Ruby Red

Princess of Ruby, Prince of His Heart

A/N: I warped the age of the boys around a bit to fit in with the story, but their birthdates are still the same. I’m not familiar with Korean’s education system and it’s an AU anyway so I’m using one similar to the US high school system.

Grade 3/Junior: Jin, Rapmon, Suga, J-Hope – Jin is in this grade but he was born late in the year so technically he’s one year older. The other 3 are of the same age.

Grade 2/Sophomore: Jimin, V

Grade 1/Freshman: Jungkook




Jin’s first two weeks at the new school was alright. He settled in with minimum disruption, his teachers were cool and the classmates hard-working. His awkward arse even managed to make a few friends, bless Korea and its language – it was painful for Jin to make friends in the US due to the culture difference and language barrier.


The workload, as he found out, was actually a bit insane. He should probably listen to Taehyung when the kid was speaking with a serious tone. Being used to getting out of school at 3 for two years, it was hard for Jin to adjust to leaving his desk at 10 pm. The students here didn’t have to attend hakwon, but it was due to the fact that most teachers here were more competent than the sunsaengnim teaching at hakwon, so the parents threw money at the school to keep these people teaching their kids until late at night. That was likely the main reason this school had the most expensive fee in the city and a weekly boarding culture – keep an eyes on the student body and keep them studying as long as possible. Jin knew some classes which could last until midnight before the sunsaeng let anyone out, and the school didn’t have to worry about teens being out too late. They were sent straight to the residence hall to crash so they could repeat the process all over again the next day.


So, Hyosang (Jin’s deskmate and self-proclaimed new best friend) taught Jin a thing or two about time management. Mainly, which class you could get away with zoning out, which class you could sleep in or which class the teacher wouldn’t blink an eyes if you leave a few minutes early. The result of that was Jin finding time to meet up with Taehyung and Jungkook to annoy them, getting to know Jimin – their newest addition to what Jin call ‘rascals who gets away with everything because they are cute’ gang and even being able to whip up a batch of cheesecakes with the -inducing oven in the hall’s kitchen. His whole residence floor might be in love with him. It’s awesome.


Among his busy schedule though, he noticed one thing. Sometimes, people would look at him with this judging stare. It was not malicious, more curious and kind of weighing him in a superficial way. It was especially prominent during his first day, and when he was cooking that batch of cakes with a frilly pink apron on (Jungkook’s gift, and he wouldn’t have used it if he hadn’t left his own at home). Originally, Jin would have thought it was because he’s the new kid, but having heard Taehyung’s speculation about the whole Princess thing, Jin thought his brother’s guess might carry some weight after all. Him cooking was admittedly very effeminate.


Well, it was not important anyway. Sleep was more important at the moment, Jin thought as he crashed onto his heavenly soft bed and tried to sink into it. Thursday night, one more day until the end of his second week here. Adjust, Seokjin, you need to adjust. Midterms were scheduled for next month, and Jin needed to catch up soon or risk failing. Jesus, Eomma would have his head if he failed.


- Seokjin hyung! – Yoongi called from his desk.


Jin lifted his head up and blinked blurrily at his roommate.


- What?


- Your brother stopped by. He said to text him when you get back.


- Thanks.


Yoongi grinned, showing his dimples before putting his headphone back on. Jin’s roommate was a music maniac, always had his headphone over his ears whenever Jin saw him. After school on Monday when they had first met, Jin just got out of shower when Yoongi arrived in their share room, back from his AV club activities. The younger bombarded him with questions, and after Jin had namedropped an artist or two from his memory of the hip hop scene in the US, Yoongi had deemed him an acceptable roommate and graced him with a dimpled smile. Yoongi was often outside with his musically inclined friends in addition to their hectic time table, they were not in the same class so they rarely had chances to interact. But Yoongi was a clean, non-disruptive and cute (not Jin’s style) roommate so Jin deemed him acceptable as well. They could be out of each other’s way until roommates were switched next year, or when the new residence hall was finished, so it was fine by Jin to have Yoongi as a roommate.


It took his brain a bit to process that he had to text Taetae about what the kid needed him for. Lazily dragging himself up the bed until his head was on the pillow, he texted his brother with his left hand.


yo, taetae, need me for smt?


just asking if your free for lunch tmr


sure. east canteen?


yup. and hyung, your roommate is scary


must have disrupted him while he was working on his music. next time, don’t


got it. see ya


c u




Jin was officially lost. He was confident in knowing the route to the east canteen, but apparently, he did not. Being led there once by Taehyung did not seem to be enough for Jin to navigate his way through this huge campus (No, but seriously, what was the point of building such a large campus. They barely had a dozen buildings including the residence hall, but the distance between each building was ing far, trees and fountains and all kind of structures littering the schoolyard. It was like the school wanted the students to exercise more or something.) But, Jin had at least half an hour before Jungkook’s class was out so he had time, at least. He just needed to find his way there.


He was contemplating just walking to the nearest building and asking around when he saw someone sitting alone in one of the gardens after the archway on the left.


Naturually curious, Jin sneaked behind a nearest tree and took a peak.


It was a student, sitting there solemnly holding a red bracelet of some kind. Jin recognized the kid immediately – it was a hoobae, same age as Taehyung, who shared his music class. Jin mostly remembered him due to his beautiful face – the younger could pass as a girl effortlessly. His voice was also nice enough. Looking at his hunched shoulder made Jin feel bad – a face so pretty shouldn’t be looking so sad.


- Ren-ssi.


Seokjin winced as Ren whipped his head around, startled.


- Seokjin hyung, hello. – the younger bowed 90 degrees to Seokjin.


- Ah, don’t be so formal, we share the same class. Sorry I surprised you. – Jin smiled at him.


Ren smiled back uneasily, his smile not quite pleasant.


- Something bothering you? – Jin asked bluntly.


Ren widened his eyes at Seokjin and shaked his head hurrily. But Seokjin just stared at the kid until he stopped and heaved a sigh instead.


- Sorry I’m a nosey hyung. But I’m new here and aren’t that close with you, you might get an outsider’s advice from me.


Ren seemed contemplative for a moment before hesitantly asking Jin.


- Hyung nim, do you know of a special programme in our school called ‘Princess’?


- Yup. My little brother told me about it.


And so Ren told Jin about how he was a ‘Princess Candidate’ last year running for this year’s position. Which meant he was one of the select few chosen for to enter the Princess debacle, competiting with some other students. It involved a lot of politics, campaigning, voting, talent shows, the whole nine yards. And now, just over two months into the new school year, they had decided to choose him again to compete for the new Princess position at the new residence hall (Taehyung knew everything, Jesus, Jin needed to listen to his baby brother better). And Ren was not happy about be chosen again.


- Well, it was fun at first, until one of the other candidates decided to me over. My then-boyfriend got bought into making scandals and some terrible . I dumped his , of course. And now I don’t fancy going through the whole thing again. My father is a politician; I get enough of this at home.


- Well, why don’t you just refuse to participate or whatever? – asked Jin.


- You can’t refuse a Princess candidacy. You don’t want to be a Princess, fine, but the Student Council chose you ‘as entertainers of the program’ so you have to participate and flunk out on your own. The only way to get out of a Candidacy is to find a replacement and get approval from the Head Organizer. I have only heard of that invoked once a few years back. And even then was because said candidate was going oversea and the Student Council chose a replacement.


Ren’s frown deepened as he drew out his distaste and predicament. Jin honestly felt sorry for the younger, it seemed the last year had gave Ren such a horrible experience. Ren fidgeted with the red bracelet, sighing as he continued.


- Well, my fate is sealed. Last year’s candidates who got chosen again are informed early, but the Council is giving a public announcement on Monday and then, it’s war.


How Jin could help his classmate, he wondered. Suddenly, a thought hit him.


They approached Taetae hyung, so it’s not that far-fetched that they might approach you. But that is only if they need another Princess.


 Feeling charitable, Jin snatched the red bracelet out of Ren’s hands.


- Lemme take that off you. – Jin grinned at the younger.


Ren caught onto the meaning of Jin’s action immediately. His eyes widened in surprise. He looked Jin over once, making the elder feeling conscious. Ren’s face brightened after a minute.


- Hyung nim, you’re sure?


- Call it a favour. I like your voice, so if I need a killer duet partner, prepare to sing a sappy English ballad.


Ren’s answering grin to Jin’s was so wide that Jin was afraid his pretty face might break in half. Smiling, he looked like a cute baby deer. Jin would make sure Ren wore something brown if they ever sang together.


- Thanks hyung. Really, thank you so much. I’ll even be on your faculty.


- Faculty?


- I’ll tell you everything later. Now, we need to go see the Head Organizer.


Ren excitedly pulled Jin along, until they got interrupted by Jin’s phone ringtone.


- , I had a lunch date with my brother. Can we do this after class?


- Sure. – Ren nodded, clearly happy to go with whatever Jin wanted.


- Okay. Now, I need to get to the east canteen. Which way is that?




Jin arrived at the canteen to Taehyung’s whining and Jungkook’s grumbling stomach, but he smiled apologetically and treated them to kimbap, so all crisis diverted.


Though, he was distracted throughout the whole meal thinking over his decision to take Ren’s place.


- Wow, you’re really Mong Tae’s brother. Your day dreaming face is a carbon copy of each other.


He had Jimin in a head lock seconds later, the rascal. Oh well, let’s not worry too much. It’s just a competition.


(Seokjin, you are so wrong. Prepare to go into battle)




The Student Council office was situated at the top of Grade 4’s building, the oldest and most lavish student building on campus. Seokjin had seen some beautiful buildings in his life, parents being architect and such, but this building carried with it a perfect fusion of old Korean architecture and contemporary design that Jin assumed was not easy to achieve.


The Head Organizer of the Princess program was just as overwhelming. He looked beautiful, and Jin mindlessly thought he could have made a good Princess as well.


- Hello, Himchan sunbaenim.


- Ren, we saw each other enough to drop formal speech.  And, Kim Seokjin. Hello, I’m in your neighbor class, 3B. – Himchan smiled.


- Hello. – Jin smiled in return.


- I’m here to say something you might not like, sunbaenim. So please don’t mind my formal speech. 


Himchan quirked an eyebrow at Ren.


In answer, Ren raised Seokjin’s left hand to reveal the red bracelet that Jin had been carrying for him since lunch.


Instead of Seokjin and Ren’s expected reaction, Himchan laughed.


- Oh, this is gonna be interesting. I was so regretful that I cannot bring Seokjin into the Princess election this year and will have to settle for next year. But this replacement is perfect.


(Taehyung, what don’t you know? You’re terrifying. Thought Seokjin as he broke a cold sweat.)


Seokjin shivered at the word of Himchan, feeling like a mouse trapped. Ren beamed beside him.


- So no objection.


- None whatsoever.  – said Himchan as he sipped his Americano.


- Okay, it’s done then. Kim Seokjin, class 3C, one of the candidates for Princess of Ruby Hall.


Ren made a last remark before pulling Seokjin out of the Organizer’s office.


Jin hadn’t even told Taehyung and Jungkook yet. Jungkook was going to laugh his arse off.

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Wendy1129 #1
Chapter 3: ITS BEEN TWO YEARS PLEASE I NEED IT SO BADLY (this sounds like i'm taking drugs lol)
KiwiPrincess #2
Chapter 3: This is amazing..i need more..please..please..
Totomatoes #3
Chapter 3: NOOOO Nooooo NOOO I NEED MOOOORE ㅠ_ㅠ
KcuLL22 #4
Chapter 3: wah as much as the princess thingy looks funny to me the meaning itself is no joke eh i think i need to read the manga then hmm
Wow anime Princess Princess ehh?
flywith-me #6
Chapter 1: ' - Okay, so let me get this straight. Your school has a tradition of picking a few effeminate students to cross dress for the sake of ‘raising school spirit’, basically being a glorified cheerleader for them to release their ual fantasies on in absence of a female due to an all-male population? And it works? Without backlash about being too gay or too scandalous? '

That was frigging hilarious! This fic sounds so fun with all the princess concept. Wish you'd update soon.

(btw, zikyung did not appear on the pairing list but my shipping heart refuses to belief it, so pls make 'em together (we all know jiho can't do without kyung))
Chapter 3: oh my god hoseok gave his tie!
ahh hoseok is such a nice guy ^^
can't wait for next chapter
Chapter 3: Oh my gosssh!! I wasn't really expecting Hoseok to do it.. WaaahhhH. This just gets me more excited! I can't wait for the next chapter