Spelling, Spelling, and More Spelling~

A Dummy's Guide to AFF

A/N: What is this? An update! Long time no see my little dumplings. Sorry for the month-long wait (Wow, has it seriously been that long?). School's been a pain with all of my AP classes and just life in general is taking its toll on me. But no worries! I managed to update this story. ^^ As for my other story... no comment.

So as you can see, I changed the title and the description. No worries though! It's still the same guide you all know and love. ^^



Bruh, y do i evn hve 2 rite tis chaptr? Rn’t ppl suhpossed to no how 2 spel corectly? U wuld think so, not evry1 can spel wordz. i allredy rote a chaptr on how 2 hve propuh grama, som1 sugessted tht i dedic8 an entir chaptr too speling. So heer i am.

… I don’t even want to discuss how horribly that was written. My spell check keeps automatically fixing my spelling so I had to turn it off to write this chapter. Let me begin with this:

If any part of your story looks like the above paragraph, I will personally find you and whack some sense into you. There is NO reason to have that kind of spelling. Even first grade me knew that that kind of spelling wasn’t acceptable.

So why do I see so many spelling errors?

Answer: Because people don’t like to take ten minutes to, I don’t know, REREAD THEIR CHAPTER.

The first time you write something, there are ALWAYS going to be mistakes. And a lot of them. So going over it a FEW times (not just once or twice) is good so you can catch any errors you might make. Better yet, send it to someone you trust to read over your work and correct it for you so you don’t have to do it (read: BETA READER).

Spelling is important. To me, it’s about as equally important as grammar and I’m a certified Grammar Nazi (not really, but I’ll silently judge you from behind my computer screen). Like, I understand if your spelling isn’t perfect (no one is perfect… unless you’re my friend Bryan), but at least TRY to make it as best as you can. Don’t just be all like: “YOLO this . Ain’t nobody got time for proofreading.” *cue le sassy finger snapping*

(((Right now I’m silently judging myself…)))

Okay, so where was I? Oh right, SPELLING. There are many ways to ensure that your spelling isn’t ty. They come in many forms such as:

  1. BETA-READER!!! (Do you see that, I bolded, underlined, italicized, AND ALL CAPSED IT. That means that I’m trying to put this notion into you head.) Listen, I don’t know how many times I’ve told you about hiring a beta-reader (4-5 times I think). This is one of the easiest ways to make sure that your story isn’t crappy. Go find one. Like, now. NOW. NOW!!! (But wait until you read the rest of my chapter first ^^)
  2. SPELL CHECK. Now don’t think because you us spell check, that your spelling is going to be perfect (unless, again, you’re my friend Bryan). Did you see my mistake in the previous sentence? My spell check didn’t. Perfect case of why SPELL CHECK ISN’T GOING TO GET YOU ANYWHERE ALONE!!! (If you couldn’t find it, it was the use of us instead of use.)
  3. Just reread your goddamn chapter. It’s not that hard. Do you not like your story so much that you don’t even want to read it yourself? And just to inform you guys, rereading once isn’t going to help you out. We are not perfect (shut up Bryan) so we’ll keep missing our mistakes. My thumb of rule is to reread it AT LEAST three times.


If you’re like me, then you probably fail in life when it comes to spelling. Spelling is evil I tell you. But just like getting a shot, you have to do it. ALL OF THE FREAKING TIME. Now, I know a lot of you aren’t from English speaking countries and are trying to write in English. I get it, I really do. It’s kind of like me trying – and failing – to write a proper sentence in Mandarin. (I mean, I get the characters and all, JUST HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO ARRANGE IT!!!) Ahem, anyway. Just hire a beta-reader. Or if you don’t want to, become YOUR OWN beta-reader. Reread your story like you read other people’s story – vindictive and looking out for the tiniest mistake. Or be like my friend Bryan who’s just naturally perfect.



I swear this meme was made for my friend Bryan...

RANDOM FACT: I collect straws. #dontjudgeme (What do you guys collect?)

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I changed the title and description to lure unsuspecting readers in for my own amusement. Don't worry though, it's still the same guide you all know and love.


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Chapter 4: HAHAHAHAHA! THIS. Thank you! Someone finally pointed this out. ugh
Chapter 4: Wish my dad would just give me his credit card and leave.....
Jjuniell #3
Haha, thank you for writing such a funny guide! ^^
xNeonColors #4
Chapter 8: I agree with this. Omfg. Reading a fic like that makes me cringe and is an absolute turn off. It's even more disappointing when the fic seems like it has potential and a good and interesting plot, but then they throw in so many romanized Korean words that it makes it unreadable and cringe-worthy. Ew.
changethegame #5
Chapter 2: You Maam, Or sir (Lol i didnt pay attention for any hints of your gender ,Sorry ) Are hilarious. And For your dad not remembering your birthday , Its okay . My dad Doesnt remember my birthday either but he Seems to remember what he had for lunch last year so clearly -.- Cheers To Our dads !
vivivivr #6
Chapter 8: Ow i like this post! Make me wanna plan a story *cough*plan*cough. Yeah i ever read some fics with a load of korean and chinese, without translation. But i read again in the next update accidentally because it has interesting title and forewords
Same here~ i love juniel so much so i want to recommend you juniel fanfic define neverland, paperplan, many oneshots in juniel tag actually (mostly with kai). There's oneshot i like, but it's deleted by its author :( (maybe i'll be brave)
In livejournal i found fanfic by cafebreak
And youuuu~ also have to recommend me XP (i like khunyoung, taoris and juniel)
Chapter 8: Right. I use Korean words sparingly, but I don't understand why you would use it in every other sentence if your fic is in English in the first place?
mysoulisstarving #8
Chapter 8: (totally out of topic) I've never tasted a kiwi in my life. hehehe I remember when I first started writing fics and I know the feeling of wanting so bad to add korean words in the fic you know but now I don't any more, maybe the honorifics but that's it...
Chapter 6: I really really liked this! Seriously, you covered just about everything that bugs me about AFF stories. Everything was really clear with a nice laugh here and there.
Also, I don't want to go all grammar Nazi on you, but you did tell us to correct you if you made any mistakes...I noticed that you were using "you're" incorrectly a few times, like when you talked about "you're fanfics." You're is a combination word for 'you are' and in this case, the possessive "your" should be used, making the sentence "your fanfics."
Now I sound like a nerd, but in my defense I'm an English major. Again, seriously awesome job with this!