


Cars were passing by. Red ones. Silver ones. Black ones. They all pushed their way through the small, snow covered city and they all had one thing in common; they wouldn’t stop for someone like him.



How long has it been? Ugh. 
I have two stories to finish but I don't really feel like writing an exo story right now. 13 characters are much to handle. (i am just lazy tbh)
Yes, I was listening to Akdong musicians "Melted" while writing this. I just love them! 

Anyway, here I have a treeshot short fic for you . This time, KaiSoo will be the pairing and also the main body of this AU story. Meaning, not every exo member will appear and not many OC's either.

Pairing:  KaiSoo 
Genre: romance, au, (maybe)
Warning: / 

Have fun <3



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