Chapter 2

Rid Me Of My 7 Sins

We sat in the lliving room with him on the opposite sofa, enjoying the coolness of the ice cream one of my servants offered him. This is... awkward. "This is delicious!" Or maybe it's just me.

It took me all my courage just to say, "excuse me?"


"Who the hell are you?" Pardon my language but think about the position I'm in...

He blinked a few times with the spoon in his mouth (how adorable!) before putting it down. "My name is Yang Yo Seob and I am in your class in scho-"

"I didn't even attend school."

"You didn't quit either." I squinted my eyes upon his words before sighing in defeat; there was that part. "As the chairperson of our class, I am here to bring you back to school!"


"E-EH!? But why? Graduation is in 5 months a-and!" 

"I don't want to and that's final. Now, please leave before i get my guards to throw you out." I stood up, feeling a little sad that I have to leave such a cute boy.

"I-I won't give up!" 

"Whatever." I slammed my bedroom door shut. As I lay down on my table, Sloth appeared beside my head on my pillow. "What does that guy want anyway? So annoying~!"

" off. You're more annoying."


When Yang Yo Seob said that he wouldn't give up, I didn't think it did be so extreme. He came to my house everyday at 4pm without fail. There was this once I was having an afternoon nap when he scared me awake from outside with a loud hailer. He was annoying the crap out of me but...

WHy does he seem to care about me so much?

"_____! Go to school! _____! Go to school!" I looked over my balcony to see him marching about in my front lawn. This guy is like my personal alarm clock, reminding me whenever it's 4. "_____! Go to school! _____! Go to school!"

"YEAH!" I shouted at him from my bedroom balcony. He looked up with those adorable puppy eyes of his and I don't know why I smiled. I am so going to regret this... "Do you want to come in?"

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MelonCandy #1
Woahh~! I didn't realise this story would be this good! :D
I mean, I wasn't sure whether I should read it or not, because it sounded a little strange and wasn't like anything else I've ever read LOL
BUT I'm glad I did haha
Can't wait for your next update :D
I wonder if 'I'm' going to find school interesting ^^
Can I just say something? The last sin is Greed, yes? You put in Gluttony instead of Greed.
AWW~~~~ Yoseob's so cute>.< "I'm here to drag you back to schl" hahahahs and imagining him marching around telling her to go to schl is so funny hahahahas<br />
Update soon :DDDDDDD
LOL! haha yoseobie marching around...i can totally imagine that! xD haha update soon~
LOL yay!! yoseob's here! ^.^ haha an angel indeed :D lol update again soon! :)
interesting~~~~~~~~~ update soon! :D