
Yoongi stared at the almost crippled man standing in front of him, looking at him through tear-filled eyes; he didn’t know how to react. His father finally decided to loosen his grip on him, before clearing his throat once and said, with his almost breaking voice, ‘welcome back, son.’  He felt as though his chest was pierced into millions of pieces with sharp edged knives; and he had a burning desire to ask his father lots of questions – but he couldn’t open his mouth. He couldn’t find a way to even talk to his father, not after seeing him so abruptly like this.

His father seemed to know what he was thinking, and forced a smile onto his face, with his eyes b with tears that threatened to spill any second, with a bright red nose; he patted his son on the shoulder a few times, hard, shaking his head and consoling him, ‘it’s okay, son… it’s alright. I understand, I don’t blame you for what you’ve done the last time…’.

He felt anxious, and scared, and disappointed all at the same time. It was like someone unleashed all his inner feelings and emotions and he couldn’t find a way to conceal them from the world now. Why am I being like this? Why can’t I talk? Where’s Jimin…? Why is he not here to welcome me back? All the question marks he had to find out for himself, and he didn’t even know if there was an appropriate answer for them. Yoongi felt like his head was going to explode, and before he could do anything he dropped onto the floor, eyes closing and not moving any inch anymore.



Yoongi woke up in his bed, startled by the hushed movements near him. He had felt a presence near him while he was asleep, and the more time passed the more he felt uncomfortable with that unknown person who was with him while he was unconscious. Dad? What if it was someone who wanted to hurt me? Or maybe it was …

Jimin. Yoongi opened his eyes at last, and caught Jimin, with huge eyes, a cool towel in his hands, staring back at him. Obviously he hasn’t planned on Yoongi waking up this sudden, and before he could say anything he felt the older boy wrap his arms around his neck weakly, with his breaths increasing speed drastically, with his sweat dripping onto his shirt; and all Jimin could do at that moment was to put his slightly muscular arms around Yoongi as well.

After what felt like an eternity, Yoongi finally had the strength and heart to release himself from Jimin’s half-assed hug; and he patted Jimin’s hands when all he wanted to was to intertwine their fingers together and never let go of him ever again. This time, he asked all the questions he had always kept within himself ever since he went to the Home, because even though he wanted to ask about Jimin, he never visits, and he never had mail addressed to him by Jimin.

‘Where were you? Didn’t you miss me…? …… I honestly – I, Jimin… I was wondering where you were all these while, I was so worried you’d get into any harm, are you still schooling… Why didn’t you visit me at all?’ Yoongi nearly whispered a faint ‘I love you’, but stopped himself in time. He didn’t want things to get even more awkward with his lover. They didn’t mention anything about breaking up in the past at all, but they didn’t look like a normal couple this instance.

Jimin opened his mouth a little, letting out a soft sigh and Yoongi’s shoulders dropped. Maybe Jimin was about to answer things I didn’t wanna hear, maybe Jimin had a new lover, maybe Jimin like girls instead of boys – instead of me; maybe Jimin wants to finally say he’s really given up any slim hopes of us

‘Hyung,’ Jimin broke into a whisper; his voice trembling a little and he found courage to look into Yoongi’s eyes that were filled with hope and sadness at the same time. He held both of his hands together firmly, giving himself the strength to answer all of Yoongi’s questions.

‘Hyung, I missed you a lot.’ Yoongi broke down silently after hearing these words – he wanted Jimin to shake him, tell him it’s real, tell him that he really did miss him while he was locked up, but he’d rather not interrupt him speaking.

‘Please … C-Call me … Yoongi,’

‘Yoongi,’ Jimin looked at his pale face, his slim posture, and wished Yoongi would look at him while he answered. ‘I couldn’t find you because no one knew where you were locked up at; my dad wouldn’t let me locate you as well because he still opposes the idea of us being in love, being together; I am still schooling. I got into a college early this month, if you wanna join me you can take their test and if you pass they’ll give you a place in my class…,’ Jimin chuckles slightly, ‘But I am here now, and if you’d let me we could still – yknow – be friends.’


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Chapter 4: This is pretty nice. I actually like the depressing-ness in this story so far. Thanks for the update, fighting! ^^ ♥
Sungjong_infinite #2
Chapter 4: Omg why why why is this so sad this is depressing
Sungjong_infinite #3
Chapter 3: I cant wait for the next chapter update soon buing buing ~
Sungjong_infinite #4
Chapter 3: Omg awwwwww that was so cute this was the best chapter thanks for updating omg thanks a lot
Huuuwwwaaaa asdfghjkl!@#$/^ /flip tables/
Chapter 2: OMG ;A; FRIENDS? AKFJKFIGAK... please update soon or i'll cry! <\3
Chapter 2: friends ;_;
Sungjong_infinite #8
Chapter 2: Omg thanks for updating but omg they have to be togther i mean more than friends
Sungjong_infinite #9
Chapter 1: Update soon please ^.^
minsyubssi #10
Chapter 1: i love it! angst yoonmin is always nice to read. update soon ^^*