I C E D E M O N S L A Y E R | one-shot request shop | CLOSED


about shop
EXO, EXO, more EXO. Maybe some OCs thrown in on the side.

Ice Demon one-shot request shop, revamped and reopen!

Sed consequat tristique neque, ut semper enim suscipit et. Aenean venenatis, lorem eu hendrerit convallis, magna diam imperdiet tortor, eu vulputate diam dui eu ante.
request rules
ONE » subscribe - you may unsubscribe after picking up your request.

TWO » Comment after requesting, applying and picking up your request, please.

THREE » OCs are fine, just please provide a name~

FOUR » and wait! that's it~
jongdaeology » Hey I'm jongdaeology. I write a lot, and have lots of free time, so why not write for people in that time? Thanks for checking us out and I hope we live up to your expectations ^-^
staff name » Sed tellus ante, porttitor quis lorem vel, interdum pellentesque diam. Sed in varius orci. Nulla facilisi. Morbi aliquam lacus tincidunt sem sodales dapibus. Nunc eget lacinia lacus. Praesent non rhoncus sapien, ut lobortis elit.

In nisl ipsum, rhoncus sed elementum at, fermentum non justo. Proin hendrerit mi id risus volutpat rutrum eu in nibh.

Sed consequat tristique neque, ut semper enim suscipit et. Aenean venenatis, lorem eu hendrerit convallis, magna diam imperdiet tortor, eu vulputate diam dui eu ante.
STAFF NAME » Sed tellus ante, porttitor quis lorem vel, interdum pellentesque diam. Sed in varius orci. Nulla facilisi. Morbi aliquam lacus tincidunt sem sodales dapibus. Nunc eget lacinia lacus. Praesent non rhoncus sapien, ut lobortis elit.

In nisl ipsum, rhoncus sed elementum at, fermentum non justo. Proin hendrerit mi id risus volutpat rutrum eu in nibh.

Sed consequat tristique neque, ut semper enim suscipit et. Aenean venenatis, lorem eu hendrerit convallis, magna diam imperdiet tortor, eu vulputate diam dui eu ante.
STAFF NAME » Sed tellus ante, porttitor quis lorem vel, interdum pellentesque diam. Sed in varius orci. Nulla facilisi. Morbi aliquam lacus tincidunt sem sodales dapibus. Nunc eget lacinia lacus. Praesent non rhoncus sapien, ut lobortis elit.

In nisl ipsum, rhoncus sed elementum at, fermentum non justo. Proin hendrerit mi id risus volutpat rutrum eu in nibh.

Sed consequat tristique neque, ut semper enim suscipit et. Aenean venenatis, lorem eu hendrerit convallis, magna diam imperdiet tortor, eu vulputate diam dui eu ante.
username | story title | writer | status
username | story title | writer | status
username | story title | writer | status
username | story title | writer | status
username | story title | writer | status
username | story title | writer | status
username | story title | writer | status
username | story title | writer | status
username | story title | writer | status
username | story title | writer | status
username | story title | writer | status
username | story title | writer | status
ice demon
10/19/14: starting the revamp, opening day is soon!


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requested ^^
Chapter 5: AAAAW this is so good:) Thank you so muchieeeee for writing this!!!!!!!!!!! XOXO
itzElla #4
Hi! I have submitted the form to be apart of your shop!! ^^
Chapter 5: hi i requested a oneshot earlier this week
megamax #6
Chapter 1: Submitted the form to be a the staff.
kimchispaGHEItti #7
I've submitted a form to be a staff member! V^_^V
I have requested ^^