2) The Inspection

Cuz it's Forbidden Love

Narrator's POV

The next morning, Subin woke up at 7 am. She did her daily beauty routine before putting on her makeup, styling her hair in a ponytail, and getting changed. After Subin wore her heels, she grabbed her phone and went downstairs.

"good morning agassi" the butler bowed "your parents asked for you to get prepared breakfast before you leave"

"are umma and appa gone already?" Subin asked

"neh, they had prior arrangements this morning" he said

"just...eat it yourselves, I'm afraid I'm running late" Subin said before taking her car. She drove to Starbucks first for a morning energizer before making her way to JYP. Appa told her that they were expecting someone. She exited the car and checked her watch, 7:58. Subin put her phone in her purse and walked into the agency.

The place was busy as soon as she entered. It was a bit too rowdy, she noted. The girl found the receptionist and knocked on the wood.

"yes, may I help you?" The woman asked

"I was just wondering, why is there a lot of commotion?" Subin questioned

"oh. Today is the 6-month inspection of the agency. Usually the inspector comes at around 8:30 so we use all the time ahead to prepare" the woman said

"ah, thank you" Subin smiled

"are you a trainee here? I don't think I've seen you around" the receptionist said

"aniyo. I'm not" she shook her head

"well I'm the receptionist here" the woman said

"it's nice to meet you. I'm Kwon Subin" Subin said

"aren't you the heiress to the Kwon Chains?" she asked

"the one and only" Subin bowed her head "I'm also the inspector for today"

"you're the inspector?!" The receptionist shouted bringing attention to them "m-miss, you're so early"

"and you shouted in my ear" Subin said irritated "where can I find the CEO's office?"

"t-top floor" the woman squeaked. Subin gave her a smile before walking towards the elevator, the people making way for her. Subin confidently strutted inside, pressing the highest floor. Before the elevator door closed, a man rushed inside and pressed a button

"you are miss Subin-ssi, neh?" the man said

"depends on who is asking" she crossed her arms. He outstretched his hand

"I am the CEO of JYP Entertainment, Park Jinyoung." he said

"pleasure" Subin shook his hand. He began talking about the agency and a whole lot about statistics. Somewhere in the middle of that, Subin lost interest and mindlessly nodded her head

"great. GOT7's door is that way" JYP said

"I'm sorry?" she asked

"GOT7 is our newest boy group. You can start off the inspection there" he directed pointing to a door. Subin nodded her head before going over and opening the door. Inside were 7 boys who were dancing/goofing off to the ongoing song.

"oh?" one of the boys said turning towards her "nugusayo?"

"I'm Subin. Kwon Subin" she said "you are?"

"Come and Get it-"

"Annyeonghaseyo, GOT7 imnida!" They greeted and she slowly nodded her head

"Noona neomu yeppeo" the blonde one smiled. Subin was a bit taken aback, but gave a small smile in return. No one should ever reject a compliment

"You said you were Kwon Subin right?" a man said putting his coat down

"neh" Subin said

"Boys, treat her nicely" he ordered and bowed to the girl "her father owns the company"

"Eh? Hyung I thought sajangnim did" JB said

"Subin-ssi's father endorsed in JYP" their manager said "if you don't mind me asking, why are you here?"

"Your CEO told me to start the inspection here. I'm the inspector for today" Subin said "I'd like to see if you boys do anything else besides goof around in your practice time"

"start Good Tonight then, hyung" Jr said and they got into formation. Subin kept a cold front, her face hard as she saw them move swiftly with the music. The only time her facial expression changed was when Mark and Jackson did their flips. The girl had to admit that she was pretty impressed.

"Fair" she said simply getting out her phone and sending her appa a quick text. She scanned them and her eyes landed on Mark. She pointed to him "you"

"Me?" Mark asked and she nodded before pointing to Jr

"you too. Show me around this place" Subin said

"but we have to go practice for-"

"It didn't look much like practice until I showed up" Subin said flipping her hair "now are you going to come or not? I have scary power here if you didn't notice"

"Kaja" Mark said dragging Jr with him.

"And" Subin said before they left the room "about my appa owning this place, it should go out to no one unless you're seriously asking for an end to your career"

Mark and Jr showed her around the building, Subin taking note of everything she saw. They returned back to GOT7's practice room again, and Subin was about to thank them before she received a call

"Yeobosayo?" She answered

"Well isn't it my beautiful fiancé" Junyoung smirked

"What do you want" she spat venomously, the boys giving attention to her extreme change

"I missed your voice" he said sweetly. Subin scoffed, putting the phone on speaker as she looked through her purse

"Your parents are there aren't they" she said

"Yes indeed, honey" Junyoung said

"Don't call me that, it's disgusting" Subin scowled, not minding the looks from GOT7

"I asked your father and he said you were free tomorrow-"

"I'm not. I have arrangements" Subin said

"I'll pick you up at your mansion at around 6 alright?" he said kindly "we should get to know each other"

"Bull." Subin said

"neh umma, appa, I'll talk to you later" Junyoung called before his voice turned obnoxious "listen, I have to take you out"

"No you don't, take your own girlfriend out. I'm busy, I have plans for my mother's company" Subin said "just because we're engaged doesn't mean we have to act like it, it's all for business"

"Ara. Why do you still think I have a girlfriend" he laughed "well your parents know so I have to pick you up at 6"

"Drop me off at the coffee shop near my school and go" Subin sighed

"Where's your school?" Junyoung asked

"Yonsei" she said

"Alright. See you tomorrow honey" he smirked

"Call me that again and I will personally slit your throat" Subin said hanging up "Such a ...um where was I? Oh yeah, thanks for today. It wasn't as bad as I perceived it to be"

"Y-you're welcome" the boys stuttered, amazed at her attitude change.

"I really should go." Subin said giving a quick wave before she left the agency.

A/N Don't you guys just hate Koreaboos? Like for the love of God, fakers to the left, haters to the right, pick a door and gtfo. Please. Well I'm finally in the East Coast. I was supposed to be here at 5:30 pm but yano, delays and and I end up at my cousin's house at about 2 am. Now excuse me while I go and watch ASC with MarkSon. <3

K-pop slays me.
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Chapter 28: They are so cute! They went so much trouble,, but in the end. It's still a happy ending
jivisha28 #2
mark so cute
Linebae_93 #3
so excited to read it
Angelz0715 #4
Chapter 30: Amazing story ^^
Jae_yoomi #5
Chapter 2: author-nim,it is sponsored not endorsed,endorsed means the person is the model for the brand.
sweetypiee #6
Chapter 22: Omg his father sure is sassy~ HAHAAHHA but too bad I don't have Twitter... Too lazy to make one too...
14 streak #7
Chapter 30: I had a great time reading this story. It's time for me to read the sequel!
Chapter 19: Xiuhan just makes me go crazy sometimes.
xxEXATOxx #9
Chapter 9: You put subins and marks wedding instead of subin and junyoung. Just thought o'd tell you lol. Good story though! Loving it so farr~
Omgxprincessmegan #10
Chapter 29: This story was amazing! Loved it(: