Veni, vidi, vici

Princess of Ruby, Prince of His Heart



Seokjin winced at the volume, turning back to find Taehyung with a wide grin on his face. Seokjin’s poor door had been opened, still vibrating from being slammed with Taehyung’s unrestrained strength.

Despite Taehyung breaking his stuff without a care in the world, Seokjin grinned in return. Because it had been too damn long since he had seen his brother. Then, no prior warning given, the kid tackled him with a bear hug; squishing him against his bed and making Jin go ‘oomph’.


- Hyung you’re here you’re here you’re here!




- Taetae hyung, don’t kill the old man. Let him breathe.


Taehyung let go of Seokjin to sit up and pout at Jungkook. Jin sat up as well, smiling at Jungkook as a greeting. His mouth ran in a different direction though.


- Why do you still hang out with this brat, dongsaeng ah?


- Because I’m still cute and I slay all the noonas now. – Jungkook retorded


Jin pretended to think about it for a moment before shrugging and offering his hand up for a high-five. Jungkook obliged, then ended up hugging Seokjin to death and turning them into a human pile.


- It’s good to have you back, old man. Missed you. – Jungkook whispered.


- Yeah, good to be back as well. – replied Seokjin.


Returning to Korea was one of the best decisions Seokjin had made, he decided as he put the kimchi jigae in front of his brother and his much younger but close childhood friend, receiving sparkling shoujo eyes and applause in return. He felt at home, if only missing a bit.


- So, story time. You don’t study in the motherland of Hip hop for two years without some heroics to tell hyung. – Taehyung demanded between mouthfuls.


- But I talk to you every week, idiot. You know everything!


- I want to hear. Taetae hyung doesn’t know how to tell stories, hyung. – Jungkook said.


Not minding repeating some of his finer moments of teenage shenanigans, Seokjin began retelling the stuff he had experienced in the US. The kids alternated between exclamations of surprise, cackling in agreement of his acts, or calling him out on his bull lies. Seokjin was never a good liar anyway, shouldn’t even bother. It was a good night, filled with home cooked food as well as laughter. At the end of it, all of his food was demolished, and Taetae was close to passing out from a blissful full stomach and good company, with Jungkook not far behind, rubbing his eyes tiredly.


- Oh, and by the way, I’m attending your school. Starting Monday.


- WHAT!? – a shout in unison startled Seokjin, making him almost drop the plates he was washing. He turned back to find the two younger staring at him with wide eyes.


- Were you expecting me to attend some other school? Hyunnam is the best school in our city that money can afford; I don’t think Eomma and Appa could send me elsewhere.


- But you will be starting two months late. And you will have to stay in the school residence hall on weekdays. And the workload is a bit insane. – said Taehyung.


- I’ll be starting late anywhere I go. Staying in dorms is better than staying here; the house is too big for me alone if I don’t go with you guys. And the workload is the least of my problems, I don’t have to worry about terrible English anymore and that’s what matters the most.


Taehyung and Jungkook looked at each other as Seokjin explained his attending the prestigious semi-boarding school the two had been going to.


- Think they will notice him? – Jungkook said.


 - Definitely. This is Jinnie hyung we are talking about.  They approached me, and I’m a 10 compared to hyung’s 12. – replied Taehyung.


Both of them turned to look Jin over once. Their gazes seemed off, making Jin nervous.


- Yup, except for his shoulder, he fits. Candidacy is not that rare and…


- Hello, right here! Mind telling me what this is about? – Jin cut Jungkook off, tapping his foot impatiently.


The younger two exchanged a look before Taetae turned to Jin with a grin.


- I’m happy you’re with me at school, hyung. But in the likely event of this happening to you, let me tell you about Hyunnam’s most notable tradition.




- Okay, so let me get this straight. Your school has a tradition of picking a few effeminate students to cross dress for the sake of ‘raising school spirit’, basically being a glorified cheerleader for them to release their ual fantasies on in absence of a female due to an all-male population? And it works? Without backlash about being too gay or too scandalous? – Jin’s eyes were about to pop out of their sockets from surprise.


- It’s easier to justify when the crowned ‘Princess’ basically turned into a form of school idol, are in dresses and everybody is lusting after them just like you. You will understand when you get there. The school is super gay-friendly as well. A lot of people are gay and out. And I mean a lot. – Taehyung said.


Jin stiffened at the last part. Taehyung grabbed his right hand and squeezed tight.


- Hyung, it’s okay, we can be out in this school. I don’t advertise, but some classmates, same graders as well as friends know, and nobody has done anything violent yet.


- Why didn’t you tell me about that before? What if something happens? , kid, don’t do that to your family.


- Hyung, if you think I would let dickhead homophobes touch Taetae hyung you are kind of insulting me. – Jungkook butted in.


Jin looked between them before letting out a sigh he didn’t know he was holding in. Taehyung smiled brightly, as if trying to dissipate the sudden serious mood.


- Anyway, we’re just telling you about this so you aren’t surprised when you see the Princesses at Monday assemblies or something. And fyi, the student council approached me once about being a Princess, but I wasn’t interested for several reasons.


-  Really? – Seokjin raised an eyebrow.


- We will tell you more about it as your stay at the school is longer. It’s… complicated.


- So what was that about me being noticed?


Seokjin’s enquiry had Jungkook and Taehyung explaining longwindedly about the lavishing new residence hall that would be finished in two months’ time, about how the Princess positions are in correlation with the residence halls and their guess about the school choosing another Princess in addition to the ones currently reigning.


- So you think they will consider me for that? – Seokjin asked skeptically. Yeah, he knew he was pretty, but being considered as one of the most suitable to … practically seduce the male population of the school is a bit alarming.


- As I said, it’s all a guess. They approached Taetae hyung, so it’s not that far-fetched that they might approach you. But that is only if they need another Princess. The current ones are young, quite beautiful and doing well, so they don’t need a replacement until your grade graduates.


- Okay then.


Jin shrugged off the whole debacle, classifying it as just a thing to take note of at the new school.


That weekend, in the name of preparing for school, Seokjin and Taehyung splurged their allowance on a good number of things; namely ingredients so that Jin could cook a few more Western meals he learnt in the States, a winter wardrobes for Jin since he had been in California for too long to have one adequate for Korean winter, some clothing and shoes and school supplies for both of them, and even some music CDs. Their parents earn enough to give them big monthly allowances, but they still spent quite responsibly. Jungkook begged to differ, but his protest would only lead to them bullying him into carrying more stuff so he obediently shut up. The brothers’ twin puppy eyes were the most effective Jungkook had ever seen, to the point where he wouldn’t be able to resist them, ever. Basically, he had no immunity against his two best friends. And he had known them since kindergarten.


Jin settled his luggage into the dorm on Sunday. He had a roommate, same grade as him and nowhere in sight. Jin just assumed the guy was out playing somewhere with his friend since the school didn’t really care what you did during weekends, so he just left without waiting to say hello for an orientation with the nice lady secretary of his residence hall.


Monday came not as gloomy, not as cold, sunny and dry. Jin considered that a good sight of his arrival at the school. He stepped in front of the gate in uniform with a clear head, mind set on having the best time of his life there.


His actual entrance through the gate involved a lot of pushing around with Taehyung. Seokjin wasn’t aware that was also a sight of his upcoming stay at Hyunnam High School. Chaotic, and involving a lot of fighting.




A/N: The pacing for the first few chapters will be slow since I need to set up the school with its various characters, components and settings. But the update will be fast (daily or once every two days) because I had them all drafted, so you will see the important plot points and romances develop soon. Thanks for reading!

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Wendy1129 #1
Chapter 3: ITS BEEN TWO YEARS PLEASE I NEED IT SO BADLY (this sounds like i'm taking drugs lol)
KiwiPrincess #2
Chapter 3: This is amazing..i need more..please..please..
Totomatoes #3
Chapter 3: NOOOO Nooooo NOOO I NEED MOOOORE ㅠ_ㅠ
KcuLL22 #4
Chapter 3: wah as much as the princess thingy looks funny to me the meaning itself is no joke eh i think i need to read the manga then hmm
Wow anime Princess Princess ehh?
flywith-me #6
Chapter 1: ' - Okay, so let me get this straight. Your school has a tradition of picking a few effeminate students to cross dress for the sake of ‘raising school spirit’, basically being a glorified cheerleader for them to release their ual fantasies on in absence of a female due to an all-male population? And it works? Without backlash about being too gay or too scandalous? '

That was frigging hilarious! This fic sounds so fun with all the princess concept. Wish you'd update soon.

(btw, zikyung did not appear on the pairing list but my shipping heart refuses to belief it, so pls make 'em together (we all know jiho can't do without kyung))
Chapter 3: oh my god hoseok gave his tie!
ahh hoseok is such a nice guy ^^
can't wait for next chapter
Chapter 3: Oh my gosssh!! I wasn't really expecting Hoseok to do it.. WaaahhhH. This just gets me more excited! I can't wait for the next chapter