambam, I took that as if he was talking to me and I like, "Ugh, excuse me!? If anything I work out once every month or so.."
I shouldn't really be talking though. ^^; xD c:
JYPFan113 #5
Chapter 7: I love this.
Chapter 7: Yes! An update :D
Chapter 6: Awhh dude. I'd totally love to see how this all pans out. I just found this story and I'm already invested, you're the author, it's your story. Ultimately it's your decision so I wouldn't want to pressure you or anything but I really enjoyed it so far. Whether or not you decide to continue it, I'm just glad you took the time to write this.
CandyPsycho89 #8
Chapter 6: Continue this! Pretty pretty please! ♥ This fic is agddgchb! Hwaiting ♥
karlsaintclaire #9
you should totally continue this!
its a bit beta-ish but a good re-read and some editing and formatting would totally turn this around! Trust me I've been there, I know exactly how you feel, kinda feels like no body is reading it, but trust me there is!
Please continue this
Like you said in your forword, there aren't enough Jackbam fics that are this cute!