#4 Not one-side love

About Love
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Amber love music. She like sing,composing a song and buying CD. That her new hoby is 'buying CD', because what ?? She likes a girl working in a CD shop very much, but she is too coward to tell her about her feeling. So everyday, amber always come to the CD shop and buy 1 CD each day just talk to her. She know that the girl name is Krystal.


A week passed, amber always come to the CD shop, talking with her, but still didn't have a courage to confess. After a month, amber didn't come again. Never come again. Krystal start wondering, why amber suddenly stop coming, where is amber.


After search from the data costumer, krystal get the address And come to amber house. Amber mom welcoming her with a surprise face, and suddenly hug krystal start sobbing, then took her to amber room, krystal saw all the CD's unopened, she cried and cried.




When amber mom hug krystal, she whispering "Amber had a cancer, she just had one month to live, she spend that time to come meet you. And now, amber is died"


Krystal cried a lot, because she had kept her own love letter inside the CD packs that amber always buy...


Krystal also love amber, amber didn't have one-side love. But god give them only one month :')


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gee_mel #1
Chapter 4: Your story is great, you make me feel sad T.T
Chapter 1: I shd nt have read this. Just read a sad story and now another one.... tears welling up. Author can we have a happy or cheesyber story to spice thing up?
Chapter 4: Are you malaysian??
KBwayback #4
Chapter 4: longer story please :'(
randrew1215 #5
Chapter 3: Ahhhh sooo sad°.°
taetal #6
Chapter 3: Oh my god! So sad T.T
iwamaya #7
Chapter 3: Aaaahhhh author so sad :(
Chapter 1: really a great and sad story
I fell the love from them I did knew something wasn't right with Krystal when she start to makke the challenge but I didn't expected her to die >__<
you make me cry while reading
really good job
hope you'll continue to write more beautifull fics^^
PaulinaNP1123 #9
Chapter 1: i'm crying TT TT