Author Note.

Marrying A Racist

I will be updating soon!

I needed to take break for a whole year because school,and it was a rough year and I would like to say I'm sincerly sorry and please look forward to my new story "Life As Lizzy" which I will leave the link below.Also,I MIGHT change the story to Rated M but I don't know yet.I might update today or tomorrow,but keep a close eye.SUBCRIBE and UPVOTE


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emma123 #1
Chapter 5: Okay, I can't wait! :D
Lotuspassion #2
Chapter 5: Update soon
Creal32 #3
Chapter 4: Awesome, I will check on the link
MidnightMarauder #4
Chapter 2: Oh good your back!
emma123 #5
Chapter 4: YAY!! YOU'RE BACK!! I can't wait for you to update! I will also check out the link to your new story.
Creal32 #6
Chapter 2: I love it!
Chapter 1: This chapter was so funny with Luhan getting slapped constantly. I just hope he's not actually like this in real life. That would be disappointing big time.
tishana #8
Chapter 2: He's just..rooh I'm already sick of him!!
Lotuspassion #9
Chapter 2: I feel bad for her that she dose have to marry a racist prick