
Spending My Life With You

Youngjae had two things that he loved about weekends. One; was he had no classes, and that itself was amazing – and two, Daehyun didn't have work. So they usually spent those two days cuddled up in bed, wrapped in a blanket and each other's limbs. Youngjae found waking up like that was the best, and he enjoyed every second of it.


Sometimes, he'd wake up earlier than Daehyun and spend a bit just staring at his boyfriend's sleeping face. The way his lip would twitch or the way his nose would scrunch up. The cute little mole under his eye was always begging to be kissed and so were his full sweet lips and honestly Youngjae could say at those moment's he absolutely loved Jung Daehyun.


He loved waking up surrounded by the others sweet vanilla sent and a bit of musk that just screamed Daehyun.


He loved how the elder would wrap his arms around Youngjae's waist, and pull him closer even when sleeping – like he didn't want Youngjae to go anywhere.


It was cute.


It was Daehyun.


Yoo Youngjae loved weekends, because it gave him a chance to realize how much he loved Jung Daehyun.  

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NaDaeHyun #1
Chapter 20: Yeees please make another story *_* make as many as you want *_*
Chapter 20: I support you if you would like to make any story behind these!!
navynavy #3
Chapter 18: I can't breath '-'
These are cute^^
dulce_soledad #5
Chapter 16: Oh my goodness I seriously love all of these drabbles!
Chapter 12: Every single chap is awesome! I love their relationship-Daejae is just perfection!
I really liked how they met, that chap was really great -do more pls *_*

I'm happy about this :)
Chapter 10: Drabbles drabbles!!! So cute and fluffeeeeeeehhhhhhh!! XD love it!!
i like your drabbles, keep writing!! world need more daejae ^^