After Dark

I'm Not a Bad Person

Falling..Falling.. I'm falling
Looking up from where she was laying, theres wet, cold snow. 
She briefly closed her eyes and rolled over in the white blanket of snow to get into a sitting position. When she opened them she was now in a dark room. Mari started to get up, placing her hands in an awkward warm puddle. Bringing her now terribly shaking hands close to her face she realized it was blood.
Looking up from her delicate, bloodied hands, a younger version of herself stood in the doorway. She was carrying a piece of what looked like a dress. The younger relflection of Mari let out a terrified sob and dropped to the floor in the same postition as the real Mari, creating a mirror image. The girl remained crying while the other was too frightened to move.

A scream echoed through the house and Mari flung her head to the left trying to find that source, although she really didn't want to know what it was. Finding nothing, She slowly looked back and realized that the young girl was gone. Mari felt a pressure and to her shock she noticed a pale hand gripping onto her wrist through the puddle of blood on the floor. Her eyes widened but she couldn't make a single scream as she was pulled through the puddle. 

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very welll i like vii
Chapter 2: Hmm... maybe Crow Mountain has something to do with her past.