
Good Girls
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♥ 2 Cracks - Byul




Her eyes flew open just as the alarm went off for the second time that morning. Turning over under her covers, she smiled at the time that blinked its greeting at her in red digits. 06:01AM. Pulling the sheets away from her body she slipped from her bed and into her slippers as she made her way out tying her hair into a loose bun for her morning ritual. Another 20 minutes had past as she found herself eating her morning breakfast with a pleasant smile as her father walked past her in shock.

"Byul dear, what are you doing here?" Her dad gawked and made a grab for his daughter's belongings in one hand and tried to pull her away from the table. Choking on her mouthful she spat pieces of rice at his worksuit as she spluttered. 

"What are you talking about-- its only 6:25, dad." She managed after the mouthful checking her watch again.

"You little brat, didn't you hear me last night at the dinner table? Day light savings came. It's 7:25 now. Now hurry!" He knocked her on the head before tugging her out the door after him as his daughter had a mental break down. 

"No no, no no no, you should have changed the time for me! Dad!!" she fussed as she scrambled into the car immediately and drummed on the dash board just to urge him on as he fumbled with his seatbelt.

"You're in your senior year, you be more responsible if you don't want me treating you like a 5 year old." He scolded lightly as he pulled out of the drive way quickly. Chuckling softly as he saw her bouncing in her seat excitedly. 

School meant more time to spend with her friends. Eating with friends, hanging with friends, studying with friends. Friends. The ones she values the most over anything. She held them on the same level of her family, they were just that important to her. And not a single atom in school would ever doubt how much it meant to her. All but one person. Dareum. 

Her heart sank at the image of the once smiling girl that greeted her with such energy that it became vital to Byul's day, knowing that the one that met her now was one full of scorn and detest. What ever happened between them? She was so sure that they'd be best friends for the rest of their lives. They went as far as to plan play dates between their kids and having their houses customized just so their kids could sleep over at each other's house. How did it all crumble before her without knowing? 

Her dad must have noticed the change in moods as he gently placed his hand over her clenched fist and squeezed it gently. He offered her a small smile and it was all he had to do to have her calm again. Actions do speak louder than words as they all say after all.

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... I don't know how it was marked as complete when it's nowhere near it e n e


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junebune #1
Too cute!!
suamortentia #2
Chapter 4: Cool. I'm really curious as how you're going to make this story, and don't even know who I like more, but hopes I don't take too longe to find out. Fighting!