Old Picture

Show me your true self
Title: Show me your true self
Author: Sweetspring
Characters: Junsu – Yoochun (Yunho, Changmin, Jaejoong)
Rating: PG-13 (for words I guess)
Genre: Drama – Angst - 

Warnings: This is not a love fanfic
Length: 3/?


Junsu turned his head then he turned his body holding tight on his bag, he hoped this wont end with some another harsh words from the cold man like yesterday.
“No, I’m going to school” said Junsu softly.
“Not today…” said Yoochun coldly as he walked toward him.

“What do you mean?” asked Junsu not liking the idea, he watched him as he made his way toward the couch in the living room silently and waited in his place for an answer.

“Sit” said Yoochun simply as he pulled a cigarette and lighted it.

Junsu watched him smoking, he wanted to say something about it but he doesn’t want Yoochun to hate him more than he does already so he just made his way toward the armchair beside the couch and took a seat putting down his bag on the floor beside him.

“…What school do you go to?” asked Yoochun after a while without looking at Junsu.

“The Rising Sun high school” answered Junsu simply and waited for Yoochun who took his time smoking before talking again.

“…its not so far from here then…how do you go? By bus?” asked Yoochun smoking again.

“No, my friend’s dad used to take us both to school by his car” answered Junsu trying not to show his smile, maybe…just maybe…Yoochun cares.

“…Ok then…Tomorrow you’ll start going with Donghe…he’ll drive you there and he’ll pick you up too, you’re not allowed to hang around anywhere, understood?” ordered Yoochun coldly as he turned off his cigarette.

“W-what?..You can’t! I…” tried Junsu to change Yoochun’s mind, I mean really now~ how can he lock him home like that?! Till when?! Till the year ends? This is too much.

“You live in my house, you follow my rules and also you’re still underage and I’m your hyung right?...you can’t say no…” said Yoochun coldly looking in to Junsu’s shocked eyes.

“b-but…” Junsu tried again but then Yoochun stood up making his way toward the hall way.

“If you don’t like it you can just leave….” Said Yoochun as he walked away then he stopped turning his head to look at Junsu.

“I can’t let the enemies use you as my weak point…you have the day to think about what I said...if you can’t live like this then just leave forever like your mom.” Said Yoochun making his point clear then he got back in to his room to sleep again.

Junsu crossed his eyebrows not understanding what did Yoochun mean by “weak point” thing, and still he couldn’t believe that he’ll be living this kind of life now, it’s like living in a cage or something. Yoochun is really giving him a hard time.

Junsu sighed, stood up and made his way toward his room, he changed his clothes and then threw himself on the bed thinking of all what Yoochun told him now till he slowly fall asleep.


Changmin was sitting in the chair beside the principal office’s door, he sighed softly as he looked at the hole in his uniform shirt’s sleeve, then he looked up when someone called his name.

“Hyung” said Changmin getting off his chair as his hyung walked toward him with an angry stare.

“Changmin this is ridiculous!...this is the third time this week!” said the hyung with an angry yet low voice.

“It’s not my fault! I…” Changmin tried to explain when the office door opened suddenly so both of them looked at the principal’s secretary.

“Jung Yunho-shi the principal is waiting for you” said the secretary who knew who he was since he kept visiting the principal office a lot these days.

Yunho thanked her then he looked at Changmin for few seconds madly before he followed her in to the office.

After like 10 minutes, Yunho walked out the principal office silently, he sighed as Changmin stood up pulling his bag from the chair beside him.

“What?” asked Changmin as he saw Yunho giving him an angry look.

“lets go” said Yunho as he started to walk in the high school hallway so Changmin followed him sighing knowing that he’s going to hear the same thing again about being in trouble and how it’s going to impact his grades and blah blah blah~, things he didn’t even care about at this moment.

Arriving to where Yunho parked his car, he pulled out his keys from his pants’ pocket and opened the car, he sat in the driver seat as Changmin got in the front seat beside him.

“Can you just, tell me when you’re planning to stop acting like a little kid?” asked Yunho trying not to lose control.

“I’m not a kid hyung!”

“WELL IF YOU’RE NOT THEN STOP ACTING LIKE ONE!” yelled Yunho as he turned his face and looked at his cousin madly.

“You don’t understand! The jerks in my class are making fun of Junsu-hyung’s parents’ death!” said Changmin explaining, the silent got in the air as they both kept looking at each other for few seconds.

“Look, I know it’s hard on Junsu Changmin-ah…but he didn’t get back to school yet and he doesn’t know about all this!...you’re getting yourself in so much trouble for nothing!”

“I’m not going to wait till hyung gets back and hear them mocking…I had to put an end to all of this hyung” said Changmin making it hard for Yunho to not show some of his proud feelings for what his cousin is doing for his best friend.

“Junsu wouldn’t accept seeing you doing this Changmin”

“I know hyung…he doesn’t need to know” 

Sighed Yunho rubbing his forehead with his fingers when suddenly the sound of the talky-walky in his car started to beep.

“Yes Siwon-ah?” said Yunho as he pulled it close to his mouth.

“Yunho-hyung you have to come over please we need the file you have” 

“Ok I’m on my way.” 

Yunho put back the talky-walky in its place, then he started the car and drove away from the high school. The ride was silent, Yunho was already tired, he has been working on few cases and it was normal for a successful detective, but there was this one case he wasn’t able to solve since 5 years.

Was it him? Was it that he got old now to be able to solve it? Then why he was able to solve the other cases he got so fast unlike this one? He knows very well how did han-shi died, and he was so sure that Lee So-man the mafia leader was the killer, after all Han-shi who was supposed to be one of So-man’s trusted men got caught actually being a spy for another mafia, it differently So-Man who killed him, if not by his own hands still Yunho was sure he was there ordering around his men when Han was dead.   But he couldn’t get any proof to be able to put that man in jail for the rest of his life.

Sighing deeply Yunho pulled a file from the back seat of his black car when he stopped at the traffic lights, he gave it to Changmin and started to drive again when the light turned to green.

Changmin looked at the file then back at Yunho for a second, and couldn’t help himself but look through it. Yunho was ok with that, he used to take Changmin with him to his office when he was a kid, when his mom needed someone to take care of him. And he was always his favorite cousin because he was smart, not to mention that Yunho would sometimes listen carefully to what he says when he tells him about a case he’s trying to solve. This kid was really so smart.

Changmin flipped few pages with some pictures of the victim, some of the sharp weapons been used on the victim to torment him before they killed him, and some pages of some mafia members’ info. Changmin was reading some of the info when suddenly a name got his attention.

“Park Yoochun” read Changmin kind of loud taking Yunho’s attention as he turned the wheel to turn around the corner.

“What?” asked Yunho moving his stares between Changmin and the road.

“uh, nothing it’s just…Junsu’s brother’s name is Park Yoochun too” said Changmin explaining as he looked again at the name and then at Yoochun’s picture.

“….are you sure?” asked Yunho after a few seconds of silence.

“hm?, um I’m sure about the Yoochun part because Junsu-hyung always talked about him, but the Park part…I think his last name is park…that’s what his lawyer told us when he told Junsu-hyung about his mom’s will.” Said Changmin as he closed the file and put it on his lap.

“ Don’t you know how he looks like? Didn’t Junsu ever show you a picture of him?” asked Yunho as he entered the police building parking.

“hmmm….I think Junsu once sent me some pictures of him but they are really old pictures .” Said Changmin pulling out his cell phone to check on the received pictures, he still remember that his hyung once sent him a few of Yoochun’s pictures when he had to do a format to his phone and he was worried he might lose them.

But still Changmin never got why Junsu would have his pictures in his phone when his mom already got them in an album. Maybe he saved them to put them as his cell phone’s background.

“uh, found it” said Changmin giving his cell phone to Yunho who looked at it for few seconds.

“send them all to me” said Yunho with a serious tone making Changmin get confused.


“Just send it I need to check if it’s the same one in the file” said Yunho turning off the car.

Changmin got out from the car as Yunho did, he sent the pictures he had while his heart was beating so fast. Could it be? Park Yoochun his friend went to live with is the same Park Yoochun the mafia member?...if its true, he must do something to bring Junsu back.

Yunho and Changmin walked out from the elevator to the 2nd floor hallway, Yunho walked to his right and Changmin followed him till they arrived to the 4th door, and Yunho entered without knocking the door.

There was Siwon talking with another detective about some files they were looking through on his desk, both of them looked at Yunho in confuse as he took off his jacket throwing it to the small couch in the other side of the office.

“You’re ok hyung?” asked Siwon in worry as Yunho gave his cell phone to the other detective who looked younger than both of Yunho and Siwon by few years.

“Kibum if you please I need you to go and print these pictures now, there is like 10 pictures of the same boy here.” Said Yunho explaining so Kibum nodded and hurried to do what Yunho just asked him to do.

“What’s wrong?” asked Siwon as Yunho sat on the chair in front of Siwon’s disk.

“Hyung” said Changmin cutting the conversation as he gave Yunho the file. 

“I think I got a way to get to Lee So-man” said Yunho putting the file on the disk.

“Oh my god, finally?!” said Siwon with wide eyes not believing what he just heard.

“…Changmin please go help Kibum” said Yunho looking up at Changmin who knew that Yunho wants to talk with Siwon about something he can’t hear so he just left the office closing the door behind him.

“Remember Park Yoochun?” asked Yunho flipping the papers of the file.

“Yeah? What about him?” asked Siwon following Yunho’s hands’ moves.

“That kid in the pictures might be him”

“What?” said Siwon raising up one of his eyebrows.

“Changmin’s friend, his name is Kim Junsu, his parents died in a car accident like a month ago or something, his mom’s will said that Junsu need to live with his brother and his brother’s name is Park Yoochun.” Said Yunho explaining.

“but You just said Kim Junsu, how can they…” Siwon was about to continue his question but Yunho cut him.

“He’s his brother from his mother’s side only…they have different fathers”

“Oh my god…could he really be him?” asked Siwon not believing that they had a way to get to So-Man all these years but they never knew about it.

“I’m not sure yet, the pictures in my phone actually are Junsu’s brother’s pictures, he sent them to Changmin but unfortunately these are the only pictures Junsu has as Changmin told me…we need to check if that boy is the same person here” said Yunho pointing at Yoochun’s picture in the file.


Junsu opened his eyes whining at the sun shine hitting on his face, he looked at the window with half closed eyes, then he got up stretching his body.

He sighed looking around him at his new room before turning his head to his right and look at the alarm clock on the small table beside his bed.

“ 5:00 pm?~..tsk” said Junsu with a husky dry voice.

He can’t believe he fall asleep and it’s already this late, he got off his bed and made his way toward the window looking at the sunset when someone suddenly knocked his door.

He turned around feeling his heart beating so fast, is it Yoochun? Is he planning on giving him more rules? More harsh words? Junsu thought its already too much for his second day.

He sighed and walked toward the door, he slowly opened it and looked up holding his breath for a moment till he saw the blond hair and he could finally breath.

“Jaejoongi-hyung” said Junsu as he moved giving the blond guy some space to come in.

“hello susu-ah~ aww you finally woke up~” said Jaejoong cheerfully with a huge smile.

“umm, come on in hyung” said Junsu as he smiled back at him, really not its hard to not smile when you see that wonderful smile on that man’s face.

“No time~ change your clothes we’re going out.” 

“out? Where?” asked Junsu in confuse.

“To watch a movie~!! Come on,~ get in and change~” said Jaejoong as he pushed Junsu in to his room and pulled the door to close it.

“b-but, hyung, uh…” but Junsu didn’t get the chance to say anything anymore so he just sighed, made his way toward his closet thinking that maybe hanging out would be a good idea.

He’s awake now and he doesn’t think he’ll be able to sleep tonight, being alone like this with no homework to do or anyone to talk to might bring memories about the accident back and he doesn’t want to think because he knew that thinking will lead him in to crying his heart out.


As Junsu was changing his clothes Jaejoong was in the living room talking with Yoochun who was sticking a spying chip under the couch.

“So when should be get back home?” asked Jaejoong in a serious tone.

“I’m not sure, I’ll text you when we’re done” said Yoochun as he stood up fixing his dark blue T-shirt.

“ Aren’t you going to change your mind about Donghe taking susu to school~?” said Jaejoong getting back to his cheesy cute self with a pount.

“No Jaejoong, you can’t drive him school” answered Yoochun for the 20th time today.





“Oh come on~~~…”




“Yah I said nothing!”

“I know but just giving you the answer for the question you’re going to ask me later when you get back” said Yoochun as he put another chip under the armchair.

Jaejoong pouted more crossing his arms over his chest, he was about to say something but before he could, Junsu walked out from his room looking so cute~…well that what Jaejoong thought.
“I’m ready” said Junsu as he smiled at Jaejoong.

“OH MY GOD! YOU LOOK SO CUTE!!” yelled Jaejoong hugging Junsu suddenly.

“h-hyung~” whined Junsu trying to get out from the really tight hug.

“I WISH I HAD YOU AS MY LITTLE BROTHER~~” yelled again Jaejoong as he swayed to the right and the left with Junsu in his arms.

“hyung~…I..I can’t breath~” whined again Junsu hopping that Jaejoong could hear him this time.

“opps! Sorry susu-ah~” finally pulled Jaejoong fixing junsu’s hair.

“Seriously Jaejoong, If I didn’t know you I would’ve thought you’re in to men” said Yoochun who stood in the back watching them.

Jaejoong stick his tongue out as a reply to what his friend just said.

“And I would’ve thought you’re 10.” Continued Yoochun before turning around, making his way toward the kitchen.

“Whatever cold face~…Come on Susu-ah let’s leave!” said Jaejoong holding on Junsu’s wriest but Junsu didn’t move.

“u-umm…” Junsu opened his mouth to say something as he kept looking at Yoochun’s back while Junsu looked at Junsu in confuse.

“Y-you’re not coming too…hyung?” asked Junsu nervously still looking at Yoochun who turned his face to the side.

He knew he meant him since he said “coming too” but he didn’t turn to look at him at all, he sighed turning on the water heater, then he looked at his coffee cup in front of him.

“….No” said Yoochun after a few seconds of silence.

Junsu felt disappointed, he wanted to hang out with his brother, he wanted to know him better, to show him that he’s not a bad person, he wanted their brother ship to grow up and get closer.

“Come on Junsu” said Jaejoong pulling him softly.

Junsu looked up at him with sad eyes but he let him pull him out simply, he knew it, it’s going to be hard, he knew that, he knew he must work hard to get him to like him and accept him as a brother.

Inside the apartment Yoochun stayed there looking at his cup till the heater turned off, he sighed and started to pour the water in to the cup, and as the cup started to get filled with water, he spaced out for few seconds before screaming out as the hot water touched his free hand which was holding on the cup.

He quickly pulled the small towel and dried the table before pulling his cup of coffee to drink it.


Yunho was sitting in his office looking through few cases he need to solve when someone knocked his door. 

“Come in” said Yunho as he looked up at the door for a second then looked back down at the paper he was reading.

“Yunho-shi, the results of the pictures you asked us to check on” said the man so Yunho stopped whatever he was doing and looked up at him.

“Show me” said Yunho lifting up his hand so the man handed him the brown file he was holding.

“Thank you, you can leave” said Yunho so the man left his office closing the door behind him as Yunho pulled the papers out from the file. 
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Chapter 3: I like this.. Update soon please..
Chapter 3: Heol, this story is getting twisted here and there. But, I like this.!!!
Chapter 3: this is getting interesting. did junsu know that his brother is a mafia? jaejoong is..... so jaejoong. hahaha