
I'm Way Better Than Him!

I really want to go home now.


As of today, I am officialy a YG trainee. When I got the email I jumped up and down and ran to my mom and grandma to tell them the news. I was so exicted, so hopefull, and now I'm an hour into the process and I hate it. On my first day as a trainee, people just glared at me for no reason. I thought I had something on my shirt, but a quick check to the bathroom revealed that they’re probably glaring at my face. I couldn’t do anything but to sigh and move on. If people here dont like me then I cant help it. After all, It's not like I’m here to make friends. I'm here to become a star, and if I have to do it alone then I will.


Still, it would be nice to finally find some friends. Back in highschool I've only had aquantances, never friends. I thought that as a trainee, I could find some smiliar minded people and be friends with them. Ah well... I've survived without them up to this point, why should I make an effort to please people that randomly hates me. Friends are overrated.

I looked at my reflection on the miror and scoffed at my childish attitute. Not off for a good start if im being honest with myself.


I spent the first half of the morning being herded around from office to office to sign some official documents and contracts. Lability waivers some lease for my lodgings, things of that nature. It was a all a blur of faces between the bows and my robotic greeting of ‘Please take care of me well.” It was the oposite from what I thought an atrtisticly condusive enviroment is like. ‘it’s only just for today.’ I told myself. ‘just for today and I’ll be singing tomorrow.’ As positively I tried to force myself to think, I’ve never been a bright person, emotionaly that is. So by lunchtime, I was slumped against the wooden lunch table, too nauseous to even touch my food.


“Hey there.” A deep voice called from behind me.


As if on command I couldn’t help but to jump up and bowed automatically, almost screaming out my polished greeting of; “HELLO MY NAME IS NAM TAEHYUN, I’M THE NEW TRAINEE. PLEASE TAKE CARE OF ME WELL.”


Usually the reply would be a bored “Yes yes, welcome to YG.” But this time, nobody answered me. Maybe I did something wrong? Did I bowed to the wrong person? Oh god, what if theres the Sajangnim and I didnt bowed to him? Fearfully, I tilted up my head just toto see a guy not much older than myself holding his chest as if I had just scared him.


“Whoa. You’re a lively one aint cha?” The guy grinned, laughing out loud without a care in the world. “Relax bro! I’m a trainee myself, no need to bow that much.”


Well, ain’t that just peachy.


I quickly straightened myself and sat back onto my seat, very aware of the copious amount of giggling coming from the cafeteria’s ajumas. “Sorry. My mistake.” I mumbled under my breath, trying very very hard to stop my cheeks from turning red. Well, forget red cheeks, the guy now clearly knows my embarrassment from my pathetically squeaky voice.


To further add to my humiliation, the guy started laughing harder at my high-pitched apology. “Ha! And here I thought that you’re only a pretty face. You’re pretty funny too. You would do well in variety shows Nam Taehyin!” Unabashedly he took the empty seat next to me. I knew I should’ve sat with the manager.




The guy leaned on his elbow and cocked his head to the side. “You’re really cute Nam Taehyun, did you know that?” he muttered, inching closer and closer until his elbow touched mine.


I forced out a smiled and gave him a half bow. “You’re too nice.” ‘Come on Taehyun, be nice. You cant show your usual face to the first person you meet. Make friends!' I told myself, forcing myself to swallow a bite of rice just so I wount be able to show him my 'please go away' face to him.


“Nah. I usually just call things out like I see them, and I think you're very cute." He said, emphasizing on the very like an old ajhussi would.


Is... Is this guy hitting on me? In public?


I angled my body ever so slightly that Im sort of faced away from him. I made myself eat some pieces of spicy pork and radish kimchi. Oh wow, the famed YG cafeteria is really good! Just as I were enjoying my meal, the guy startled talking again.“Soo? Aren’t you curious about me? Don’t you want to know what kind of name such a handsome person is called?” I almost choked on my rice. Eugh. The nerve on this guy! I can already tell that this guys is going to be a problem in the future. Guys that throws pick up line to the first people they see is deplorable.


“Uh, sure.” I said, hoping to the gods that my lips would stop twitching. 'Be nice Nam Taehyun. Just think of it like you're talking to a small child. A very small and very stupid child.' I said to myself in hopes of keeping my calm compusure.


“Song Minho’s the name, but you can call me Mino. Just Mino.”


“Nice to meet you just Mino.” I replied dryly.


The guy clapped his hands and gave an exaggerated laugh, his perfect white teeth glistening in the light. God, I really hate bothersome people like him. No matter how handsome he is, I just hate players. I could already feel my fake smile fading. Quickly, I stuffed the rest of my lunch into my mouth and left the dirty tray near the trash bins. “Thank you for your companionship.” I said stiffly, giving him a slight bow and start jogging away to the administration office where I know nobody would ever find me.


Sigh. I really really want to go home now.

Hey guys! Hope you guys enjoy what I posted so far. Let me know what suggestion you might have for me, I'll be happy to hear it from you!

Q: Whose perspective should I write from next?

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anjanief #1
Chapter 8: LMAOOOOOO MINO :))
Tchan11 #2
Chapter 9: This was adorable :D lmao at BI fave character always <3
ThatXX12 #3
Chapter 7: oh my god this chap, i'm so emotional rn bc feeeeeeels, i can't even- rn, ohhh god, ty for writting this!! <3
TaeBlack #5
Chapter 9: Uhhhh girl! I'm sorry, I'm not very good in english, that's why my comment will not be great as I want hahaha ;-; Anyways, you must dont know how much i am suffering right now! I'm really dying, but a very good death! Hm, I need to sleep, I have class tomorrow but I just couldn't sleep because your fic is really awesome. I love all of them, but Taehyun, god he was so damn double minded that i couldn't do nothing about my huge love with him. Love soooo much <3 I want to write lot of things but i really have to sleep, sorry. Next chap I promise I will do a better work ^^
istg ive been hunting for this kind of love triangle andd thank god I found this

may god bless you with more ideas, time and fame lmao
--constance #7
Chapter 9: I demand more Double B, can I? /slapped myself so hard/ Btw, congratulations! You just turn me into another double B shipper.
Imyself93 #8
Chapter 7: TvT
so moving... double b stole my heart and won't ever give it back...
Chapter 9: kekekke,..aahhh mino always cheesy like that did he,?.^^ i cant stop giggling while reading this,omg i love this fluffy of yours,. and taehyun nailed the diva attitude,. i always love jelly Taehyun its so cute and the kisssses tho,.. like what im expected kekeeke,..
alice7 #10
Chapter 9: Thanks for the update !! Gosh..the fluffiness is killing me XD. Mino being so cheesy and Nammie being so diva-like..i kept on laughing reading the latest chapter. And Hanbin was so sweet for helping out Mino. I believe we will see Double B soon :P..hopefully the emergency is not a serious one though