Running Late

Spending My Life With You

Daehyun gave a large groan as Youngjae typed away at his laptop. He remembered himself in a similar situation a little while ago – except this time if Youngjae didn't hurry they were going to be late.


Jae, come on.”


Just one more paragraph – “


You say that three pages ago!”


Daehyun threw his hands up in the air and sighed. Yongguk had invited him over to his place for dinner – along with Himchan. The two of them had been friends for years but Yongguk's hidden feelings were bubbling over and Daehyun was pretty sure Himchan was getting impatient for the other to finally ask him out. So Yongguk asked Daehyun and Youngjae to be there as moral support.


How could Daehyun say no?


He picked off imaginary lint off his black dress shirt and sighed for the hundredth time.


Stop sighing, I'll be done in a - “




The younger looked up, his glasses slipping off his nose a bit. He looked cute; all dressed up in a pair of black jeans and a white button up – opposite of his white jeans and black one. Youngjae had called him stupid for matching their outfits that way but Daehyun said it would be cute. And he was right; as always.


We have to hurry up now. Save your file and lets go!”


... Fine.”


Youngjae pressed a few more key's before closing his laptop and making his way toward the door.


Happy now?”

Yes,” Daehyun grinned, and kissed Youngjae's cheek. The other flushed and gave him an irritated stare before slipping on his shoe's.


Well, let's go. Were already late.”


I wonder why?”


Oh shut up.”


Daehyun snickered and slipped his hand into Youngjae's for a second, squeezing it tightly – before letting to and grabbing his key's.


His boyfriend was too cute.



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NaDaeHyun #1
Chapter 20: Yeees please make another story *_* make as many as you want *_*
Chapter 20: I support you if you would like to make any story behind these!!
navynavy #3
Chapter 18: I can't breath '-'
These are cute^^
dulce_soledad #5
Chapter 16: Oh my goodness I seriously love all of these drabbles!
Chapter 12: Every single chap is awesome! I love their relationship-Daejae is just perfection!
I really liked how they met, that chap was really great -do more pls *_*

I'm happy about this :)
Chapter 10: Drabbles drabbles!!! So cute and fluffeeeeeeehhhhhhh!! XD love it!!
i like your drabbles, keep writing!! world need more daejae ^^