
I'm Not a Bad Person

Waking up in a soft patch of snow her whole body ached. She mindlessly stared up at the mountain she just fell from, astonished to be alive. Above her stood broken tree branches that probably broke the fall.
It was definitely a little bit later too, meaning the fall knocked her out for a bit. 
She let out a long groan and continues to lie there not moving at all until she remembered just how soaked she was due to the snow. Really it's amazing she woke at all. 
Sighing, she attemtped to get up and an awful pain shot up her left arm, and quickly the girl concluded that she must have sprained it. Mari checked her other arm in panic to make sure that her prize posession, the bracelet she got form Ken, was still there. To her relief it was just fine. 

Standing now, there was the same glimmer from on top of the mountain. The key sat there, half burried in the snow. Not quite sure why, she picked it up and stuffed it in her pocket. There was something about it that made her feel as though she needed to have it with her. 
Completely aware that she shouldn't move or go anyway, she left anyway shivering hard.  "I need to warm up.." Her voice was hoarse as she spoke to herself. Her clothes were soaked from the snow and she needed to get out of this building snow storm. 

Nothing but white everywhere she looked. Mari continued on almost in a trance. Almost like remembering where are going as you drive. This cold was beginning to become too much.  
After 10 minutes of mindlessly walking, she came across a girl sitting on a rock, clearly unaffected by the quickly falling snow. The girl's back remained towards Mari as she approached and she was singing nonsense. This girl had to be 10 years old or so, just sitting out here in the middle of a growing storm singing. she had shoulder length somewhat curly brown hair. She seemed to be of medium height but yet rather small. 
Waves of uneasy splashed in her mind but she didn't know what else to do. What if she could actually help? 
As Mari was beginning to pass the girl, her eyes locked hard on her, the girl's singing was cut off sharp. "Hey Miss..." the voice was strong and steady much unlike the person the words were meant for. "I can help you.." She turned slightly reaching out a small hand, yet not turned enough for Mari to be able to make out her face completely. Shaking, the half frozen girl took her cold hand. What's the worst that could happen at this point? She was already sure she was going to be turned into an ice cube. Great Birthday  

Silently and actually kind of forcefully, the girl dragged Mari through a maze of trees. The hand the girl was holding almost seemed colder than the one being exposed to the cold by itself. A dark mannor came to view. Suddenly Mari recalled a warning about a house that she had received earlier and she froze harder than what the snow had done previously. The girl dropped her hand and began laughing joyfully. "It's Mari!" She half sang half shouted.

Mari's stomach dropped and her whole body went a different kind of numb  ..I didn't tell her my does she know my name?! Her heart became a vibration in her chest. The girl, whom Mari still never got to look at completely, ran off singing "She's home, Mari is home. She's here, Mari is here!"   Mari watched in complete fear. Just who is this little girl talking to? Who is she telling that I'm home? She looked up again at the manor, her head bursting with her own thoughts on top of the singing ringing all around her.

"This is all too much!!" She nearly screamed  

Finally after figuring out how to move her legs again, the utterly terrified girl ran made a split second decision and ran into the Manor, anywhere to be away from the singing and the rejoiycing that just seemed to keep getting louder. 


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very welll i like vii
Chapter 2: Hmm... maybe Crow Mountain has something to do with her past.