
Singing Harmony
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My second oneshot is finally finished. Its a wee bit longer than my previous oneshot, but not so much big of a gap. But still hope you peps like it!!!

Baekhyun's POV

I hear her voice. I hear her voice everyday; at 6PM sharp. It was addicting; her voice, it was too addicting that I couldn't stop myself from going to the balcony. Her voice was harmonious and melodious. My friends would always ask me, "Baekhyun, what are you doing out there?", I haven't ever replied to their questions. Her singing stops right at 6:03:35, the first time I heard her sing was when I was checking out the balcony on the first evening, you can say,

I was at my condo. I went there the next day and found her singing at the exact same time as the day before. I came there again and heard her sing the same song. The next few days after that I kept on going to the balcony and now here I am listening to her beautiful voice.

I searched up the song she sang, it was a song that will cheer you up, from what I understand. I guess something happened to her in the past. I tried looking at her face, I tried so, so hard; but I haven't succeeded during these last 5 months. I hear her door clicking unlock and lock everyday but when I go out my door, there was no slight trace of her. I've seen her hair flying with the wind sometimes when she sings, I realized she had long curly dark brown hair. I'm really curious of what she looks like, I hope she's pretty. I think I somehow fell in love with her voice, I fell in love with her. I know it sounds stupid because I haven't met her yet, but yeah I just did.

A few times, I hear a guy's voice singing with her, she sometimes laugh in the middle of the song because he did a mistake with the lyrics, I got kind of jealous, I wonder who the guy is.


Today was a sunny day, a really good day to have Ice-Cream perhaps? So I decided to go out today and have some Ice Cream at one of the best Ice Cream parlour in Cheong-dam dong. Getting ready, I put my shorts and white wifebeater on. I got my shades, wallet, put sunscreen on and walked off with my sandals. I heard some steps going down the emergency stairs, sounds like he or she was in a hurry, I walked closer to the stairs and saw a trace of the dark brown curly long hair again. I had the urge to follow; but no, that would suspect myself as a stalker. So I decided to just go to the parlour and get some Ice Cream.


Not so many people were there, I guess this is the average number of customers, but no more seats left. I took my black shades off and went to the counter. Ordering an Ice Cream flavour was tricky for me, I get really picky with Ice Cream and only Ice Cream. Don't want to waste time, I picked Gold Rush. French Vanilla with caramel bits covered in chocolate; one of my favourites.

Looking around for seats; there was none available. Only one table with just a girl sitting there and two seats, the other seat free. I guess that's the only choice. I strided over to the table and looks at the girl sitting there, her hair looked exactly like the girl who sang, I was somehow excited; I guess my heart was saying that was the girl. She had not so big, not so little eyes; curly long dark brown hair, pretty lips, perfect nose, beautiful jawline and there we go, she is gorgeous. Her face was lined perfectly with her features.

"Is this seat available?", I asked politely, she smiled, oh goodness, that eyesmile.

"Yes sure, have a seat please", her voice somehow sounded like "that" girl. It was not so deep, not so high. And she had the same Ice Cream flavour as mine.

It was very awkward at first, but I seriously had to break the silence, I do not like the silence.

"May I ask something?", I asked her. She turned to me and nodded.

"Anything, I too don't like the silence", I guess she was reading my mind. Something really bothers me though; her voice.

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elizabeth1653 #1
Chapter 1: I like this story, would be nice to know what happens next:)