Chicken Soup (for the soul)

Transitory Passcodes

Jongin let Baekhyun be and watched Baekhyun fall asleep, scooting closer and Baekhyun’s hair slowly. When Jongin was sure that Baekhyun was fast asleep, he slowly took his hand from Baekhyun’s clutch and curled there on the floor by Baekhyun’s bed. Neither of them had taken a single layer off of their work clothes but they couldn’t care less. Jongin wondered if Baekhyun felt stuffy and uncomfortable sleeping in suit and tie, but he didn’t have the heart to wake Baekhyun up again.

Jongin woke up abruptly and the sun was well up, and he learned that he’d been sleeping by the side of the bed in Baekhyun’s thick blanket. Baekhyun’s bed was empty. When he turned around, he saw Baekhyun still sleeping, wrapped in thin fleece by the foot of the bed. Jongin stretched and stood up. He covered Baekhyun in the blanket he used and silently left the room.

Jongin went to the kitchen to check the chicken he’d put in the fridge last night. He took the chicken out of the fridge and the pack of spices out of the plastic bag and rubbed his eyes again. He started going through the cupboards and picked the stuff that could be in assistance.

In the bedroom, Baekhyun had woken up at one point or another, just lying there on the warm wooden floor. He wasn’t feeling great, but at least he felt much better than he had been the past three days. He could hear the soft clanking sounds Jongin was trying not to make in the kitchen. Sleepily, curiously, Baekhyun started asking himself if Jongin actually had a bigger purpose coming into his life.

Baekhyun decided that he should wake up. He sat and blinked sleepily again. His hands still felt thick and numb, and his ears were still lightly ringing. He walked out of his bedroom mopping the floor with his lazy feet.

When Baekhyun went into the kitchen, Jongin was waiting at the dining table. A covered pot was cooking and it smelled really good, but that was the only thing that made a difference. Jongin looked up at Baekhyun.

“Are you feeling better now?”

Baekhyun nodded and smiled. His heart felt warm at how Jongin had been with him through his worst.

“I’m sorry I didn’t have any blankets or extra beds for you. Do you need anything?” Baekhyun asked, voice still heavy but flowing out easily.

“I’m okay,” Jongin said. He looked at the stove and decided to check it. Baekhyun was still standing there by the empty side of the table.

“What is that?” Baekhyun asked.

“I’m trying to make you samgyetang,” Jongin said, turning his head to face Baekhyun. He looked back at his pot and the chicken was still a chicken.

“Thank you but why? You don’t have to.”

Jongin smiled at the pot and closed it again, pushing Baekhyun to the living room then to the couch, making him sit down.

“I want to,” Jongin answered, smiling widely on his knees to level with Baekhyun’s eyes. Jongin saw the peachy blotches on Baekhyun’s cheeks, the rashes that bloom at fever’s end. Baekhyun looked into Jongin’s eyes, and those eyes were praising, praising as they stared into his. Baekhyun leaned forward and tucked away loose strands of hair from Jongin’s face with tender fingers. Baekhyun never remembered being enveloped in so much love before, and it felt wondrous to have someone look at him like he was worth the gaze for so long.

Jongin looked away and broke the gaze. He stood up and looked at the kitchen’s direction. He stretched, voice as stretching as his muscles. “It’s taking so long. It says I need to boil it for three hours.”

“Sit down,” Baekhyun said from his place.

Jongin obliged. He sat beside Baekhyun and turned around to face him, sitting cross-legged. Baekhyun looked into Jongin’s deep, deep eyes again and wondered who and what they were. He leaned forward again, because he liked paying attention. Jongin leaned forward as well, but very carefully. Jongin breathed slowly, eyes locked on Baekhyun’s lips.

“You’re going to catch my fever.” Baekhyun whispered.

“I know.”

Jongin kissed him, once, and Baekhyun could feel nervous exhales puffing against his lips, as if hesitating, before Jongin kissed him again, and again. A happy, fulfilled chuckle popped from deep in Baekhyun’s chest and Baekhyun cupped Jongin’s face to kiss him to his heart’s content, Jongin’s skin feeling coarse under his numb fingertips. Baekhyun softly toppled Jongin to the armrest and kissed him as if he was the happiest, most grateful man on earth, because Baekhyun, at that minute was the happiest, most grateful man on earth. Every fiber of their personalities radiated through their kisses—Baekhyun’s kisses more passionate and Jongin’s kisses timid but true.

They did not stop. They never stopped. They were b with happiness from the very bottom of their hearts. Baekhyun didn’t put too much thinking when he kissed Jongin’s cheek, then his jugular vein, then the back of his neck, because he realized how Jongin tensed and froze. Baekhyun stopped and looked at Jongin in his anxious, nervous eyes. Jongin closed his eyes and tried to control himself. He opened his eyes and kissed Baekhyun softly again, just so that Baekhyun would know that he was still welcomed.

Jongin squirmed and straightened up, and Baekhyun flopped onto Jongin’s shins, awkward but exactly at arm’s length. Jongin touched Baekhyun’s forehead and decided that Baekhyun was still too warm to be okay. He then started wondering what better thing he could do for now.

They tried spending the next two hours by flicking through the TV, but all the programs were made for boring and bored mothers, so they ended up turning it off. They talked about what they did in high school, and the news, and why Mrs. President hadn’t raised their salaries yet. They laughed and kissed, and Baekhyun was actually amused at how so much laughter could erupt from Jongin, who barely spoke a word when they first met.

It was Baekhyun’s turn to be pressed flush with the armrest, Jongin kissing him in the same pace but almost without a trace of the gentleness he started with. Jongin abruptly stopped.

Baekhyun opened his eyes and Jongin was looking so perplexed and worried, eyes on the pattern of the armrest, his black hair hanging down from his head. Jongin moved his eyes to Baekhyun and said, “The soup.” Baekhyun laughed. Jongin sat on his lap and shuffled to stand up. “I’m serious, Baekhyun. The soup,” he said, rushing to the kitchen and immediately turning off the stove. Jongin opened the pot and sighed in total relief. Baekhyun caught up and stood beside Jongin to see how it looked like.

Baekhyun helped Jongin find a bowl big enough to fit a whole chicken, and Jongin poured everything else inside before bringing the bowl to the table. “Get a bowl for yourself.” Baekhyun said.

“It’s yours,” Jongin replied. Baekhyun looked at him with the, are you sure? look. Jongin cocked his head. Go ahead.

“Alright,” Baekhyun smiled and started eating. Baekhyun lit up as soon as he stuffed his mouth. “Wow,” he said, and looked at Jongin. “Thank you Jongin, this is really good.”

Jongin only smiled, and he let Baekhyun eat all he wanted.

“You know what,” Jongin started.

“Hm?” Baekhyun responded, mouth still full and chewing.

“I’m actually grateful I didn’t grab a tuna sandwich that day. If I did, you probably would’ve left the store before I came up to pay.”

“Well it’s more like being grateful to get to work on that project.” Baekhyun gave his version of the answer.

“But if we didn’t meet the day before, we would just be strangers, just employees who happened to be pitted together for a span of time.”

“True.” Baekhyun looked down at his food and started eating again. He tore a bit of chicken and said, “You should try.”

Jongin left his seat to stand beside Baekhyun. Baekhyun gave him his spoon—at this point the both of them found no use for Jongin to take a clean spoon anyways—and Jongin scooped a spoonful of broth and rice. The way his face lit up really said it. “You’re right. This isn’t that bad. I feel so proud of myself.”

“Have you ever made samgyetang before?” Baekhyun asked.

Jongin shook his head, smiling. He took another spoonful and a small bite of chicken before giving the spoon back.

Baekhyun actually finished the whole bowl some half an hour later, to both their surprise. Jongin handed him a full glass of water. “Nap time.”

“What?! Jongin, I’m not a kid.” Baekhyun shrieked.

“I mean, you’re not well yet, and I’m not letting you get any more germs on me, so I find no harm in you cocooning in bed for the rest of the day and night. Nappy nap.” Jongin pushed Baekhyun up and off to the bedroom, took his glass of water to put on the bedside table, and looked at Baekhyun like he would execute him if he didn’t crawl into bed.

“I want a popo,” Baekhyun cried when he was in his blankets.

“What?! Baekhyun, you’re not a kid.”

Baekhyun shrugged. “I know. I want a grown-up’s popo.”

So with a laughter over how silly that actually sounded, Jongin stretched over and placed his hands by Baekhyun’s sides, the bed sinking with his weight. Jongin looked into his eyes with his praising gaze again before giving Baekhyun only half the popo he wanted. Jongin pulled away and it was as if he was pulling bits of Baekhyun with him, from the way Baekhyun had leaned towards him as they parted.

“That is so unfair,” Baekhyun retorted.

Jongin walked away after wishing Baekhyun to get well soon.

“Jongin,” he called.

Jongin turned his head before he could close the door.

“Thank you.” Baekhyun said.

Jongin smiled and closed the door. His hand lingered on the golden brown handle. He’d made his mistakes, and the last thing he wanted was Baekhyun to be another one.



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foryourxoul #1
Chapter 8: This is really well written and emotional actually.
However, I was a little confused at the end.
"What neither of them ever knew was Jongin always coming home to kisses that never lingered nor rushed, to smiles that snicker and promises sweeter than youth." Does that mean that Luhan is/was with Jongin now?
I'm so bad at inferring actually! ><