
Its cold

Once again i was woken up by a headache.


The devil like sound of my phone ringed

" Aish..." I mumble while picking up my Iphone.

"De?" I say with a yawn.

"U-unnie?" a soft voice was heard, not taking me long to recodnise it.

"Chae?" I say suprised.

" Whats up, why are u calling?"

" Uhm, Unnie can we meet?" she asks carefully.

" Umm, sure.. Meet me at the studio in 20." I say still half asleep.

God knows how i am gonna pull that one off.

I looked like the epitome of death, puffy eyes and alcohol breath.

Mhhh, classy.

"NO! I meant somewhere quieter..." she says nervously.

" Uhm, well sure ok... How about at the Elite?"

" Sure, see you there Unnie." she says before hanging up.

That was weird... I wonder whats wrong.

20 minutes later

I dont know how. But, with some extraterrestrial force i managed to get here looking presentable.

I was sipping on my coffee while waiting for Chae. I wonder what she has to say.

One way or another, i had a bad feeling about this.

" Unnie?" a voice snapped me out of it. 

Looking up i saw the familiar sweet face, Chaerin.

" Rin! Hey, how are you?!" I faked the happiness because this whole situation was making me uncomfortable.

" I am great, oh you look so pretty Unnie! I am so jealous." she poued.

I didnt know if she was lying or telling the truth but one thing was for sure.

She was very upset and was trying to cover it up. Wanna know how i know that?

Cuz i see that same look everytime i look into the mirror.

But, she didnt have a reason to be like that...

Or did she?

" Oh, gamsa... So, whats up?" I ask her while sitting down.

" Unnie, i have something to tell you..." she said while her eyes wondered nervously around cafe like she was trying to find a safe point.

Why is she like this?

" De?" I encouraged her to go on.

" I know about you and Ji..." she bursted into tears.

What? What the am i suppossed to do now?

I mean, WHAT?

"Ahmm, Chae calm down!!" I say while hugging her.

It was a reflex thing , even tho i had no idea what was going on.

My thoughts were going wild upon seeing her cry.

I didnt feel guilty, because why should l?

I didnt do anything wrong... Or did i?

" Chae, please tell me whats wrong! Did i do something?!" I ask her.

After calming down a bit she looked up at me

" Unnie.. I am sorry but i love Youngbae Oppa..." she whispered while expecting a reaction from me.

My mind was in a total state of: " What the flying is going on?"

" I- i have always had feelings for him, Unnie." she goes on

" It just hurts so much knowing that he will never feel the same way. I mean i know, i am not as pretty or talented as you, but i cant stop my stupid heart. I didnt mean to hurt anyone, Jiyong Oppa was always there for me. But, he never showed feelings for me... He would always talk about you, Unnie. And i would always talk about Youngbae Oppa. It was kinda of a support group. We were both trying to get over our onesided loves..." she said with a shaky voice.

" Now listen to me, Baby Rin!!" I grab her chin so she would look at me

" You are not ugly or talentles!!! You need to be more confident and believe and love yourself just like i believe and love you. Just because Bae doesnt see it now, doesnt mean it will be like that forever. This whole game that we have been playing has hurt more people that helped them. We tried to fool ourselfs by using our heads and not hearts. Me and Bae are a ended story. There is nothing there anymore. It is like we had mixed lifes all this time Chae..

You want Ji, but love Bae. And i love Ji, but want Bae..." I say.

" Unnie... I just wanted to tell you that... I want true love just like you. I want you to be happy, and i know that your happiness is Jiyong Oppas happiness." she smiled at me.

" Baby Rin, maybe you are too young to understand but... When you have been hurt so many times by the same person. Just looking at them hurts." I say.

" But Unnie...Doesnt everyone deserve a second chance?" she asked.


Her question stuck in my head while i was walking home. After we said our goodbyes the only thing i could tell Chae is to take care.

She is so young but so smart. 

As i walk to my apartment door i freeze. It was opened.

Oh my god, am i getting robbed?!

I open the door being welcomed by a sweet smell.

White and red petals were scattered over my apartment floor and candles burning by them.

The pedals felt so soft under my fingers

Suddenly a husky voice was heard

"Baby I love you, I say this but

I don’t feel good at all

I want you I need you, I sing but

I don’t know why I feel bad, who you?

Baby I miss you, why do I keep thinking about you 

I can’t meet someone else, I don’t want to

Whether I love you or hate you

I can’t determine, everyday I’m still confused

I don’t know why I feel bad, who you." 

He slowly walks up closer to me.

My heart beating so fast i could hear in my ears.

Dammit, after all this time he still has that effect on me.


His haze making me shiver as if he was staring at my soul.

His long and soft fingers rim the line of my chin making me shiver once more.

Slowly while holding my chin he inches closer.

" I love you" he whisperes over my lips as i felt his breath on my cheek.

As his plump lips sealed with mine i felt a peircing feeling in my heart.

I felt like i couldnt breath.

Gently i push him away, my hand resting on his chest.

" Game over." i whisper as i steal another kiss. 


THE ENNNDDDDDDD!!!! Kekekekeke oh my god guys i have been away for so long. I am sorry but i was having some family probs. BUT I AM BACK NOW! :) I hope your love and support didnt leave me... I love u guys so much and check out my new fanfic Ottoke? about you and kai and kinda of a onesided love situation.... I am sorry one more time and SARANGHAEEE <3 <3 <3 <3 <3



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Chapter 8: New chapter is updated my loves!!!! :) <3 Annd check out my new story about EXO`s Kai and you, its kinda a one-sided love thing. Please support me like u always have...
Chin555 #2
Chapter 8: great update....
CKings27 #3
Chapter 7: That Ji Yong is so greedy! Now he wants Ji Hyun back claiming he still loves her while dating Chae. What happen to Kiko?
I wonder how Chae would feel when she finds out Ji Yong never loved her because he is still in love with Ji Hyun. Would she hate
Ji Hyun for coming back to work for YG again. I'm really enjoying your story. Please don't give up.
He is an .
aldimia #5
Chapter 7: Oh my gd..why are you like thattt!?
Chin555 #6
Chapter 6: plz...... update soon its really great story. love it.
luvmydragon15 #7
Chapter 6: this story is amazingggggg please update soon
cherryaizawa #8
Chapter 5: hi i found your story and i like it
its interesting
hope you will update so soo.^^
I hope u guys wont be mad if i put Youngbae Oppa into this? Hmm
I can smell a love triangleee kekeke
kiyoshi_101 #10
Chapter 4: Keep going ~!(∩_∩) I really like the plot(≧∇≦)/(≧∇≦)/