
I'm Way Better Than Him!

Outside of practice, I’ve always been an even-tempered guy. People even call me shy at times (which I don’t agree with. Hip hop warriors are never shy. Chic, but never shy.) but seeing Bobby run around like Mino’s little errand boy is annoying the right of out of me. It’s been going on for about a week now, and it’s seven days too long for Bobby-hyung to keep doing those things. He's a person too for god sakes, and he's basically being treated like hedwig from Harry Potter. It's rather ty of Mino to do so if you ask me.


Between our practices, I could see him going off to the individual evaluation room where the new guy is training, slipping him letters written by Mino’s messy scrawl. Behind his cheerful smile I could see that he's not okay. I'm always the one who noticed things like these with him. After all, I knew him the longest.


The fact that he's still doing it until today is so ing annoying that it's making me angry.


I’m beginning to see it leak into practice. Being firm with everyone is usually my MO during practice, but today, even I’m beginning to think that I may have pushed them a little bit too far. On the second hour of dance practice, everyone was sweating bullets. “Again!” I said as I pressed the spacebar to replay the song for the millionth time today. By the end of the third hour, Bobby and Jinhwan hyung ended up pulling me outside and giving me the talk. Again.




“You gotta chill out a little bit Hanbin-ah. It’s only our first day with the new choreography. Cut the kids some slack ok?” Jinhwan hyung said, reprimanding me gently like he always does. Sometimes being talked to nicely like that is the worst. I can handle verbal abuse, but when someone play the guilt card, it really do leave me helpless.


“Yeah. Okay. Was I really being that harsh?” I asked nonchalantly, my mind still fixed on Bobby and  his new job as Mino's page.


“Dude.” Bobby-hyung shook his head and patted mine. “Even I thought you were being a hardass, and can take a whole lot of your .”


‘Yeah, cuz it seem like you’ve had a lot of practice dealing handling Mino's bull.’ I thought to myself. Part of me felt guilty for thinking badly of Bobby-hyung, but seriously! He is being an idiot.


“Alright, I’ll play nice.” I finally said, wiping the sweat from my brows. Placated by my answer Bobby gave me a fist bump and sauntered back into the practice room, clapping his and to cheer up the demoralized kids.


“We gave Hanbin a scolding! Now cheer up you little heads!” He said, making everyone laugh. What a doofus, I thought fondly, trying to hide the smile that's tugging on my lips. Just as I was walking to follow him back in, Jinwhan-hyun pulled me by my sweaty t-shirt and motioned me to go further down the hallway with him.


“Hanbin-ah.” He started, his voice strained from repeated practice. A pang of guilt suddenly stabbed my chest. Wow, I really must’ve did a number on him. “Did something happened?” he said, dropping the formal tone so he could talk to me as a friend rather than as a hyung. "Talk to me, maybe you'll fell better afterwards."


I shrugged and flashed him a quick smile. “It’s nothing.” I said, turning around quickly. If I talk about Bobby and Mino then I think I might explode again.


“Just,” Jinhwan-hyun sighed deeply, making me stopped on my tracks. “Just deal with your problems ok? It’s no fair for it to affect everyone else on the team.”


His words left me speechless. As much as I hate to admit it, Jinhwan hyung is right. It seems like I have to sort it out with the person directly. I gave him a silent nod and followed him back into the room, making sure that I’m extra nice to the boys today. There are days when I'm so wrapped up in my emotions that everything seems like a battle. Today I decided that I'm going to raise the white flag and just surrender to the music. Dancing my off usually takes my mind off everything.






“Are you calling me rudely, you little twerp!”


“Bobby-Hyung~!” I said, going up to him with an ageyo voice that he like so much.


“Thats better.” He gave me a toothy grin, hooking his arm around my shoulder like he always do and rubbing my hair. I just laughed and enjoyed his weight on my shoulder. It feels nice being close with him like this, just talking and walking together from practice, enjoying the night air as we watched the Han river reflect back the twinkling lights of Seoul.


“The air is good tonight.” Bobby said, wrapping his arms around my waist so we can walk comfortably.


“Yeah.” I said, taking a deep breath of the cool night’s air and shouting out to the silent street. Bobby grinned and howled next to me. Here we are, two wolves howling at ourselves, finding a tiny piece of freedom between the relentless pressure of our dreams. Today I ended the practice early as an appology to the team. The kids of course never gave me any grief from the way I treated them, but they enjoyed the early leave anyways.  I stayed back for a little bit just to finish my song, and Bobby, bless his soul, decided to wait for me so I wouldn’t need to “walk back home alone.”

Sigh. When he does things like this I couldn’t help but to love him more.

It's just sad that such a wonderfull man like Bobby is not getting the same love that he gives so freely to others. With that thought my mind wandered back to Mino and hows he's taking advantage of Bobby just like that. 




“What’s up Hanbin-ah?” he said, his voice as relaxed as ever. With a deep sigh, I stopped our slow pace and gathered my courage.


“I don’t like how you’re acting these days.” I finally said, using the same stern voice that I use when I scold the team.


Bobby turned around and looked at me weirdly. “What do you mean? What did I do?” I sighed and turned my cap forward to block my view of him. It’s hard looking at him when I’m confronting him harshly. I dont like treating him like that, but this ridiculousness has gone on for way too long.


“I mean how you’re running around like Mino’s little errand boy so he could get into the new kid’s pants!”I could see Bobby visibly frown when I mentioned Mino’s name. Before I could stop myself, more words just flew out of my mouth.


“I don’t like how he’s treating you hyung. He's acting like he's clueless about your feelings when we both know that he's not! That's ed up. If he really does like this Taehyun guy, then he should man up and just approach him himself! Right now he's just taking advantage of your convience. Love or no love, you deserve more than one-sided love with a bastard that treats you like crap!”


Out of nowhere Bobby laughed. After my passionate tirade defending him and making him feel better, he laughed.






“Oh Hanbin,” he said, wiping the tears from the corner of his eyes. “I love you man… but, Mino’s not 'treating me like crap', or whatever you said he was doing to me. No one’s forcing me to do those things. I delivered those letters because I want to.” Bobby smiled, but I can see past those little façade, and between the cracks, I can see him hurting.


Even his defense for Mino hurt me deeply. I couldn't help myself but to lash out in anger. “Oh you just like setting up your crush with the guy of his dreams? Because that’s way to ed up even for you!” I said, almost screaming at him because of the absurdity of the situation. Bobby just leaned back, calmly taking in all my abuse with a faint smile on his face. 


Damn him and his smiles. They're the reason why I'm so smitten by him anyways.


“To be honest… I do hate it.” Bobby said gently, his soft voice sounding so very sad. “I hate seeing him excited and hopeful about other guys… and I hate seeing the guy’s face light up when he read’s Mino’s letter.”


“Then why…?!”


“Why do it do it?” He asked. “Because I like seeing Mino smile. Even when it’s not me who’s making him excited and giddy, I’m still so grateful that I can see him happy because…” he sighed, closing his eyes and smiling again. “…because I love him enough to be okay about it.”



Like I need to be reminded again that he loves Mino and not me.


“What load of crap are you feeding me, huh Bobby?” I said quietly to resist lashing out again. Bobb snapped his eyes open in surpriseat my cursing.




“Don’t call me that…” I said, my voice is shaking so much from containing my anger. “What kind of person just sits back while the person that he loves hunts for new huh? You're not a doormat Kim Jiwon! Stand up for yourself!"


I don’t need to look up to see Bobby’s pained expression. “Calm down Hanbin-ah.” I slapped his hand away harshly. I want to hit his handsome face so he’ll snap back to reality, I want to scream at him for being so stupid, and I want to kiss him and apologize so he'll know that I'm only doing it because I love him.

All I've ever wanted was just to love him and have him love me. That's all. 

Instead of doing all of that, I turned my heels and ran as fast as my feet could take me.


Is this what love is? Suffering silently while you watch your as your beloved is bewitched by someone new? How absurd! I refuse to believe that notion. I refuse it with all my being. This isn’t love. Pain isn’t love. That’s why I am not going to let Mino take Bobby’s happiness away, because unlike Bobby, I am not the type who just sits back and take abuse well. I punch back and boy do I punch hard.


I’m going to up Song Minho so bad and I'm going to make sure that I'll enjoy every second of it.



When I found Mino alone in the dance room, all I could see was red. I didn’t feel the pain in my hand after I twisted my wrist punching him, I could only feel a strange sense of acompllishment as the bruises and welts form on his cheeks.


“Ow! What the !” Minho bellowed, struggling hard to get up from the ground. I grabbed his collar and slammed him down against the floor. I want to hurt him more. I want to make him feel the same pain that he cause to Bobby. I want to him up so bad that he would wish he could turn back time and let Bobby love him.


Before I could land a second punch, pain exploded from my left cheeks as Mino's fist connected with my face “That’s for cold cocking your elder you little !” He shouted, pushing me aside to get up. That er punch hurt like hell, but thats okay. At least I wont feel as guilty after I wreck his face in.


I lurched forward and pounded his arm hard. “That’s for hurting Bobby!” I said, spitting out the blood from my mouth. “And that’s for making him do your dirty work for you, you lazy ing coward!”


Mino looked at me, his mouth agape in horor. “Is that all this is about? Me asking Bobby to deliver some ing letters? What the hell is wrong with you?!”


“Me? Ha!” I threw my hands up in the air. The nerve on this guy. “What’s wrong with you! You knew Bobby was hung up over you and yet you asked him to do it  anyways. Do you know how long you ed him up after you rejected him? It took me months to make him better! It was me! All me! Now you're shoving your way back into the picture and you have the nerve to make him post your love letters?” I spat at his feet. “You’re unbelievable.”


Mino just clapped, shaking his head with a smug look on his face. “Hey, if Bobby has a problem with it then he can come to me about it. He doesn’t need a little kid running around to fight his battles for him.” Mino said spitefully, knowing full well how his words would hurt me. Aside from anger, I could see that this guy genuinely thinks that he's right. I shook my head and laughed bitterly. He’s so clueless about everything that it’s almost funny seeing him stumble with his words.


Mino must've saw me laughed at him and added angrily. “I only asked for Bobby’s help because Taehyunie wouldn’t talk to me! If he would, then I would go up to him directly! Besides who are you to lecture me about hiding my feelings huh?”


“… We’re not even talking about me.” I said after a pause.


Mino scoffed and pointed at me like he had just won the argument. “Admit it, the only reason you just ing punched me is because you fancied Bobby right? Why else would you care that he liked me or not?”


I couldn’t answer him. “The fact that I like Bobby hyung doesn’t hide the fact that you’ve been ty to him.”


That shut him up good. For a while we both just stood awkwardly on the doorway of the practice room, cheeks bruised and welted, hands hurting from punching each other so much, and our conscience heavy from the conversations that we just had. I used to like Mino hyung, looked up to him even. However, even since Bobby told me that he was in love with him, I've avoided him completely. Partly out of anger, but mostly out of my bruised ego. It's never feels good to know that you are secondary to someone. My avoidance resulted in us growing more distant everyday until it gets to the point that I Never genuienely talk to him about things that matter.

Like Bobby.


“… Fine then.” Mino sighed out loud, patting my shoulder tiredly. “I’ll stop asking Bobby for his help. Now stop glaring at me you little brat. You may think I'm an but I'm still your elder.”


“…Fine.” I relented, turning away so I wont have to look at his face. I’m so angry right now that the sight of him makes my head hurts. After taking a few angry steps away, Mino hyung came back and nudges me.


“You’re right Hanbin-ah.” He said, taking his cap off and scratching his head. I kept my eyes ahead, refusing to meet with his gaze. “It’s not fair that I’ve been asking Bobby to help with my love life. I think I lucked out that I got a friend like him. If it was someone else in his shoes I would’ve probably had lost a friend.” He said awkwardly. “I’m sorry that I’ve made him sad. I know that he’s very important to you-”


“He is.” I replied quickly, getting possessive over nothing.

Mino-hyung gave me a small smirk and waved before exiting down the stairs. "Take care of him well then." He called out, leaving me feeling more demoralized than the day Yang-Sajangnim told me my performance . He’s the one getting told off, but why the hell am I the one still feeling like crap?


I slumped back against the doorway in exhaustion. “.” I kicked the door until the pane banged loudly against the wall, hoping that that it would let off my fury. It didn’t, just like this meeting didn’t relieve my 3 years of resentment and anger. As much as I would like to demonize him, Song Minho is not an . Hyung’s apology merely cemented the reasons why Bobby would fall in love with him.


And that, my friends, made me feel like .

A/N: There you go, I finally chruned out a long chapter for once! ^^ I hope you guys enjoy this chapter (albeit it's a little bit angsty, but whats a good story without a good conflict? ^^)

Edit: Fixed some akward sentences and spelling mistakes.

See you next chapter!


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anjanief #1
Chapter 8: LMAOOOOOO MINO :))
Tchan11 #2
Chapter 9: This was adorable :D lmao at BI fave character always <3
ThatXX12 #3
Chapter 7: oh my god this chap, i'm so emotional rn bc feeeeeeels, i can't even- rn, ohhh god, ty for writting this!! <3
TaeBlack #5
Chapter 9: Uhhhh girl! I'm sorry, I'm not very good in english, that's why my comment will not be great as I want hahaha ;-; Anyways, you must dont know how much i am suffering right now! I'm really dying, but a very good death! Hm, I need to sleep, I have class tomorrow but I just couldn't sleep because your fic is really awesome. I love all of them, but Taehyun, god he was so damn double minded that i couldn't do nothing about my huge love with him. Love soooo much <3 I want to write lot of things but i really have to sleep, sorry. Next chap I promise I will do a better work ^^
istg ive been hunting for this kind of love triangle andd thank god I found this

may god bless you with more ideas, time and fame lmao
--constance #7
Chapter 9: I demand more Double B, can I? /slapped myself so hard/ Btw, congratulations! You just turn me into another double B shipper.
Imyself93 #8
Chapter 7: TvT
so moving... double b stole my heart and won't ever give it back...
Chapter 9: kekekke,..aahhh mino always cheesy like that did he,?.^^ i cant stop giggling while reading this,omg i love this fluffy of yours,. and taehyun nailed the diva attitude,. i always love jelly Taehyun its so cute and the kisssses tho,.. like what im expected kekeeke,..
alice7 #10
Chapter 9: Thanks for the update !! Gosh..the fluffiness is killing me XD. Mino being so cheesy and Nammie being so diva-like..i kept on laughing reading the latest chapter. And Hanbin was so sweet for helping out Mino. I believe we will see Double B soon :P..hopefully the emergency is not a serious one though