BTO 02

Break The Orbits
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Chapter 2

“All great beginnings start in the dark, when the moon greets you to a new day at midnight.”


 “Daddy ! Daddy! “ I nudged my father’s side. He looked at me for a while.

“Can you help me do my home-“

“Do it your self! Or ask a maid. I’m busy,” he cut me off. But it startled me. Well, I thought before asked him, he was free because he didnt do nothing and just watch TV. But maybe he’s really busy. So, I, the 5 years old Choi Ahri just shrugged it. Because at that time, I’m still innocent and didnt know anything.

I run a little to find a maid or my mother. But... everyone seems busy. I tiptoed to my mother’s room. “Mom....,”

She turned her head and then smiled. “Yes, honey?” how warm her smile.

I ran to her. “Mom... can you help me do my homework? Daddy can’t help me, he said he’s busy,”

Her smile faded away a little, but I dont know what happened. She sighed. “Okay, mom will help you. Now, sit here,”

That night, Mom help me to do my homework. But I’m still clueless with what’ll happen next in my life.


I’m thirsty, and  I need some water. I crawled from my bed, but when I open the door, I saw silhouettes, it’s my mom and dad. Seems like they arguing. I want to approach them but-

“Stop it! Stop everything. You just destroy our family !!!! “ My Mom yelled.

“ I can’t !!!” My Dad shouted back.

“You really broke me into pieces ! How dare you!!! How about-“

I closed my door. Well, my mom ever spoke if it’s not good to eavesdrop adult’s problem. So, because I’m a good daughter, I crawled back to my bed and drifted to dreamland.

The next day, it’s like hell. There’s no sign about my mom nor my dad. The maid told me if they went to office earlier. Day by day passed. And then month by month passed. I never meet them again. My Mom become cold towards me, same like my Dad. They went to office before I woke up, and went home when I slept. But sometimes they wont go home.

On my birthday, my 6 years birthday. I’m expected My Parents will give me a surprise and celebrate it with me. But until midnight, I waited and waited until my birthday is over, they didnt go home. They didnt congrulated me too.

This happen from year by year. Yeah, from a year to another year.

They forget about me. At all. They didn’t care.

I’m alone. I lack of love. And from 7 years old, I become badass. I need attention, but they never give me.

Until one day, my parents divorced. This news shocked me. At that time, I’m 11 years old. I realized my father never love me and my mom. They never have love between them. And my mom decided to stop loving me at 5 years old.

 I found this, my father has another family with another woman. And they had a child a year younger than me. And it’s girl. My father love her so much, he love his mistress daughter, his bastard-daughter like there’s no tomorrow. Her name is Choi Jeong Eun.

Jeong Eun.

Because of her and her mother, I lived in misery. They ruined my family. My whole family.

And thankyou for that, at that time I promised to give them the present of my gratitude one day.





I woke up a bit dizzy. I touch my head and looked around. This is not my room, this is not

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Chapter 5: Why does everybody gotta ruin Ahri's life. Tbh even if Ahri was a , she only became one to protect herself. Jeong Eun on the other hand is just a sly fox and I am so disappointed in Chanyeol. Authornim please update soon, I really want to know what will happen next.
Chapter 1: In my opinion,Jeong Eun is deinitely the . How can she even say she wants to be with Chanyeol???!! Is she dead crazy? And poor Ahri,she's dying....I love the plot! Please update!
Huehue can't wait to read the story~